
My only Chance

WARNING! [MATURE CONTENT] Ophelia Strider at a very young age found her mate Mateo Cruz and thought her life would be a bed of roses until Mateo disappeared leaving her shatterd. As next in line to become alpha, she needed to find a partner soon due to customs and traditions. She went on several dates with different guys from different places but she didn't find the right one, she had already lost all hope until Nathan Barron the powerful lycan king showed up in her life to give her 'Her Second Chance' He looked deep into my eyes and I knew he was being sincere, he was my second chance and I have to keep him save, keep him with me forever.

Vicky_4luv · Fantasie
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2 Chs

A stranger on my bed.

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, Shoot! The sun was bright and curse my light curtains.

I stretched as I got up from bed, my head feeling like it was being hammered, maybe I shouldn't have drank too much last night, Hangovers are the worst! I headed to the bathroom, I need to get the smell of alcohol from last night off of me.

Wait! Last night!

What happened last night?  I tried hard to remember every detail of what happened last night, which was a bit harder than it seemed given my head was pounding and was about to explode.

Okay Ophelia, remember! You had a stupid date, club, you got drunk, you danced and him!

"Our mate!" My wolf Ezra said.

She finally spoke, after two years. But why? How? Who was the guy from last night and how on earth did I get home.

" The moon goddess has given us a second chance dummy, we have a new mate " She said again.

I knew why Ezra blocked herself from me for two years, the pain of losing her mate was heart shattering and she couldn't bare it and now we felt something, something like what we felt when we found Mateo, the Mate bond but it just couldn't be. I didn't want another mate, I was probably just drunk and didn't know what I was feeling.

" You might have been drunk but I wasn't, I felt it too "  she said gleefully.

For someone who had been silent for two years, she sure had a lot of opinions to give, annoying opinions.

" I know you've missed Mateo too but trust me that guy isn't our mate " I whispered.

"He is!" She yelled then she went silent again.

To be honest I preferred her silent, she wasn't really useful all my life since she always refused to show up when I needed her so I got used to her not being around.

After my shower I tied a towel around my body and got out of the bathroom to see a stranger on my bed.

I shrieked as I saw him laying on my bed like he was the owner, who was he?

Soon the feeling from last night came back, HIM. The feeling of wholeness, the feeling that made me lose my senses, the feeling that captures my breath and sends shivers down my spine, the feeling that made it feel like I was complete...again.

" Who are you? No what are you doing here in my room? Wait how did you get in? " I had so many questions and needed answers instantly.

He smirked as he got up from my bed, What? Is he a psycho?

I always knew I wouldn't live long but I didn't know that I'd die by the hands of a serial killer.

" Good morning to you too baby doll " He said as he trailed his fingers through my wet hair, making the arousal I was feeling grow more intense.

He smiled at me, his light grey eyes shining in the sun. He was perfect, his hair wasn't all over his face this time and I was able to see the wonder he was hiding.

What was he?  He looked too good to be a werewolf and the power resonating from him was outstanding, he was so much stronger than anyone in this pack. And his looks were just perfect, one would think he was a god or something. He might not be a god but he sure was created perfectly by the gods.

" How is it a good morning? And who the heck are you, a stalker? " I asked as I took a step away from him.

My wolf was nuts she was begging me to touch him, to feel his warm skin on our cold and wet body but I wasn't gonna do that to a stranger, would I? I blocked her from my mind and stared at the guy in front of me. This guy wasn't my mate, and I couldn't let a stranger come close to me.

" Hey calm down, I am heart broken " He said as he placed his palm on his chest and pouted making the cutest face ever!

I think I'm in love. The way he stared at me with those mesmerising eyes, I was about to give him but I just couldn't. No matter how I was feeling towards him he was still a stranger and for all I knew I was probably feeling all these because I was drunk.

" Get out! " I yelled pointing towards the window which was obviously where he climbed through into my room.

He came closer to me and cupped my face which instantly heated up, I relaxed a bit to his touch and sighed.

He smiled at me and pulled me closer, and stared at me like he was examining a package.

Freak much?

My heartbeat quickened and his touch ignited a fire in me and I wanted him to be all over me! I wanted him badly, I wanted his scent to be all over me, I wanted to continue feeling what I was feeling, I wanted all of him.

" Are you okay? " He asked his voice growing soft " You were really drunk last night and you puked all over me "


Did I do that?

Asking myself that I remembered everything, I did puke on him last night. Oh how embarrassing.

" You deserved it for being such a creep " I said as I pulled away from him.

He just kept smiling, why was he smiling?

" I knew I made the right choice" He said to himself as he scanned me from top to bottom making me remember that I only had a towel on.

Oh God! Is he gonna **** me? He has to be a rapist, A RAPIST!!

And what does he mean by right choice?

"You are a rapist aren't you? " I asked as I started to move further away from him " If You touch me I'm gonna scream and everyone will come rushing in "

He scoffed and started walking closer to me "You feel it too, don't you? " He asked in a low husky voice, the arrogance in his voice was evident.

What was he talking about, feel what? The attraction pull I felt towards him everytime he's near, the way my skin heats up when he touches me or the way his gaze aroused me or maybe it's the way my body and wolf begged to be touched by him.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't realise that my back was leaning against a wall and he was right in front of me, we were so close, too close.

" I am right, aren't I? " He asked as he put my hair behind my ear and gave a slight laugh which kept echoing in my ear.

I fought hard to avoid eye contact, there was no way I was going to let myself get lost in his perfect grey eyes, no way!

I was going mad for him and I didn't like our closeness even I could sense my own  arousal and trust me anyone that was behind my door could too.

This is bad! Really bad!!

" Do you want to feel me on your body? " He asked as he raised my chin up so our eyes could meet. As soon as they did, it felt like a million butterflies were released from their cage into my stomach.

What? Yes! Badly, if not I was going to die of all this shit I was feeling. I needed him badly but there was no way I would let him know that because he was a stranger and probably a Serial Killer and, or rapist.

" What? No! why would I want that? I don't even know you " I said my voice shakey but still firm. I lied.

He cupped my face with one hand and grabbed me by the waist with the other which just made my heart do a cartwheel. I found it hard to breath, we were just too close and I knew he could hear how fast my heart was thudding even I could hear it.

" I really want to be gentle, but it's so hard baby boll " He whispered behind my ear. " And the smell of your arousal isn't making things any better, I'm trying hard not to be a brut "

My face heated up and I felt embarrassed by this whole situation but I liked it. His smell had filled my senses and I just wanted more of him, all of him.

He leaned down closer to kiss me and man was I ready, my eyes were closed and I wanted to do what my body was saying until he pulled away with a smile on his face, he enjoyed teasing me didn't he? That's just perfect.

" I gotta go baby doll " He said as he ran to the window, half his body was out of my window when he stopped and said "By the way my name is Nathan "

As soon as he said that he disappeared and I was still standing on the same spot.

What just happened?