
Chapter 337: Supplies For a Long Journey

Kat PoV

Taking a deep breath, I looked down at the table laden with items, before turning to see the few measly Silvers that I managed to retain after spending almost everything.

The former, almost broke woman inside me wanted to cry out at the sight of so much money being spent in a single day, but I knew that now was not the time to be pinching every single last Copper that I had; whatever I needed, I needed to buy now.

Which, I did... even as my heart bled at the amount of coin spent...

Sighing, I picked up the map and unfurled it once again, deciding to take the time to study it for just a little longer as I took stock of my newly purchased supplies.

The first leg of the journey - from here to the tip of Nevrokopi State - will be a straight shot up the road that connected the entirety of the State together, so I don't need much for that segment.