
Chapter 96: Family Dinner

Kat PoV

"When's dinner?"

Hearing Jahi ask that while she ogled my body, I just sighed, dragging a chemise over myself before walking past her.

Her hand landed on me, making me look at her dryly, before continuing back into the kitchen.

The blue Demoness dragged the Jackalkin onto the couch, lounging as she looked towards me, a small grin on her lips as she watched me.

Kneading the seasoning into the strips of beef, I glanced over my shoulder at Jahi and Anput, asking "So, what happened outside that resulted in... that?"

We both turned our gazes towards the unusually shy Jackalkin, who clung closer to Jahi, her ears twitching.

Chuckling, Jahi stroked the back of Anput's head, her eyes gentle as she said "Nothing much, just... got a little hungry~"

I shook my head, turning back to the beef as I laid them onto the pan, igniting the fire crystal underneath it.