
Chapter 259: Caution

Kat PoV

We all frowned at Adelina as she said "The House who purchased the Legion's contract was the Sariel's..."

I studied her facial features and eyes as she said that, and I narrowed my own eyes as I saw a hint of guilt and hesitation in those pale golden orbs.

Glancing over at the others, I saw that each took that news just as I had; they were frowning and looking between one another, each of us communicating via our eyes.

Jahi and Anput were annoyed, while Nirinia and Leone were cautious, both glancing towards the entrance of the command tent with wary eyes.

"When was this?"

Hearing the sharp tone of Jahi, the commander sighed as she answered, her tired voice matching her weary features.

"The day that you arrived is when it was announced. The deal had been going through the process of being finalized for the last two weeks, but we received our equipment upfront..."