
My System's Useless in the Shinobi World

Thy, the Primordial Daoist Ancestor, Embodiment of all Daos, has produced a new daibolical art tracing to the anals of chaos. For all Daoist who seek Enlightenment and a great adventure. As we follow the journey of a unfortunate soul that is plunged into countless problems as he dies. When normal souls enjoy rest, he enjoys....errr... misfortune. .............. Beta."Gahhh another shitty Naruto fanfic. I'm tired of this shit. Author:" You dare insult this Ancestor, junior?" Beta:" Shut up, just another old man that has exceeded his expiry date" Author" (flies into rage) Your courting death Beta:" What? Prove me wrong, isn't just a bitch who got into Naruto world and secretly amass power so he could fuck Kaguya?" Author:"....."??? Beta:" You see." Author:" Just try it, trust this senior it's actually good" Beta:" Shut up... fraudulent cunning shit" Author:* Looses his patience and erases Beta *" Hakai.....it's like some people have forgotten who I am!!!" .............. Chad: ( who saw the erasure of his friend) " Oh! Honourable Ancestor. this humble soul is already enlightened In the midst of your presence. Please guide this soul in this forbidden scripture." Author:" Oooh an interesting Junior" (waves his sleave) Take my blessings young one

Primaldao · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs


The Uchiha were exceptionally quick to mobilize all their forces and resources! Countless kunai's and explosive papers, smoke bombs, shuriken and massive demon shurikens. The massive amounts of paper bombs gathered made one squint his eyes in terror! Only Konan could compare with such a massive reserve!

Naturally, as a Primordial clan alongside the Senju, the arsenal gathered from ancient times were staggering! Just the wealth of the whole clan easily surpassed Ten Billion Ryo, not to talk about their other material assets! Truly a great clan!

Due to Akihiko's presence, the timeline keeps shifting ever so slighty! The butterfly phenomena states that just a flap of the burterfly wings could potentially cause a hurricane at the other end of thw World! {A/N: It's a lie, Im not even sure abt this, and I'm to lazy to confirm, but you get the picture.}

In the original timeline, Shishui had time to write a suicide letter to temporary placate the Uchiha's and apart from that, Fugaku went to receive a response from the Hokage! And Hiruzen placated the Uchiha and even offered remunitions and promised to give them a suitable explanation after a thorough investigation!

Due to Fugaku's actions, the Uchiha's relaxed their guard that very night, with people even drinking booze! However that was the very same night Konoha stuck mercilessly, catching them off guard with no chance to prepare! However this time…..

With a massive mobilization of the Uchiha ninja's a preliminary result was obtained by Uchiha Setsuna!! 1230 Ninja's! 120 capable non-ninja's, 800 Genin's, 280 Chunin, and 230 Jonin! Some were Special Jonin, some were normal Jonin while the number of elite Jonin reached a staggering 70! A terrifying force indeed!

Even with the vast amount of Genin it is not guaranteed that these Genin, indeed have the Sharingan! Its not easy to awaken the Sharingan after all! However overall, the combat potential of the Uchiha clan is unrivalled!

Uchiha Setsuna immediately allowed the various Jonin to share all the Ninja weapons and paper bombs to every clan member! A minimum of 500 paper bombs were placed on one person! Setsuna's insidious idea was to give over a thousand paper bombs to the weak! When killed, these bombs will definitely surprise a lot of people!

After over 20 minutes of preparation, a neat army formation was made with everyone standing upright!

"We go to the death with Konoha, since they want to eliminate us, they have go over our dead bodies. That is…..assuming they really could! For every one death we take 10 with us. For every one death we take a hundred from them. Lets wash Konoha with blood!"


An emergency summons was held immediately after Itachi handed the information of Uchiha's attack on Konoha! However contrary to the Hokage's expectation, no Clan head attended the meeting! Even their allies the Ino-Shika-Cho didn't respond!

Hiruzen's expression turned grim! Things had spiralled out of control! Danzō!!! You fool! Look at what you've done! Hiruzen punched the Hokage table to shreds in a fit of rage!

The ANBU who guarded the Hokage Building were surprised! This was the first time the Hokage had become angry! In-fact no one knew the weight and disaster Danzo really caused! With the Uchiha's warning to the other Ninja-clans, they too figured out that if the Elders could truly eliminate the creators of Konoha, how were they special in any way? Soon, it will be their turn, therefore its better to keep to themselves, secretely amass power and strike a decisive blow!

This is not even all there is to it! A war with a fully armed Uchiha clan will lead to massive disaster, a civil unrest will undoubtedly follow! Konoha's finance will be affected by the loss of trust with other Ninja's and commoners. The Daimyo will become furious and abort any cooperation with Konoha!

The other Great Villages who sense the situation will turn into hungry wolves seeking to devour the sheep! It is estimated that in just 6 months, Konoha would be utterly destroyed!

Hiruzen who came to this shocking conclusion punched the wall in frustration, destroying the wall in the process, exposing the whole tranquil village destined to bbe thrown into chaos!

Of course the cause of all this, Danzō will not show his face at all! He will only appear after the problem is solved! Therefore Hiruzen couldn't find a way to extinguish his anger.

"Send my order! Mobilize all forces available and prepare for war! Also mobilize 5 thousand Shinobi from the Shimura clan, Sarutobi clan, Utatane and Mitokado clan. We annihilate the Uchiha clan!" Hiruzen ordered in a deep voice! Even if, all these could happen, its not impossible to stop it so far as he played his cards well.

The ANBU were startled, however they reacted quickly, hurriedly vanishing in the shadows!

No matter how calculative Hiruzen was, he might never expect what was going to come his way….


On a secluded spot, Uchiha Setsuna arrived stealthily in the shadows! Raising his head, an errier red glow briefly scanned the surroundings before returning to normal!

"Kekekeke Uchiha-san, I didn't expect a once proud clan like yours to request illegal help from us Rogue-nin!" A mocking laughter arose from a dark alley as 3 figures slowly approached Uchiha Setsuna!

"Spare me the charade! What is Pride in front of death?!" Uchiha Setsuna asked rhetorically with a scoff!

"True. Well Spoken! An enemies desperate struggle could really bring out a qualitative change!" The third speaker an old man, with white hair and a long face spoke up! This is the famous missing-nin Hiruko! He had a heavily emanciated look, the whites of his eyes inverted, and his stitched patterned mouth looks like those found on ragdolls!

"Hand the money and we'll procede according to plan!" A raspy voice echoed as the last speaker said with impatience! Walking into light, the faces of the hidden Ninja's were exposed!


Kakazu, Hidan, And Hiruko!

Kakazu, an S-rank missing-nin from Takigakure and a member of Akatsuki! With tan skin, long dark-brow hair and an unusual green iris, Hidan stood tall. His blackcoloured mask covered his lower face and a powerful murderous intent radiated from him!

Uchiha Setsuna didn't wish to engage with these Rogue-nin for long, therefore he quickly removed a storage scroll and handed it over. Kakazu collected the scroll carefully with intense greed, and desire in his eyes! They literally shone in the night! Truly a lover of money!

This storage scroll contained one billion ryo in cash! The only reason Setsuna was able to invite these Rogue ninja's was because of this money!!

It must be said that the insight Uchiha Setsuna had was almost unparallel! After the news of Shishui's death reached his ears, he immediately contacted the Akatsuki and requested aid in their suicide mission! In fact, both Pain and Madara didn't want something like this!

The reason were simple! Firstly, Pain didn't want the public to lable them as wanted so early! He knew the power of numbers even as a self-proclaimed God! If the Akatsuki were hunted down, only 3 members could confidently escape, all the others may die! Therefore, he didn't want any mistake in their plans!

Obito didn't want to assist the Uchiha clan at all, because the elimination of the Uchiha was his original goal in the first place! However after hearing the price of a billion for a suicide mission, Kakazu didn't care about their opinion and readily agreed!

Even they, were tempted by this commission. Besides, why have they been toiling around the Ninja world and accepting various missions? It was for the funds that were needed! Therefore it will be utterly foolish not to accept a pie that fell from the sky because of pride or fear. Only those with the confidence to act could really rise! Times where changing, therefore, they had to change fast as well!

Therefore, Kakazu, Hiruko and Hidan where taken directly to Konoha by Obito! Therfore, Konoha graced the presence of 4 Akatsuki members!

As for Hiruko….he was captured by Obito few days ago! Obito then sent him to the Akatsuki base, over there he suffered all kinds of beating. As all Akatsuki members went a few round with him! He despairingly realized that he was the weakest of all the current members! Therefore his resolve for the Chimera technique increased exponentially! After hearing the proposition set by Uchiha Setsuna, he didn't hesitate to follow the Zombie Duo so that he could get his hands on the Sharingan!

Sarutobi Hiruzen could have never imagined that things had already reached such a level! He underestimated the Uchiha and this will be his downfall!

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Uchiha Setsuna once again vanished as he rushed to a certain direction! Time was not on his side, therefore he needed to speed up his plans!

Entering a public pub, Uchiha Setsuna sat at the table before pushing another scroll to the side! In that instant, the scroll disappeared! Uchiha Setsuna was calm despite what unfolded in his front!

"Spread the news to the whole Ninja World! The Hokage and it's Elder's have repeatedly targeted the Uchiha and have finally showed their true colours by annihilating them in their own property! However, the Uchiha fought to the end with the Corrupt Quartets clans till dawn!"

"Heh! You sure are shameless, where did your apparent arrogance disappear to eeeh Setsuna-san?!" A creepy laugh resounded from the empty pub as the voice ridiculed.

In the face of the insult, Setsuna didn't show any emotion at all.

"Tch. Very boring!" Receiving no response from the Elder, the voice snorted in displeasure before falling silent.

After a while of mutual silence, the voice spoke up again."Deal!"

Uchiha Setsuna stood up before promptly vanishing from sight!

He mistakenly found out about a very well hidden organization, even more hidden than the Akatsuki, at this pub! After repeated investigations, he was almost assassinated by this very organization, even though he was an Elder of the Uchiha clan! It showed the vast means of this organization!

After a while, he was able to converse with an official in the organization, paid money to redeem himself and gain favour with them.

From then on, he was able to initiate deals and missions with them, much like Akatsuki. This time he gave 200million Ryo to spread this news! And he also placed a kill order for countless Jonin from the 4 clans! He will personally make Hiruzen cough out blood! He could not die without staining Danzo and Hiruzen's name throughout the Ninja World!

As for the name of this mysterious organization…..



{Author san is here!! I'd be posting 2 chapters today since our PS is at 50😭 That's a lie though, I'm just happy today so share more happiness as you throw in more PS. If you see any plot holes then tell me quickly so I can think about it heheh}