
Chapter 275

"How did I end up here? Who are you people?" I had forgotten about the master that was knocked out. It must have been the rain that brought him back to consciousness. He looked a bit scared as he stared at us, he had one hand on the crown of his head, it made me know that his head must ache badly. He had all right to be scared as we were strange faces he had never seen before, he also woke up from a spell in a strange place and his partner was not by his side. I did not know what I planned to achieve like always but I moved towards him. He must have seen my action as a threat, as he scrambled backwards and ordered,

"Stay where you are. Do not take anymore step towards me." He actually failed to realize he was not in a position to be giving orders.

It was when I was tugged forcefully behind him that I looked at his face, it was almost comical. He was slack jawed as he stared with his eyes wide open, I realized that this may be the first time that he was seeing the masters since he was taken at a young age. Despite his shock, the first thing he thought to do when he heard the masters command was to protect me. This is why he is like a blanket to me, to shield and protect me from it all. We all just stared at each warily, trying to figure out what our next action was going to be. I realized I needed to ask him his name, I can not keep calling him, Him or He in my head. It is just in the same way that I knew Boy's real name was actually Juna.

" You are free to leave. We do not want any trouble. Your partner already went ahead of you, if you are fast enough, you can catch up with him" I finally told him

I was tired of acting in suspense, I pointed out the direction his partner took, there was no need to spoil the relationship between them if they finally catch up with each other, which was why I did not tell him, his partner gave no thought as to him when he absconded. He scrambled up into a standing position and ran in the direction I pointed out to him. He was actually a fool for believing, I could have easily led him to his death without him knowing, I smirked at that thought. I actually thought they were wiser than these but it seems they were also moment of recklessness in them due to fear.

I turned towards him but his focus was still on the path that the master took, I gazed in that direction but he was no longer visible, so I turned back and clapped my hands in his face to draw his attention back towards me, where it is needed.