
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasie
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46 Chs


As soon as the teacher closes the door behind her, she scans around the class rapidly as if looking for something. As she looks around the class, her gaze meets mine and stares awkwardly at me.

"Good morning Shin. Do you have anything you want to say to me?"

The whole class begins shifting away from me like birds fleeing from danger. The teacher begins to slowly walk towards me while retaining her plastered-on smile.

"No? Are you sure you have nothing to say to your dear teacher who was constantly worried about a certain student who never came to school and who had to have tests sent home by that dear teacher which meant more work for her?" <- Teacher

I gulp before answering hesitantly, "ahaha…thank you very much Ms. Garcia for taking such good care of me and always worrying about me. I'm also sorry for not showing up at school." [Shin]

Ms. Garcia's smile didn't move an inch when I thanked her and apologized. If I don't do something here, I will be forced into some horrible punishment. I desperately tried to think of anything to deflect the conversation or an excuse to that she'll accept. Nope I can't think of anything, I guess I'll just apologize again and take the punishment.

"I'm truly sorry Ms. Garcia and I really appreciate what you've done for me. I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you." [Shin]

The glint in her eye when she heard my answer made me think that I fell right into her trap.

"Oh? Will you? That's perfect, I've just the thing you can help me with after school. Meet me in the staff room at the end of the school day." [Ms. Garcia]

"I…I look forward to it." [Shin]

When she heard my answer, she walked back to the front of the class and took out some papers for today's class. The fake plastered on smile on her face twisted up vertically and transformed into an evil grimace that would put even the most notorious of evil people to shame.

I place my head in my hands and whisper to myself, "Ahh… I'm screwed."

"Are you alright Sir Shin?" [Laura]

I glance over to my left and see that Laura had returned to her desk and is giving me a pitying look.

"If you were that concerned for me, you could have stayed and helped me through that or at least offered a way out." [Shin]

"I deeply apologize Sir Shin; however, I am not courageous enough to place myself in front of Ms. Garcia's wrath." [Laura]

"No, it's okay, I wouldn't use you as a shield anyway. That would be quite pathetic. By the way, you're still using honorifics, please drop them. I feel strange with someone referring to me as Sir anyway. Especially since I'm not an important person." [Shin]

"I apologize for making you uncomfortable, however I believe that I shouldn't be referring to the son of the founder too familiarly. Please at least let me use different honorifics." [Laura]

"Fine do as you wish." [Shin]

Today's morning class was contemporary history of the Kaross empire as well as the history of enemy nations. I began to flip through the class handout while I tuned out Ms. Garcia's boring lecture.

40 Years ago, the former emperor was given some newly discovered ancient texts which used the phrase "Understand your enemies before yourself and you will succeed in battle" which greatly influenced his national policy. He spent the most of his reign increasing the influx of foreign merchants and knowledge which he shared with the population. This increased our both our imports and exports as well which resulted in an economic boom and he was hailed as a great ruler who brought prosperity.

Using this foundation, he began his plan to annex the two neighboring nations on the western border. Utilizing the information he received from foreign merchants and foreign ambassadors, he was able to gain control over both country's weaknesses. This led both small countries to become vassal states "voluntarily". He quoted the ancient phrase as one of the enablers for the successful annexations and began expanding the distribution of knowledge among the high class of society.

Of course, I suspect that some tampering was done with the information. My parents taught me to question what I read and look at any information as an impartial third party. They always said that looking at any new information neutrally before making any judgement was the only true way to think. People who did not do this are often those easily influenced or the weak, or so they said. Therefore, this way of analysis was ingrained into my head since I was a child.

The history books state that the largest imports during this period were "rescued refugees and reclaimed technologies." I must give it to the government; they have great talent for creating misleading statements to influence public opinion. "Rescued Refugees" were most likely picked up from the annexed zones and made into slaves rather than the "temporary indentured workers" the handouts claimed them to be. Even the word "temporary" is most likely conditional and dependent on impossible terms. The reclaimed technologies are without a doubt technology plundered by our country.

It goes to show how simply changing the wording in a statement can completely change the meaning of said statement.

Suddenly, a chill travels down my spine. I glance up from the handout in front of me and am met with the stare of death from Ms. Garcia who gives me another one of her smiles.

"Shin… you wouldn't be ignoring my lesson, would you? You wouldn't be doing something like that. It's probably just my imagination right Shin?" [Ms. Garcia]

The temperature of the entire room plumets as she finishes her sentence. I glance around quickly. I see some of my classmates shivering slightly and looking down at their handouts, too scared to even look in her general direction.

"N-No of course I am paying attention Ms. Garcia. I-I would always listen to your lessons." [Shin]

Ms. Garcia's smile gradually rises into her signature demonic smile and says,

"I'm glad that's what you think. I don't think you're really speaking the truth though so I'm going to have to increase your punishment after school. Kufufu." <- Ms. Garcia

She begins to laugh, presumably going over my punishment in her mind.

Seriously, do Ice demons exist? How can she have such a demonic smile yet have such a frosty aura when angry? Have we got it wrong all this time? Does Hell not contain fire and lava but ice and blizzards? As Ms. Garcia begins teaching about the technologies reclaimed from the annexed nations, I begin to sweat despite the cold aura and wonder what exactly this punishment will be.