
my partner in crime

just an assassin who has nothing better to do but kill. she isn't really known as an assassin. many see her as a murderer. everyone does, except for him. just him all about romance but I must warn for anger violence and gory. language may not be so gently either:)

odilliagold14996 · Teenager
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5 Chs


My eyes widened in fear. What was I to say? I looked at Alexander in fear. I have heard of their existence, but many said it was a folktale. I never knew it was real, well I did not believe it. It was known to roam around this place. With the intelligence of a human and a desire of a predator, it was not one to mess with.

"Well, you seem to have a lot of questions." He smiled.

I did not like that smile. It was mischievous yet a fearful one. It seemed so forced yet if it was not for the tension, I would now have doubted it.

"Go ahead, shoot." He said before leaning back in the chair.

How could he act so relaxed?

"Its true? Berserkers exists?" I asked.

He simply nodded.

However, before I could ask my next question, he sighed before speaking.

"Kind of." He answered vaguely.

I glared at him, trying to get him to explain himself.

"God, that face is so annoying," he groaned, " it is known that these berserkers are a folktale, well yes it is, however, the berserkers that is rumoured to roam our forests are just a human army that share a common goal."

I tilted my head, asking for even more clarification. I was too, trying to think and understand what he meant. The common goal was something I wanted to know. Yet I was unsure if I truly wanted to know. We sat in silence, looking at each other. That was when it hit me.

I understood the common goal. Berserkers are meant to kill.

Well if that was the case, what was the common goal?

What else but that.


"No..." I hesitated.

It was as if we were reading each other's mind. When I saw Alexander nodded, I knew I did not want to be involved.

"They wanted to expand their army, henceforth the rape. They will kidnap women and make sure to have a family with them. If the women refuse, they will use her as bait for animals to kill, like bears." He explained.

"The kids?" I asked.

"Well, they will be taught to follow them." He continued to say.

It was horrible to know. It also meant that on this earth many of these berserkers did not exist in the system of the government. This makes it harder to track them down.

"Then why is he after you?" I questioned.

"Well, I am not entirely sure, all I know was that I once hunted him. Maybe, vengeance?" He sounded fearful.

He reached out into his pocket of the inner side of his jacket. He took the item up, revealing a leather cover of what seemed like a really old book. I was a big fan of books. Of course, he did not seem to be a fan of that book. Who could blame him? Even I were scared to open it.

He pushed the book towards my direction, causing a 'shhh' sound. It seemed to be the loudest sound in the van. I did not even bothered questioning whose it was.

Who else could it belong to?

"Have you read it?" I asked.

I dare not even touch the book yet.

He shook his head.

"Why not?" I questioned again.

Still not touching that book.

"It is the reason." He vaguely replied, fear resonated in his voice.

"He wants this?" I looked at him, furrowing my brows.

He wanted his book back? What was in it that was so special?

He stayed silent.

I looked at him, waiting for an answer.

As I waited, anger bubbled in me. What have I done? By letting this boy in here, I have just placed my ass in danger. What did I do? Did I make the right decision.

"Oh speak would you?" I raised my voice and suddenly stood up.

He cupped my mouth and calmed me down.

Placing a finger on his beautiful soft lips, he spoke.

"My love now, sit." He braced himself, "are you okay to stay by my side?"

I looked at him.

What the hell does that mean? I have just met this ass and now I have to commit to his bullshit. This is all stupid bullshit. However, I was somehow calmed by his blue eyes. Those eyes stared at me with sincerity, he was trying all ways to be calm. So I played along.

"Look," he compromised, "I will tell you and you can back out anytime you want. But promise you will not tell anyone else, please."

As I stared at the book, I decided to hear him out. I nodded my head ever so subtly.

"Thank you," he mouthed.

I started to brace myself. Something in me stirred, I knew damn well that his explanation would be another roller coaster.

"Well, this book explains the beginning of the berserkers, with this we know the root of the cause, this means we will then know how to stop them." He continued.

As he explained, his eyes watered. I knew it only meant one thing, he still loved him. His uncle. Or was I wrong?

"It all started in 1975...then my whole family-" He started chocking.

I stood up immediately, and hugged him. I wrapped my hands around him, his head buried into my clothes. I felt his tears touch my body. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Really needed that didn't you?" I smiled through my tears.

If I were to be completely honest, I did not have the best family history either. As I watched him, I knew damn well that he has not been hugged for years.

"They took her. My Talia." He kept chocking

I tiled my head.

"My sister. My baby sister. She was only a kid, 8 years old. " He sobbed, "I ran away, far away. I grabbed the book and ran, I could now save her, I was so weak, I was 10 then."

I watched him fall into my embrace, as he finally let himself go.

Something however did not change. I did not seem ready for this. I felt like shit, why could I not help him.

I knelt down to his level.

"I'm so so sorry, I don't want to screw it up since I'm not ready I will not be able to help you I'm so sorry," I felt a tear run down my cheek.

Something made me feel pain. It was something piercing my heart.

"Remember the red house?" He asked.

It was a house that was spotted near where his uncle tried to scare me. I nodded my head gently. I felt so guilty for rejecting him. I felt so helpless.

"Don't go there, promise me." He smiled before leaving.

He took his items before opening the van's door. I felt pain to see him go. However it was my choice. I prayed that he would return. I prayed that he may be safe. If anything happened to him, I would put the blame on me. I know I would.

I realised his knife on the table. A wilted rose. His knife.

"Alexander," I called out to him.

He turned around, revealing his red eyes, his hair covered on eye. I never realised how beautiful he looked. At this point, I was reconsidering my choices. However I did not want to risk my life, if I did, I risk revealing my identity and worse, I will not be able to help others.

"Its for you. You seem to like it the first time we met." He smiled before proceeding to run off into the far woods, "farewell, fallen angel."

His voice was beautiful. He bid farewell while running backwards.

"Farewell, Lucifer Morningstar," I chuckled, he may look grown buy deep in his heart, he is still the 8 year old child he could not be.

He saluted to me with two fingers before pulling down his mask to cover his face, jogging off, I watched him leave.

I regretted my decisions.

I miss his bullshit.

His voice.

Was this really farewell?

Lucifer Morningstar, please turn back.

I will wait patiently.

Please return.

I will be awaiting for your return.

You must win.

I know damn well that you would.

Do not disappoint me.

I have faith in you.

Full faith.

And maybe, Lucifer Morningstar,

You won it.

You won my trust.

Alexander Hale.

Return safely.

That's all your fallen angel ask of you