
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Training proposal, trust and golems

I spent the next few days fully furnishing my castle… all it took was selling a diamond or two

I either stay with my family in the morning and go home at night, or go furniture shopping

I can't stay away from home for too long or the regulated mana flow will return to its original chaotic state

With gate it isn't really an issue

Next… I went to visit Luna


*inside Luna's house*

*Only Zeno, Lana, Zenon are present*

Zeno : "I didn't expect to see you back here so soon"

Lana : "I know you're serious about Luna … so don't you have a lot of preparations to do?"

Zenon : "Where will you live? If people find out… they'll come after her"

I'm glad I decided to marry into this family… even when it's someone as powerful as I am… they still won't send their daughter blindly

Colt [smiles] : "Relax, all the preparations are complete… but I came here today for Luna, Liam and Levi… I haven't seen them by the way"

*The three exchange glances deciding to believe him despite it being an impossible task*

Lana : "Luna is seeing to the village , she is a princess, and as her guards Liam and Levi are accompanying her"

Colt : "I see… well.. guess I came here to disrupt this system"

Zeno [getting worried] : "What do you mean?"

Colt : "I'll be training the three of them outside the village for a few days… so when they come back at night… they won't have time for anything but sleep… you're welcome to join if you want"

Zenon : "Not that I mind my children getting stronger but… "

Lana : "Why all of a sudden?"

Colt : "Simple… I protect my family… anyone or anything that's a threat*his face takes a dark expression* won't live to regret it… now… you are family"

Zeno [to himself] : "I forgot who we're dealing with… he keeps a cheerful demeanor around us… but he is right… nothing can last against him… this may be a good chance for them"

Lana [moved by Colt finally calling them family, runs to hug him] : "From now on.. you'll call me mother"

uuhh, cringe much

Zenon[looking at Colt's face] : "Easy, dear… we're not there yet"

Colt [standing up] : "Well, I'd better go find Luna"

*Luna, Liam and Levi walk in*

Colt [sitting back down] : "Hey, I was just about to go look for you"

Luna [goes to sit beside him] : "You're back!"

Levi : "How are you back?!"

Not this again

Colt : "Like I said preparations are complete… I came here on a different matter… I already filled your parents in *looks at Zenon* can you please explain it?"

*Luna suddenly grabs Colt's arm and stands up*

Luna : "We'll go outside, I want to hear it directly…"


Colt : "This.. isn't like you"

Luna : "You picked up on it huh… truth is … my family has been keeping secrets"

Colt : "Anything that will hinder our relationship?"

Luna : "It's likely"

Colt : "I'm not letting anything take you from me… I love you way too much for that"

Luna [turns red] : "oh…"

Colt : "So tell me… what is it"

Luna : "Well, you see… the people here aren't too happy about their princess marrying a human"

Colt : "I don't get it … what do they have to do with it?"

Luna : "Elf society is fundamentally different… here we take our people's opinion into consideration and they don't trust you"

Colt : "Why didn't they tell me?"

Luna : "This village owes you a lot… they didn't want to place another burden on you… and they didn't know how you'd react"

Colt : "I see…and what do you think?"

Luna : "I'd rather not be a princess at all..*starts crying* I just want… to be with you"

oh , crap I've never dealt with a situation like this before… what now? What would someone normal do?

Colt [whipping her tears, hugs her close] : "There, there, don't worry.. we'll be together.. you don't have to give up anything.. alright? "

Luna : "How? They'll never trust you"

Colt : "Not under normal circumstances…"

Colt [after thinking for a while] : "I have a plan… but your family might not agree"

Luna[with determination] : "We'll convince them whatever it is"

Colt : "Let's go then…"


* Colt and Luna walk in*

Levi : "Colt are really going to train us??"

Colt : "That was the plan, but now we have another mess to deal with… Luna filled me in"

Zeno [snaps at Luna] : "WE TOLD YOU-"

Colt [suddenly gains a terrifying expression and speaks in a cold slow dark tone] : "Before you go snapping at her.. take a look in the mirror.. she did the right thing by telling me… or did you already have a plan?... let me guess, you were about to change the rules of this society for the first time yes? Or did you want to disinherit Luna? Either of these choices is unacceptable"

Zeno [still mad but backing down because of the state Colt is in] : "What do you suggest then?"

Colt : "The third option : we make them trust me…"

Zeno [sarcastic] : "How are you going to do that? Meet them one by one?!"

Colt : "How about saving the village from a crisis?"

Zeno : "There aren't any crises… you took care of it before and then made Levi and Liam take the credit… besides a human attack won't be enough to make them trust you"

Luna [saddened and holding Colt's hand] : "He's right Colt, sorry"

Colt [suddenly cheers up and starts laughing] : "Who said anything about humans? You think I'll put this village in real danger for trust? If anything happens after that Luna won't forgive me"

Colt [demonic smile] : "So.. how about one of unknown golems that roam the wasteland continent??"

*Everyone stares in shock*

Zeno : "He's finally lost it !"

*Before Colt can even react, Luna snapped*

Luna [angry] : "Grandfather !! I won't just sit here and let you say things like that… Colt is a genius and if he says he has a plan then it'll work…"

Luna [calms down a little] : "Sorry about that Colt , please explain your plan"

Ever since I came to this world… no one has been angry on my behalf… what am I feeling right now??

I have no way to describe it… either way this isn't the time

Colt : "The plan is simple, we have one of the golems attack outside the village and I go and one-hit kill it in front of everyone…"

Zenon [picking his words carefully] : "Still father has a point.. how do you intend to transport one of these goliaths here??"

Colt [looks at him for a second then laughs] : "That's what you're worried about?? Ahaha… makes sense… guess I should've told you…Ahaha… I don't need to get one here… I can make an army of these things whenever I want… that's how I intended to train you"

*Everyone stares in shock*

Zeno [ getting even more traumatized] : "Make them?!"

Levi : "How much stronger did you get?!"

Zenon : "Are you still human at all??"

*Luna and Lana accepting the facts and laughing*

Luna : "I told you.. if Colt says it can happen.. it can happen"

*After a while Colt, Luna and the twins are outside the village*

Liam : "We used your "gate" to get here why?"

Colt : "If people saw us leaving and then a golem appearing it'll be suspicious"

Levi : "You're the only one who can create them.. nobody will be suspicious .. you're a bit paranoid"

Colt : "Now .. watch closely you three… this is the one you'll have to defeat to finish your training"

*Opens his item box, takes a big chunk of titanium*

*Makes the orb*


Colt : "Quickly, we need to get away!!"

*They all jump through the gate, appear near Luna's house, run to the wall surrounding the village, the golem appears*

guard1 : "What is that thing??"

guard2 : "Who cares? Shoot it!!"

*The guards shoot several spells none with any apparent effect on the golem*

*They scatter as the golem smashes part of the wall, the people start to panic, elves are running around everywhere*

Show time

Colt [shouting] : "There is no need for panic, I'll handle this for you"

Guard1 : "What's a human doing here?!"

Colt [shouting, in a confident reassuring , strong tone]: "I came to save this village and everyone in it"

Create water, increase surface tension constant, make it strong enough, now set pressure

"Enhanced high pressure water cutter"

*Slices the golem in half, the upper half falls, yet the lower half still stands, the red core loses its glow, the threat was over*

*The whole village goes silent*

Guard2 [in shock] : "He did it in one hit!!"

*The village is swarmed by cheers*

After that… everyone easily accepted our marriage

Luna cried a lot… she got what she wanted… without giving up anything in return… that's how life should be…

I … made her happy… it feels.. good…