
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Three requests

"I have heard your wish" says a deep soothing voice

*MC opens his eyes finds himself in a void with a bright comforting light shining in front of him*

"I will grant you reincarnation but it won't be a single world , there will be several worlds of swords and sorcery" continues the voice

"also , I will grant you three requests , ask for whatever you wish for" continues the voice

if this is what I asked for… if it is a second chance…

"thank you for your benevolence I am eternally grateful and I will do whatever you wish of me" says the MC confused and happy

"Live a good life , you are free to do whatever you want" says God

"whatever I want?! No restrictions" wonders the MC

"None , live a life you can be proud of, now onto your requests" answers god

Mc :"well, if that's the case for my first request I want all the earth's knowledge whether it is cooking, music, art and every other field of science , medical knowledge etc.. "

MC: "for the second I would like a major upgrade to every brain function whether it is learning memory or anything else so that I can use the knowledge like it's 1+1 "

MC :"and for the last I would like to not be bound by affinity or capacity or anything in the like… please"

I'm not repeating the same misery again…

with this… I have the power… I AM NOT WEAK!!!

"very well, I shall bestow upon you the blessings that you asked for" says god

"thank you I am eternally grateful… I will make sure to live my next lives to the fullest"

* light fades and stars rush the scene *

this may look like your regular isekai with an op MC … but this is a journey… of healing

still not sure about the "several" part but I'd love to hear your thoughts

though i'm still in the first world... so let's focus on that :)

Eric_Wannascreators' thoughts