
my online friend

notification: Mmtae has requested be your friend. Would you like to add him back? Hell yes I do! ... min leah, a senior in high school enjoys many things, including gaming. minjae introduces her to a close friend of his and things start from there. © bayleighrenee CURRENTLY ON HOLD started: 26 february 2019 finished: ...

leighr · Musik und Bands
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| may 5, 2018 | 6:25 pm kst | 5:25 am est |

T A E H Y U N G.

A knock rumbles on the door, Jimin soon poking his head through the frame. "Hey, Tae. You're going on vlive right?"

"Yeah," I look up from my phone and place it down on the bed beside me. "Did you want to?"

He shrugs casually, "I can another day. Or I can be in it too." His brows wiggle on his forehead. "I'm sure ARMYs would like that a lot."

I chuckle in return, "Sure. I was gonna do it later, like in an hour."

"Sounds good," with that, he turns on his heel, leaving me alone in the quiet room.

Namjoon had left an hour ago, along with Yoongi, to go to the company. Both of them never rested it seemed, always getting inspiration, writing down lyrics and producing. They are truly awe inspiring. I look up to them a lot.

Everyone else was somewhere in the dorm, relaxing in some way or another. The next few days, we all knew, were going to be jam-packed. We only had two weeks to prepare for America. Some of us hadn't stopped practicing even with our allowed time off. I worked and practiced with them, but I also talked to Leah more.

Leah, she has been clouding my mind everyday. It seemed there wasn't a moment that she didn't, and this scared me. Was this what it was like to like someone? Like really like someone?

I sigh as I sit up from the bed, swinging my legs off the side to stand. My stomach had begun rumbling lowly as my mind wandered, so I figured I get up to eat something.




tae tae

7:04 pm


yes 🙃

read 7:05 pm


what was that song called?

7:05 pm



read 7:05 pm



the one you sang to me last night

7:06 pm



it's called scenery

read 7:06 pm


okay thanks!

7:06 pm


i couldn't find it :(((

7:10 pm


uhhh yeah

it's not actually out

7:12 pm



did you write that?

7:13 pm



7:13 pm





7:15 pm

The English words took me by surprise, seeing as we always texted in Korean. I know some English but some of the words looked weird to me, so I pulled up google to see what she said.



what do you mean "blessed"

7:17 pm


i got to hear your song :)))))))


wow T.T

7:18 pm

I ignore the jumbled letters of english this time, not wanting to have to type each letter out again.


i'm still working on it

7:19 pm


well it's AMAZING

ahh i'm so happy :))))

7:20 pm


thanks :))))

and um

is addhgdcjkvffhj an actual word?

7:21 pm


no tae tae

addhgdcjkvffhj is not an actual word


7:22 pm




7:22 pm



7:23 pm


i see uwu a lot too on twitter

is that a new thing?

7:24 pm


you use english twitter?

i didn't know u had one lol 🤣

7:25 pm

I hesitate as I type back, worried if she'll ask for it.


i do

i don't go on it much anymore but it's a joint one for our group

7:27 pm


that's cute ☺️

people use uwu to describe something really cute

7:27 pm


why'd you use it then lol

7:28 pm


bc you're cute 🥰

i'll text you later tae

gotta go to work

7:28 pm



have a good day

7:29 pm



you too

7:29 pm

I smile at my phone as I read her last message and my eyes didn't leave my screen until a short knock rumbled against my door, Jimin poking his head in soon after.

"You ready?l He asked with a grin as he walked in and plopped himself beside me.

I locked my phone and set it down. "Yeah, are we doing it in here?" Jimin only shrugs and nods.

Setting the phone on the desk, both of us pulling up chairs, we typed in a simple fretting as a title and started the countdown for the Live to start.

The two of us didn't have anything planned to say, we simply wanted to interact with ARMYs seeing as both of he hadn't in a while. I stood up to get a sweatshirt as the Live started and the number of viewers increased rapidly.

Jimin smiled at the screen as they began greeting him happily, asking him how's he's been. "We're doing great! How are all of you? Have you all eaten?" He asked.

I pulled the sweatshirt on so I could join him as he was reading the comments out loud.

"Good, how are you... I just ate ramyeon... Why's there another chair?... Is someone joining you Jimin-ah?" 

"안녕! (Hi!)," I smiled happily as I sat down. The comments began rolling in faster, making it much harder for us to read them.

The number of people had jumped from 50k to 500k within the almost three minutes of us being live. It was crazy to think about how many people were now watching us.

A few comments were about my sudden appearance, them saying hi or how are you again. With a smile, I reply, "Good, we don't have anything planned for today's vlive. We just wanted to talk to you all."

The mass comments were scrolling off the screen to which Jimin chuckles at.

"Comeback is soon..." I read among the comments. I nod happily, "Comeback is coming isn't it? Are you excited?"

We all were it seemed.

thank you all for 5k reads! i am so happy and grateful to all of you who have read this! thank you so much

leighrcreators' thoughts