
Chapter 13: I spent the afternoon making these dishes

Translator: 549690339

Tense days passed in a mundane manner.

These days, Chen Yuan, with his ability to see countdown timers of lifespans, only managed to save a dog and half a human.

It was strange, all those start-point urban novels he had read had protagonists who, after using their golden fingers, would reap rich benefits, one linking to the next, either making money, expanding their social networks, or pursuing the eternal theme of internet novels—collecting girls.

And himself? He just bought a special-price Boston lobster and ended up sharing half of it with someone else.

He revived the head teacher's beloved daughter's dog, but didn't even receive a simple "You're not bad, kid" as thanks... Dumbass Lao Mo!

As for the girls...

"Today, this is probably her last supper."

After school on Friday, Chen Yuan stood downstairs of the old apartment for a while, not daring to go upstairs.

Xia Xinyu was in a state of vague indifference in her heart.

But what about himself?

To be honest, he was even harboring a slightly wicked thought at the moment.

Of course, it wasn't about taking advantage of the situation.

Those who talk about taking advantage should be exiled to Ninggu tower.

Instead, since he couldn't avoid her death, why should he bear this psychological shadow?

During her lifetime, he indeed enjoyed several days of blessings from Xia Xinyu, not even a penny of bridewealth spent, while she cooked him several meals, and she even washed all his clothes except for his underwear.

She even hand-washed items like socks.

After witnessing the scene where pegs were needed to secure the drying laundry, lest it be blown away by the wind, Chen Yuan's worldview, that washed and dried socks would be as stiff and edgy as salty fish, was completely shattered.

Even desk mate He Sijiao said, "How come you seem to have become more tidy lately, has your mom come to take care of you?"

He wanted a girlfriend who would call him Daddy, but instead, he got a young mother.

As he was standing downstairs with a complex mood, a WeChat message came through.

Xia Xinyu: Why aren't you coming upstairs?

Since they had been communicating quite a bit these days, he had added her on WeChat.

"..." Chen Yuan slowly lifted his head, and at that moment, a single ponytailed girl standing next to the kitchen balcony was curiously staring at him.

His own balcony, nonetheless.

If the story had unfolded with him passing by the balcony and getting hit on the head by Xia Xinyu's clothes rod, filled with anger as he prepared to demand compensation, and then he saw that charming girl, perhaps the tone of the story wouldn't have been so oppressive.

Chen Yuan raised his hand slightly to wave at Xia Xinyu and walked into the apartment.

When he reached the fifth floor, Xia Xinyu had already opened the door and was standing at the entrance: "I just finished cooking, you came back right on time."


Xia Xinyu's opening greeting had already started a conversation; he could casually mention something about the company (school), and the conversation could continue from there.

But his single "Yeah" cut off any further dialogue.

Even though he said it with a smile, Xia Xinyu clearly noticed that Chen Yuan was somewhat absent-minded.

He couldn't possibly have guessed that she was planning to commit suicide after cooking him dinner today, could he?

Was it that obvious?

Or perhaps, it was just impossible to gloss over.

Indeed, after that day when he saved her from the sealed toxic gas chamber, he hadn't broached the subject of suicide once, and she had never explained it from start to finish, as if the incident had never happened.

The real issue still lingered, attempting to gloss over it with an aversion to touching the wound—of course, that wouldn't simply pass.

He... must have noticed something.

"Today, I bought some wine, but not beer... just two bottles of fruit wine with a very low alcohol content. Want to try some?"

With a bottle of Rio in each hand held beside her cheeks, Xia Xinyu tried to liven up the atmosphere a bit.

"Sure, I'll take a small sip."

Chen Yuan still replied simply, then sat down at the table.

On the dining table, the dishes included salt and pepper shrimp, sweet and sour ribs, tomato scrambled eggs, hot and sour shredded potatoes, and a bowl of chicken in pig's stomach, which even after skimming off the fat, still had a golden color that looked particularly nourishing and stomach-fortifying, permeated with the aroma of medicinal herbs.

Although the portions of the dishes weren't large, they were more than enough for two people.

And, they were all very substantial dishes.

"Why didn't you accept the transfer I sent you on WeChat?" Chen Yuan mentioned the hard-earned hundred yuan he'd sent for the groceries, which she never accepted, yet she still managed to perfectly prepare this spread of dishes.

This girl must have given her all in treating him to this meal.

"I already said this time the meal is on me, no need to be polite." Xia Xinyu insisted seriously, "I've eaten at your expense so many times... I can't let you overspend again."

Boston lobster, eel beef steak rice, three jin of middle pork ribs—Chen Yuan had indulged in all these pricey treats he'd been craving over the week.

He wasn't the child of a wealthy family, so making him pay for the last meal would be too stingy.

Xia Xinyu still had 165.6 yuan of living expenses left, which she didn't receive monthly but asked her parents for when she ran out; And thinking she was going to die soon, she even withdrew the money she'd collected from red packets in QQ.

Originally after picking the first four dishes and still having over a hundred left, there seemed to be plenty to spare, but that half of a native chicken and nearly half a jin of pig's stomach almost bankrupted her in the end.

It's fine, it's fine.

When she's dead, this money will never enter the market anyway, and then it would be wasted.

She had considered transferring the little money she had left to someone else before dying...

But wouldn't that leave the other person with a lifelong shadow?

"Well then, thanks a lot, huh."

Since Chen Yuan didn't insist on paying, she didn't push further and just lowered her head, picking up her chopsticks to start eating.

He seemed to be in a bad mood today...

Although he kept smiling and his tone was gentle.

But from what she'd learned over the past few days, Xia Xinyu knew Chen Yuan's usual demeanor involved wearing a world-weary face, having a high bar for humor, speaking with a hint of slyness in his voice, and talking with a sort of careless banter...

It wasn't that this polite, courteous, friendly behavior was wrong, it just seemed odd on him.

As she stealthily peeked at him, Xia Xinyu meekly opened a can of champagne flavor Rio, placed it beside him, and continued observing in secret.

"Thank you."

Chen Yuan thanked her again, then continued to quietly eat his food and drink the cocktail.

It might be a bit rude to say this, but Xia Xinyu truly felt that this expression, one suggesting equal disdain for everyone, typically belonged to a boy who, under normal circumstances, wouldn't say 'thank you' more than three times in a year.

And in these few short minutes... twice?

"How's the taste of the dishes?" Tilted her head, Xia Xinyu asked curiously.

"Delicious, delicious." Chen Yuan nodded, then picked up a salt and pepper shrimp that had been split open along its back with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth, only to turn around puzzled and ask her, "Why aren't you eating?"

"...Yeah, I'll eat."

Forcing a smile, Xia Xinyu opened her can of peach hypericum flower flavor Rio, clinked it against Chen Yuan's can and they both took a sip, then the two of them bowed their heads and ate in unison.

Chen Yuan personally served Xia Xinyu a bowl of chicken in pig's stomach soup, and she, in turn, picked out the best piece of sweet and sour ribs for him.

The two of them thus quietly and harmoniously shared this sumptuous meal.

Until Xia Xinyu suddenly stood up, placed her hands on the small wooden table, and said with utmost seriousness, "Come on, I spent the whole afternoon cooking these dishes, and is that all the reaction I get?"

With the slowness of an otter, Chen Yuan lifted his head, revealing clear eyes: "What?"

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