
My science makes me OP in another world

"All Earth's knowledge, a boost to my brain, and to be unbound by magic capacity or affinity, those are my three requests" said Colt preparing for reincarnation. To reincarnate in another world, a wish he held dear, and now, he's heading to a world of monsters, magic, elves, and riches only he knows how to use . Sworn to not repeat the suffering he went through, Colt will use any and all means to ensure his new life is a good one.

Eric_Wannas · Fantasy
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46 Chs

I hate this world

 I hate this world

the strong eat the weak ,

And they don't even have the decency to show it 

they preach about peace and morale and as soon as the camera turns away... they eat their own people 

they preach about freedom yet they oppress their own

they preach about protecting earth and yet build nukes and the likes…

and at the first sign of profit they destroy the environment

they make themselves look like saving angels and once they get the power, they turn into strangling demons

us humans ...we are truly despicable creatures

you live wearing a mask… hypocrisy is the name of the game

I had a good family, we ate everyday … there were honestly many people worse off than we were.

and that pissed me off , I mean I had food clothing and shelter… and those in power said 

[on T.V]

"be grateful we're offering you a luxurious life"

those bastards… having the world… they treat us like cattle… cows to be milked for money

they have servants, airplanes ,they wage wars and we die…

and they say having the bare necessities are a luxury?!!

Just having internet and a laptop, to many people… that was a luxury… but for an engineer those are the most basic of needs ,but seeing the toll it took on my parents.. that.. was killing me slowly

my father's hair became white at an early age and I assure you it was not genetic

[shows a scene where his father is entering the house exhausted]

that's his second shift

my mother's salary was always cut in half due to taxes

their eyes are lifeless

they worked endlessly…

and they were draining their blood and cutting their flesh to provide for me. I realized that sooner than any child should

[narrating his life story]

ever since I was a kid I loved to read and that was a very big blessing but it was also a curse..

thanks to all that I always managed to see the dark side of things

my thinking expanded beyond my age.. I never noticed the difference until I was a teenager

everyone was thinking about their dreams, the house they'll own…

they believed this world was a good place…

they believed someone will help…

but me… I saw through the illusion…

I knew the dark truth…

so I buried myself in books trying to learn or as I like to put it (evolve)

All that while silently and helplessly watching my parents endure and give their lives for me

There was no hope… there wasn't time for living… you can't get tired… you're a machine… a machine…don't waste your parents' efforts… live…live

work harder… find a way to save your parents…

you can't remain a burden…

I got very high grades but in return I lost almost every emotion I had ,for example when I have done a major accomplishment happiness would last for only 10 minutes at most... if I was lucky ..only two emotions are left

wrath and hatred

at some point I lost even my appreciation for my parents

and the worst was yet to come

in schools they boss you around.. if have not done your homework you are punished..

If you forgot a book you are punished

If you failed an exam you are punished

If you get into a fight no matter who is in the wrong ,most of the time you are punished

and then there is this…

[in a classroom]

MC : "why not solve this problem using this method instead?"

Teacher : "this isn't what I'm teaching here… either you use what I teach or you fail"

and I was an exemplary student...

I hated it

there are exams, hard exams, and unnecessary hard exams 

this goes for both school and university

I can deal with the first type and the second as a necessary evil

but what I can not stand by any means is that sadistic bastard who creates the third type

and if you dare to object… you're punished

when you think about it… every stage of your life… there is someone stronger… someone you can't retaliate against

I saw my friends rake up debts in their college years…

they believed student loans were meant to help

they had no clue these were shackles…

a lot of them seemed like the living dead… mere shells of their former selves

Once you get out of education your boss bosses you around… the government bosses you around and so forth till the day you die 

if you object… you're fired

if you object… you're imprisoned

I truly hate this world

this damn broken world

where everything is taken from the moment you're born…

"sorry to inform you ,sir, but you have tumor and it is fatal ,my condolences"* doctor walks away*

oh is that so… but I am only 25…I can't even cry

well at the very least this was not caused by humans… dying doesn't sound that bad… I am grateful that I will at least leave this messed up world

*on his hospital bed*

you know… I used to get out of that reality by watching isekais… I watched every single one

Please dear lord… if I can experience such joy grant it to me… I will be forever grateful

if I ever get a second chance… I won't be cattle… I won't be weak… no one will boss me around

*closes his eyes for the last time*

what do you think about the backstory??

Eric_Wannascreators' thoughts