
Chapter 366: Day in Nevrokopi

Shaking the pitiful thoughts from my mind, I sorted through my items and laid them out, running over the plan for each when tomorrow came around.

The blades would be sold, likely to different vendors, and I would use that coin to purchase the remaining supplies I needed, but I would also like to retain some of my coin so that I could buy things in the Wekalian Steppes when I reach it.

I could always use some more foodstuffs, some herbs, an extra set of flint, maybe some more rope, some other potions if need be...

I'd rather be over prepared for this journey than under prepared, as it sounded much like this forest was filled with dangerous people and perilous monsters.

If the people of the Nevrokopi State viewed it as somewhere to not go lightly, then I could imagine that it was at least a place where I would need caution going forwards alone.