
Chapter 352: Indulging

Kat PoV

Looking down at the mans corpse, I pondered my options for a few moments before shrugging, cleaning off my blade and sheathing it before rifling through his pockets, looting whatever valuable items he had.

Setting them off to the side, I looted the corpse and created a small pile of items that I considered worthwhile.

His pouch of coins, amounting to 2 Gold, 68 Silvers, and a spattering of Coppers, was swiftly added to my own pouch, making me grin.

Maybe they were adventurers fresh from the other danger zones inside of Nevrokopi State?

Either way, I looked down at his rather simple sword and nodded to myself again, knowing I could turn a good profit from enchanting it with some simple spells, before focusing on the other small valuables.

A ring made from gold, a gold pendant hanging on a silver chain, a pouch filled with some kind of herb - likely a drug of some kind - and a thin stiletto blade concealed in his boot.