
my partner in crime

just an assassin who has nothing better to do but kill. she isn't really known as an assassin. many see her as a murderer. everyone does, except for him. just him all about romance but I must warn for anger violence and gory. language may not be so gently either:)

odilliagold14996 · Teen
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5 Chs

The old man

"Well his aim sucks." I started the van and started to drive off.

"That was my uncle." Alexander was still in a fighting stance.

He seemed to be ready for a fight, which was worrying.

"Family I see...cool," I brought up a gentle smile.

Alexander rolled his eyes, annoyed. He was still in a fighting stance even though we have driven far away. Why was he so afraid of that old man? Just then, while driving, I spotted the old man just right infront of my van.

"Holy mother of God!" I jammed the break pedal almost immediately.

Alexander slowly moved closer to me, in pure fear. I continued to press the the accelerator while turning to the left to avoid the old creep.

"Got a girl now I see?" I heard the old man's voice once again.

"Who are you old creep?" I asked out loud while swerving around.

I was ignored.

Well, it was possibly because he could not hear us since we were so far ahead.

"Turn right." Alexander whispered.

I listened to him and did so.

"Oh? Feisty... I like." The old creeps voice was seemingly happy.

"You have got the wrong person." I yelled for his deaf ears to catch up on my voice.

"Well, is Alexander not with you?" He questioned.

"Who is Alexander?" I questioned back, trying to sound as convincing as I could.

I made sure my heartbeat was as constant as it could be. I steadied my breathing. Making sure that not a single shread of fear could be seen from my actions or expressions.

"Smart girl, I will see you again soon my dear." He chuckled.

I turned around to see Alexander, his fingers on his lips. Well, I suppose it meant that the old creep was still here. Lingering around like a lost soul.

"Good girl, you did not lie. Well, head along your way." The old creep said once again.

Ew what did he just call me?

We drove off instantly. Making sure to be as far as we could from that place. I looked over at Alexander for directions as he silently looked and pointing left, right or straight. He was so alert and focus it was kind of hot.

Well, can you blame me? Those eyes were just mesmerising. It was the perfect shade of blue and his pupils nestled right in the middle of that ocean of his own.

I loved it. Well, I remember people by their eyes and I'm not forgetting that one.

As I followed his directions, he slowly started to lead me to a place that i have been to before. I cannot go there. Well, I could but we must be kn the lookout. I was afraid someone would find us. Like, really really afraid.

"I've been here before."

"Oh have you?" He asked.

I nodded quite seriously and quite focused, my brows were already furrowed.

He then pointed to take a u-turn. He wanted me to get out of where we were. I was beyond surprised. I followed his lead like a headless chicken. Well not quite, I have opinions of my own. I just did not bother to raise them.

"Where are we going exactly?" I decided to raise the question, well one question that was lingering over me.

There was millions of questions that was flowing in my mind like a broken faucet. Just flowing constantly. I could not possibly keep them all in right?

"Questions later. Follow me for now." He instructed.

"I don't know if I can trust you." I chimed it again.

"Are we not partners?" He questioned.

I was stunned. What do I say? Well whatever I say would definitely not be the best answer right? I chocked on my own spit.

"Questions later. Follow you for now." I spat out in between coughs.

Alexander chuckled.

He did not say a word but the silence was not as awkward as I thought. Conversations and socialising is not my most special skill.

I looked back up at the mirror to see him pointing left. I drifted left, following as he says.

"Stop here." He finally announced.

I have to say I was starting ti get exhausted from driving. I halted the car next to a tree. Well, I looked around closely. All I saw were trees. Nothing more. I have to say it is easy to kidnap me. I was horrible at directions.

I turned to look at him.

"We are safe here, let's settle down and-"

"Where are we?" I asked.

He tilted his head in confusion.

"You must know where we are, if not those directions you gave me was just stupid." I clarified.

"Yes it was all made up, I was just checking if you would trust me to follow."

I glared at him, angry. Did we just went left and right for no reason at all?

He walked off as if he was not scared that I would throw something at him or even harm him. I took a remote and did what it was meant to do. As it flew towards him, I hoped that it would hit his back.

It did.

"Okay what the hell was that?" He turned around, seemingly annoyed.

He was only responded to by my emotionless face. I was fuming. This dick just made me drive around for no reason. Did he not realise how exhausted I was?

"The old man." He spoke as he picked up the controller, " That's my grandfather."


He continued to slot the batteries back into the remote and cover it up.

"He is a rapist." He sighed before sitting down to have a drink.

"What?" I repeated again.

I was ready to pounce as long as that word 'rapist' or 'rape' was said.

"I was on to him. I tired. Really."

I saw his face slowly turn into disappointment towards himself.

"Well, you are not going to get him alone. I am here now." I sat with him.

He seemed grateful for what I said but was not even a single bit more confident. This only meant one thing. There's more to the story that I was unaware of. I was quite unsure if I wanted to know more. Was I ready? Mentally?

"He is not just a a rapist..." Alexander looked up at me, "he is also a murderer...and he doesn't kill, he hunts."

I stared at him blankly. What was I supposed to say? 'Oo scary hunter man' I could not get a word out of my mouth, would I hurt his ego?

"You know those things where humans act like an animal? They would wear the animal skin of their choice, like a bear, and become the animal." He sighed, "a predator specifically."

That was when I knew.

He was no rapist or murderer.

He was not as boring as I thought.

At that moment I knew, he was not one to mess with. He was already lost.

He was not Alexander's grandfather, not anymore.

"Also He hates me because I help his victims as I was younger." Alexander babbled on.

I was not listening to him. I was too taken aback by what his grandfather had become.

"A berserker?" My voice was shaking.

A part of me was hoping he would not say yes but one could only hope.
