
my only light is you

The young Ravi lived in his own world of darkness until he met the basketball player Noah, who, like him, is searching for a light that can save him.

gabiu5643wbt · LGBT+
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6 Chs

4 Mismatch

I regretted it the moment I left the room because the first thing I saw was my father. He was with some assistant of his, arguing with the nurse about where I had gone, and he noticed me the moment I came out, as he stopped the argument and came toward me. I saw the nurse sigh when she saw me; I felt sorry for her, as it was my fault.

"There you are. Why did you leave your room? Can't you be at least a little responsible? You only cause me problems. I don't know what I did wrong—on top of having a delinquent son, I had to have a faggot son. It's because you're like this that this happened. If your mother hadn't spoiled you so much… But I've already taken care of it. I've found a bride for you; she'll cure you of this problem."


"DO NOT DARE SPEAK ABOUT YOUR MOTHER WITH YOUR FILTHY MOUTH! It's because of her that you're like this. You will get married, or I'll send you to boarding school."

"FINE! Send me then, because I won't marry anyone."

"YOU!!! You are not my son! Roger, pack all his things; we're leaving here now. And arrange a spot at the boarding school; he'll go there as soon as the next semester starts. Until then, he'll stay at home—he has no authority to go anywhere. I don't want to be humiliated by him any further."

"Okay, Mr. Charles."

As I watched my father leave as if he were going to destroy hell, his assistant went to my room to gather my belongings. A nurse who was passing by was still in shock from our argument, but she finally composed herself and came to ask me if I was okay. She really is a good person.

"I'm fine; I'm used to it. No need to worry. But can you tell me the name of the person in that room?"

I say as I point to the room of the boy who plays basketball.

"His name is Noah Troham. His mother is a shareholder in this hospital. Hmm… That's right, you left his room just now, didn't you? Why do you ask?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just curiosity."

Then I saw Roger leaving my room with my things. He walked over to me and said it was time to go. I said goodbye to the nurse and followed him to the car that was waiting for us. I guess it's time to go to my prison. I just hope to see him again.

* * *

When I woke up, it was already night, and I immediately remembered the boy who came into my room in the morning. I quickly pressed the intercom to call the nurse. I don't know why I was so desperate to ask about him, and it felt like an eternity before she finally arrived, all out of breath. When I looked at the clock, only three minutes had passed.

"Hello, Mr. Noah. Are you in any pain or discomfort anywhere? I'll measure your temperature. Have you had any nausea?"

She seemed so desperate that I didn't even have time to speak; I had to shout that I was fine for her to let me talk.

"Actually, I wanted to ask about a patient. He was all bruised up. I'm not sure which room he's in."

"Are you talking about the boy with white hair?"

"YES, THAT'S HIM! I mean... Where is he?"

"He was three rooms away from yours, but I'm sorry. He left the hospital this morning; his father came to get him."

When I heard that, I felt a sense of loss that I wasn't expecting.

"Do you know his name?"

"As far as I remember, his name was Ravi Shavatz. I think his father has a tech company. Why?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just curiosity. Thank you."

"It was a pleasure, Mr. Noah. If you feel any discomfort, just press the intercom. If you'll excuse me."

As the nurse left, I could only think of one thing: I hope I meet him again.