
Chapter 12 He Really is a Promising Veterinarian


"Canine Parvovirus?"

Teacher's wife was quite surprised to hear the pet doctor say the term.

Little DouDou's pupils shook even more, lifting her head to look at Mommy who was holding her hand.

Although she did not know what Canine Parvovirus was, it sounded very tiny... very small, and Doggie had thrown up a few times recently. It must be because he couldn't eat, that's why it's so tiny and so small!

"Yes, the symptoms are very clear," the doctor nodded, smiling reassuringly. "Although Xiao Bai's condition is a bit serious, it's nothing as long as it's been discovered. This is going to be a prolonged battle; we'll need to fight this long-term. Just follow the medical advice carefully, and the chances of recovery are very high. No, I should say that, with Canine Parvovirus, as long as the dog is not on the verge of death, I've basically cured them all."

"I see..." Teacher's wife was somewhat relieved, petting Little DouDou's head and cooing softly, "Don't worry DouDou, we'll treat him properly, we must save Xiao Bai."

"Yes! We must save Xiao Bai."

With both hands on Xiao Bai, DouDou's eyes became resolute.

Xiao Bai, lying listlessly on the table, also weakly raised his neck and whimpered.

"Um, may I ask, if Xiao Bai hadn't been brought in, would he have had a chance of self-healing?" Teacher's wife asked, puzzled.

"There is a chance, but it's slim," the vet stated bluntly.

"Then, how many days would Xiao Bai have to live?"

"Mommy, will Xiao Bai die?!"

DouDou reacted just like a typical child, latching onto a few key words from someone else's speech and then instantly being overcome with fear, with tears welling up in her eyes again.

"It's okay, what Mommy meant was, what would have happened to Xiao Bai if Brother Chen Yuan hadn't told us."

"With this kind of Canine Parvovirus, it's generally five to six days. If the dog develops myocarditis due to the Canine Parvovirus, acute sudden death may occur." As the vet fondled Xiao Bai's dog head, he estimated, "If it were two days later, it might have really been too late."

"Whew, I'm glad I didn't listen to my husband," said Teacher's wife, placing her hand on her chest and sighing in relief. "Little Chen is indeed a promising future vet."

"Did Brother Chen Yuan save Xiao Bai?" DouDou asked with joy.

"Yes, if it weren't for Brother Chen Yuan, DouDou would never see Xiao Bai again."

"Can we have Xiao Bai recognize Brother Chen Yuan as his brother then?"

"That... would depend on whether Brother Chen Yuan is willing."


"Teacher Mo, the list of Special Assistants needs to be handed in, by the end of school today," Team leader Zhang Bin came up to Lao Mo, urging him.

Special Assistants, an invention of one of No. 11 High School's vice principals in charge of educational research, was a patchwork of systems from various prestigious schools, implemented in No. 11 High School, which increased the First-tier University rate by a full four percentage points. Consequently, that vice principal took over from the retired principal and was promoted to principal.

Special Assistants in No. 11 High School differ from underprivileged students; they refer to students in the class who rank mid-field in terms of academic performance, with significant fluctuations, or in other words, with great potential to sprint for top universities, who are given special treatment.

After being listed as a Special Assistant, the head teacher and teachers of each subject will provide more support.

Each class has a different number of Special Assistants, after all, Class 1 has a one hundred percent First-tier University rate, and a ninety-five percent rate of qualifying for 985 Project Schools, so the Special Assistants in Class 1 are mainly those extreme Study Monsters.

The current class-wide No.19 Straight-A Student is a Special Assistant.

In the last exam, he scored full marks in Math, 288 in Science, 114 in Chinese, and 83 in English. What stands out is that he's the darling of the Math teacher, the pride of the Science teacher, the complete stranger to the Chinese teacher, and the cause of the English teacher's silent indignation.

Such a candidate, stable for 985 Project Schools and aiming for Ji University and Huaqing University, would be a Special Assistant in Class 1.

However, the situation is different for class 18, whose Special Assistants naturally have different criteria.

Class 18 has five Special Assistants on its list.

From now on, these individuals will be cultivated with focus, and if some of them make significant progress and their performance becomes stable, they can be "delisted" from the Special Assistants, and the quota will move on to the next person.

If there's a Special Assistant who turns out to be unhelpable, the position will be canceled.

For now, Lao Mo has listed four on the Special Assistants list.

The first is the only girl in the class to reach the top hundred, Tang Siwen.

Her last score was 611, ranking eighty-eighth in the entire school.

Her performance has always been stable in the class, and theoretically, she should have been transferred to Class 2, a sub-elite class. But because she didn't perform well in the transfer exam and didn't reach the required score, she remained in Class 18 as the top student.

Her scores across subjects are balanced, and she doesn't have much potential for improvement, but Teacher Mo needs to retain this spark in the weaker class.

At least one student from Class 18 must make it into a 985 Project School.


This was his all-in strategy.

No problem.

The second one, Zhang Chao, the class president, had some serious partiality in subjects, with physics and math dragging him down. Although it's unclear why he chose to study science, since there's still room for improvement, the goal for him is to break into the top 200 with a score of more than 580 points.

And that only requires him to improve by thirty points, which isn't too hard.

This candidate is fine.

Han Fei, Secretary Han's niece.

Zhao Yiming, Teacher Zhou's nephew.

No problem.

So that leaves only one more spot.

And this one is really troublesome for Teacher Mo.

Tang Siwen, the ganoderma that grew out of the dung.

Zhang Chao, the spores that formed beside the ganoderma.

What's left is the dung itself.

So difficult, how can one find a piece of high-quality dung within a pile of it!

Teacher Mo, usually decisive in killing and cutting, now found himself in a dilemma.

Choose from the mid-field students then.

"He Sijiao... dung."

"Zhou Yu, the maggot in the dung."

"Chen Yuan..."

Comparing him to dung isn't quite appropriate, because dung that has the characteristics of being tasteless to eat yet a pity to discard is really troublesome.

Essentially, people don't want to eat dung.

Moreover, there are too many mid-range students like Chen Yuan who are partial in subjects and don't have any special traits. What's the point of choosing him?

For his early romance?

For his slick talk?

While he was wrestling with these thoughts, his phone rang.

It was his wife, Che Shujun.

"I'm at work, what's up?" Teacher Mo asked.

"Xiao Bai has contracted Canine Parvovirus, I need to take him to the vet these next few days, you should go eat at Mommy's place recently."

"Canine Parvovirus?" Teacher Mo frowned, "Is it really sick?"

"You're still asking? If we were any later, it would have been hopeless."


"Daddy! Daddy! Let Xiao Bai treat Brother Chen Yuan as his brother!"

The innocent and bubbly voice of his daughter came through, causing Teacher Mo's frown to deepen.

"Daddy knows. Dou Dou should listen to Mommy well..."

"Teacher Mo." Just like someone forcefully turning Teacher Mo's face towards her, even though it was through the phone, Che Shujun exerted a compelling pressure, "Remember to thank Chen Yuan, okay?"

"He is my stud..."

"Don't disrespect him just because he's your student."

"Alright, alright, got it."

Teacher Mo hung up the phone with displeasure, feeling quite conflicted.

Staring at Chen Yuan, the piece of chicken rib that was tasteless to eat but a pity to discard, he took a pen and casually wrote down the name on the list of Special Assistants.

"Team leader Zhang, I'm submitting the material."