
Chapter 802: Host of Demons

Taking a good, long look at the serious face of Satanya, I nodded and turned to look at the other Demons as well, wanting to see their reactions to their leaders words, wondering what they thought of this sudden pledge of their allegiance to me.

However, as I turned and looked over each and every member of the Demons gathered from the Beliali and Cimeriesa Clans, I was met with only determined and accepting gazes, each of them nodding to me as they showed their agreement to Satanya's words.

Of course... Ammit made her opinion known verbally, the previous serious atmosphere broken by her words as she said "Satanya said this was a good way to repay you. Display gratitude. Thanks. Of course, it also is in our own interests as well. Cultivate a relationship with the Scion of Asmodia. Perhaps more. Something romantic, perhaps?"