
Red flush

"Hey, did you see the latest report from Bonny?"

"What the one with the Bree family?"

"No, not that one you lemon. How the hell did you miss it? I'm talking about the one with the Graylash family."

[A new user has entered the chat.]

"Ah, I was waiting to see it, not everyone has no life checking out these things all the time you know?"

"We're in the middle of a civil war, us non fighters have to keep on top of things. Anyway, basically they said this Cursed faction is going to be the one that becomes part of the big three."

"You really believe that, why would Owen give a no name faction like that as his answer?"

[A new user has entered the chat.]

"The Cursed faction, that name is kinda lame, but doesn't that remind you of something? Were any of you guys at the inter base tournament last year? There was a kid who called himself the Cursed child. "