
Chapter 226

Also when it comes to their language like I had stated earlier, they communicated via grunts, unintelligible sounds and sometimes their hands, it was understood easily by them all, it made me wonder how they were taught or if it was something that was easily picked up by them as they grew up as this was what they knew and was surrounded by. One other striking feature about them was the fact that they were males all through, that is, there was no female amongst them both old and young. The main question that came to my mind was how then were they formed? Or was it that when they needed more children specifically males, they would go in search of the female and mate with them, but what happens when they give birth to a female child then?. The more I thought about it, the more questions that seemed to arise and it would keep bothering me until I have a answer to them all. I looked up and noticed that it was dark already, another day gone without me getting any closer to finding Boy, it was certain that he was not amongst them here as I would have taken note of him immediately,

There was no way that he could have changed his appearance so fast to look like them, also I thought about Naki. She must have been scared and confused when she came to, but could not find me anywhere. She must have also gone in search of me and hollered out my name, despite how tough and nonchalant she acted, she must be in a state of panic right now. Thinking about being separated from the both of them made me long for the days back at base. Although it was not easy and we suffered a lot, I missed the communal way of living over there, I missed Maman and Italula. Italula must be getting ready to bring her child into this world anytime soon. This line of thought, made me wonder if the superior masters that we were expecting would have arrived already,

I also wanted to know how they were treating Maman and the few that were left behind when we were brought here. It must not be easy for them, a lot of people may say that I am crazy as a result of my next words, but if I was given the opportunity, I would gladly go back to the base. It would be a tough choice though for me to choose between my hometown, family and the base but there was every possibility, that I would end up choosing the base because it was all I knew and what I was used to already. It was also what made me to adapt easily to the present situation and conditions that I find myself presently, they were obvious demerits to it , that could not be denied by anyone out there but I am of the opinion that it also had its merits