
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Training and a marriage party

After the titanium golem fiasco.. I started training Luna , Liam and Levi

We began by copper golems and they had it rough

*a scene where a copper golem is standing there unable to move and the three elves are staring it down*

Since copper is relatively ductile they managed to beat it with normal spells

But good luck pulling that off against a titanium or a tantalum golem…

So I wanted them to one shot-kill it

*Goes behind Luna*

Colt [speaking in a soft tone] : "Your aim is perfect… now make a water ball"

*a water ball is formed above Luna's hands*

Colt : "Good, now imagine the water being pressed onto itself… imagine the water ball getting smaller…"

*Luna's face turns red*

Why is she blushing?

Colt[still practically whispering in her ear] : "Press it harder, harder, yes, that's good… now shoot it at the golem"

*the water pierces the golem and the core and comes out of the other side*

Water at high pressures can cut copper, but this isn't an option against harder materials, we'll need to do water jet cutting and it's not an option here

But I can't believe she did it without knowing what pressure even is!!


* Liam and Levi stare in shock*

Luna [happy] : "It's because you're a good teacher, Colt"

Colt : "Believe me, that was all you!"

*Turns to Levi and Liam*

Colt : "Luna can explain it better than I can… now it's your turn"

And so it went… whether it's water or high speed projectiles, every golem was vanquished even the titanium golem

They actually came up with a good plan

Use fire magic to heat the golem's torso and make it softer and then blast it with earth magic.. however for a material such as titanium, the heat had to be intense, and they had to blast it many times

I then showed them that by heating a golem and cooling it rapidly by icing it… it becomes very brittle

Temperature extremes, won't work on titanium though

Seeing the toll it took on them, I now see why the wasteland continent is feared, and the golem wasn't even moving

By the time our training was done… they became much more powerful and me and Luna were few days away from turning 15…

The twins left so we could talk

Colt : "My work here is done… "

Luna : "The contract signing is in a few days…I have to ask… you could have anyone you want… why me?"

Colt [Looking into the distance] : "Because you're you… you accepted me.. with all my secrets… all my burdens… all my flaws… even my darkness ...no hesitation… you gave me back things that I thought I lost forever… because I love you… and I want to spend the rest of this life with you"

*Looks at Luna finds her face and ears red*

Colt [whispering in her ear] : "I love it when you blush like this…"

Colt : "It's a bit.. I don't know if it's early or late but… just for a while… let me take you on a date the likes of which was never seen in this world"

Luna [flustered] : "okay"

*Colt carries Luna like the princess she is*

Luna [surprised and flustered] : "What are you-"

Colt : "Prepare for a new view… one I always wanted to share with the one I love"


Wind magic

*Colt flies vertically like a rocket… Luna closes her eyes and clings harder*

Colt : "We're here"

*Luna opens her eyes to see a view of the world with the beautiful green main continent underneath and she looks around to see the ocean*

*Colt lets Luna stand in mid-air since "float" is used on her as well*

Luna [looks around in awe] : "It's beautiful"

Colt : "It is… not as much as you though"

*Luna looks at Colt , blushes*

*Colt puts his hand around her shoulder, pulls her close*

Colt : "See, Luna.. this the world we live in… it's beautiful…I'm so happy I was born into this world… it's much easier here… I can see the light… and the darkness so clearly… I love this world for that… but I love it even more because you're in it"

Luna [flustered and embarrassed] : "mmm-stop saying things like that… I'm dying here"

Colt [laughing] : "You're so cute right now"

Luna : "Come on.. stop"

Colt [laughs] : "Alright, so where would you like to sign it?"

Luna : "It's customary to sign the wedding contract in the house the couple will live in… and then they should throw a celebration…"

Colt: "Is that so…"

Luna : "By the way, you never told me where we'll live… I know travel won't be a problem because of your magic.. but still.."

Colt : "You'll see it in a few days"

Colt : "For now… let's take you home…"

I spent the next few days "atomic manipulating" every ingredient I needed into existence, I decided the feast will be seafood

Since no humans can live in the sea… obviously… most if not all sea creatures are mutated… for some reason they never attack humans in this world

Well , I mean imagine if a mutated shark were to attack… *shivers* I don't want to think about it…

So basically, I decided to cook a crab and shrimp each the size of a van

Since these creatures never surface… I had to dive underwater to get them… while compressing oxygen around my face and making sure water pressure doesn't harm me

Basically, I created a one man submarine

I don't know if anyone in this world had eaten seafood before… but when I tried it, it was more delicious than the seafood on earth… probably because of the mana infused in the creatures here

By the time I was done and thermally isolated the food … it was time to get our families


*Colt appears in front of his house to find Mark, Clarissa and Clarice ready to go*

Colt : "Uh… how long have you been waiting like this??"

Clarissa : "We saw something glowing outside… we rushed out to find you"

Mark : "Is this seriously your magic??"

Crap! I forgot I never told them about "gate" before… well… at this point of time it no longer matters

Colt : "Guilty as charged… and you'll find I can do a lot more than this"

Colt [points at the gate] : "if you please…"

*They reach Colt's house*

*The family stares in awe as they witness the castle, the flowers, the trees, and when they turn around at the sound of waves… they see the swimming pool and the ocean*

It may be night in the main continent but here.. the sun has just risen… I didn't pull an all-nighter like this for a long time…

Mark : "What's all this? Is it the king's palace?"

Clarissa : "I thought you were taking us to your home!"

*Loud rumbling noises*

Those are just the golems trying to break through my walls… good luck breaking through missile proof walls you idiots

Clarissa : "And what's this sound??"

Colt : "It's nothing to worry about…"

Since I can manipulate atoms at will I made these walls strong enough to take anything as well as adding layers of hexagonal shaped carbon atoms to absorb the shock

Still… I need to go deal with them… just because I made the walls… doesn't mean they'll last forever

Besides, this only happens about twice a year now… not that I mind the materials

Colt : "Father, keep Clarice away from that *points at the swimming pool* and give me a minute I'll be back with Luna and her family"


I finished off the golems


*Colt reaches Luna's house*

*He finds that they are coming out on their own*

Well, they must be excited

*Luna and Colt go hand in hand and the rest follow*

*After crossing*

Colt : "Take it all in , Luna, because here is where you'll live from now on…"

Everyone [in shock] : "NO WAY !!"

*Colt laughs his heart out*

Mark : "So, this isn't the king's castle??"

Colt [laughing] : "No way, it's my home"

Zeno : "When did you build all of this??"

Colt : "I started when I was 12"

Mark : "12 !! But according to you… you were… oh no…"


Luna [taking this with a free spirit] : *laughs*

Luna : "You never seize to amaze me … every time I think I know what you're thinking… you come up with something new"

*Colt smiles*

*Everyone looks at her with shock*

Zenon : "You can't be serious about living here"

Luna : "I am … it's perfect"


Colt [suddenly becomes terrifying] : "Do you really think I'll put my love in danger??

You're the one who wanted a safe place for her to live!!

For your information : I despise humans more than you do… I have a whole continent here, why in this world would I live in the main continent ?!!!

You're my wife's grandfather.. and you have my respect but don't ever think you can tell me what to do… no one in this world tried it and lived.. the only one who has a say is Luna herself here…"

Clarice [getting closer to Colt, saddened] : "Brother, you're scary"

Oh crap, I forgot she was here

Colt [smiles] : "I'm sorry… I got a little carried away "

Luna[sensing his immense anger, knowing they awakened something that should've remained dormant, clings to Colt] : "Like I said … it's perfect…thank you … for making such a wonderful place"

Clarissa [finally recovering from shock] : "So, wait this is… my son's home!!"

That's what you got from this whole conversation!!

Colt : "Yes, mom.. sorry I didn't tell you before… but I'm stronger than you think"

Clarissa [in a sudden rush of joy] : "My son will live a good life!!"

*goes on to stare Luna in the face*

Clarissa : "Take good care of my boy"

And this is why we ran away that night

Colt [goes near Mark , whispers] : "You know, I can build a place like this one for you and mom and Clarice… just ask… since you faced reality, surely you know that this is the perfect place for us"

Mark [smiles] : "I know… but Clarice still has school and I'd like to serve our domain lord's family for a while longer… they're good people… so, don't worry about us… just live a happy life"

Colt : "Sure will *turns to face everyone* ALRIGHT LET'S HEAD INSIDE"

*As they walk , Lana suddenly whispers to Colt*

Lana : "I didn't say anything to see how this turns out… but.. I know my daughter… she's happy… thank you"

Colt : "thanks.. I needed to hear that…"

*As they walk inside they see that the interior is well lit by sunlight in the morning and chandeliers at night*

I could easily have made solar panels and light bulbs but… is it something I should do?

Do I have the right to change this world forever?

The development of this world is greatly affected by magic

If I ever create something technological… I'll keep it under wraps only for my bloodline to know or else… this world is screwed… if people learn "atomic manipulation"… that's a recipe for disaster

I know human greed and cruelty all too well… in fact… I'm the worst of them all

*they reach a room with a big long dining table and many chairs*

*Luna and Colt stand at the head of the table while everyone else takes a seat*

*Colt's family at one side Luna's at the other*

*Colt takes out the contract… establishes the magic*

*Colt signs it… hands the pen to Luna*

Colt : "As soon as you sign…"

Luna [as she signs it] : "..We'll be together"

*the contract shines a bright white color, then the shining fades*

Now for the ring..

*item box, takes out the ring*

*Colt takes Luna's hand , places the ring on the ring finger*

*Everyone gasps in awe seeing the ring's four-colored beauty*

Zeno : "It's done"

Mark : "From now on you're"

Clarissa : "Husband and wife"

Colt [smiles] :" Thank you, everyone, for your unwavering support. Your continued presence means the world to us, and we sincerely hope that we can count on your steadfast support in the times ahead…"


Colt : "Now then I prepared a little something as a token of my gratitude"

*Colt goes and comes back with flying plates around him… full of different recipes for crab and shrimp*

*The plates land elegantly in front of each person… the meal is still hot and fresh*

*Colt takes his seat next to Luna at the head of the table*

*Everyone looks at the food with confusion and hesitation*

Clarice [innocently asking the question everyone wanted to ask] : "Brother, what's this?"

Colt[smiling] : "It's seafood, it's delicious"

Clarice [confused] : "seafood?"

how to explain it…

Colt : "you know that big lake outside?"

Clarice[nods] : "mm"

Colt : "It's called the ocean… underneath the water, there are yummy things … these are some of those things"

*Without a second of hesitation Luna and Clarice taste the food*

*Observing their reactions everyone started eating*

As I thought they've never had seafood before

The twins loved the shrimp, the royal elf couple got hooked on the crab

I'd say choosing seafood was the right call

I ended that day with a fireworks display

Luna : "There are even more colors than last time !!"

Colt : "Like I said before… this place is a treasure trove … and now… I can share it with you"

*they kiss*