
my online friend

notification: Mmtae has requested be your friend. Would you like to add him back? Hell yes I do! ... min leah, a senior in high school enjoys many things, including gaming. minjae introduces her to a close friend of his and things start from there. © bayleighrenee CURRENTLY ON HOLD started: 26 february 2019 finished: ...

leighr · Musik und Bands
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| april 2, 2018 | 8:15 am est

L e a h.

I woke up with a strong urge to pee. In the dim-lighted room, I carefully maneuvered my way to the bathroom attached to the room. After relieving myself, I exit the bathroom and see my mom's sleeping figure.

She stayed here all night, again...?

I move to wake her. "Mom..." I gently shake her, "Momma wake up."

She opens her eyes after a few more nudges. She then begins to glare daggers at me. "What Leah," She practically growls.

"Woah, okay..." I brush off her tone, understanding why she's still mad. "Uh- I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You've been sleeping in this chair for the past few nights."


"Okay—Sorry for bothering you." I apologize while backing away and crawling back into bed. "But you should go home now and get some rest. I'll be fine here," I finish by shrugging my shoulders.

She silently gets up and stretches before walking towards the door.

"Do you need anything from home?" She asks, pausing in front of the door.

"Just some clothes," I mutter. "And, if you wouldn't mind stopping by the restaurant. I think my stuff is still there."

"Sure," She then leaves the room.

"Thank you," I mumble, knowing it'd be useless to call out to her.


| april 3, 2018 | 9:26 pm kst | 8:26 am est |

T a e h y u n g.

"And... Cut~" Our director sings. "That's a wrap, boys."

We all begin shouting, happy to be finished.

"Thank you," I say to the crew members around me, bowing and beaming with joy.

Jimin runs over to me and patting my back a few times. "Ready for the celebration?" He nudges my shoulder and wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I laugh, "You got Soju?"

"Hell yeah man!" I shake my head at his energy. Jimin comes with me when I go to grab my stuff from the set. We meet the others at the van.

| 10:05 pm |

The boys and I decide to shower and change before gathering in the living room to celebrate.

Seeing as I share a room and bathroom with Namjoon, I let him go first. While he's in there, I take the opportunity to check my phone.


(translated messages)

💬 meliora

delivered 13 hours ago

She hasn't opened it...?

I swipe into our messages on Snapchat, only to see how she hasn't replied or opened any messages I've sent her in the last forty-eight hours.

I take a simple picture, not worrying about facing the camera. "Are you doing okay??" I type on the screen.

> sent to meliora

I hope so...


| april 2, 2018 | 3:33 pm est | 4:33 am kst |

L e a h.

The door to my room creaks open, Harin popping her head from behind the door.

"Hey," I smile.

"How are you?" She asks, entering fully.

"I'm alright, you? How's work been?"

"The usual, you know." She pulls up a chair to the bed I was in. "Oh--Your mom asked me to give this to you," She hands me a bag.

I nod to her once I receive it. I peek into the bag and she says, "It's your stuff from the restaurant. She has your clothes with her down in the cafe."

"Okay, thank you." I dig through the bag for my phone. I feel it at the bottom, underneath my hoodie. I haven't been able to check my phone for a few days, so I click the home button. I groan when the empty battery sign pops onto the screen.

"Dead?" Harin asks. I sigh and nod. "You need a charger?"

"Do you have one?"

"Yeah," She digs through her purse and hands me the white cord. "Here ya go."

"Thank you, Harin~," I praise and laugh.

She laughs with me, "No problem."

I get up from bed carefully. Trying not to experience another wave of dizziness, one of the worse symptoms from the concussion. I breathe out a held-in breath when I get up successfully, and plug in my phone.

A knock on the door breaks the comfortable silence of the room.

"Alright, Miss Leah..." Nurse Jackie sings softly as she enters the room, pulling in a cart of food.

The doctors and nurses here have set up a plan to get me to eat more...

They've set up a schedule of meal times for me:

9:15 am - Big Fūcking Breakfast

11:45 am - "Brunch"

1:30 pm - Big Fūcking Lunch

3:45 pm - Mid-Day Snack

6:15 pm - Big Fūcking Dinner

8:30 pm - Night time snack before lights out

Complete shit basically.

But if it'll keep me from that hellhole, by all means--make me eat every two hours. I roll my eyes mumble a "Yay~" under my breath.

Harin, who's close enough to hear, laughs at my soft comment.

Jackie brings the cart closer to the bed and begins to place my 'meal' onto the table.

I decide to be polite and at least thank her. She's only doing her job. "Thank you, Jackie." She smiles to me, and before she leaves she pats Harin on the shoulder and whispers to her.

I couldn't hear what she said, but I can only guess it's along the lines of: "Make sure she eats," or something.

While they have their little chat, I walk over to where my phone is charging and check the percentage.

"Oh, Leah!" Jackie scolds, making me pause my action. "You shouldn't use your phone for a few days. Staring at the screen will only hinder the recovery process."

I roll my eyes and groan, "When will I be able to?" I glance at her from over my shoulder.

"Soon..." She says simply. "Dr.Hale will be checking in tomorrow, so he will confirm when." With that, she leaves the room, leaving me annoyed and grumbling.

"Ugh, I fucking hate this."

Harin laughs, "I would too..."

"Wow, thanks," I scoff playfully and crawl back into the hospital bed.

"No problem~" She teases. I slowly pull the table closer to my body, staring at the small plate of food in disgust.

"I don't understand how they think I can enjoy this..." I pick up the grilled cheese and pull it apart into smaller pieces. "This shit tastes like ass."

Harin makes a face, "Smells like ass too..."

We laugh. "Seriously though--How the hell did they mess up a grilled cheese?"

"I'll bring by something from work tonight if you want," She offers.

I shrug, "It's fine... But—don't you have a late shift tonight? Would they even let you in?"

"Oh don't worry about that," She waves me off with her hand. "I told them we were sisters when you first got here."

"Wait—What?" I snort, "How did they buy that?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "Hell if I know, but they let me in so..." I shake my head at the thought. "I don't think they really mind. As long as they're getting money, they're happy campers." I nod in agreement, that's how everyone is. She continues, "And, I'm bringing something for you anyways."

"Harin, you really don't--"

She cuts me off, "Doin' it anyways~" She smiles before walking to the door. "See you later~" She sings and closes the door behind her.

Lee Harin... I shake my head and return my attention to the brick I have to eat.

I hate this.