
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantasie
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47 Chs


What happened? Why did the monster change direction?

Rash felt weird, monsters are known to be hostile and aggressive towards everyone, be they humans or animals. Also, he heard that its actions could never be predicted, so that's what they mean by the saying. The strange beast that he just saw was only a few meters away from him, but now he's running in the opposite direction from him. It looked like it was afraid of the boy in front of it.

How could Rash miss this opportunity, at least he would not die meaningless now, so he started following at full speed behind the monster, only by running a few meters his breath start quickening.

"That doesn't help at all... Huff... My condition is now too weak to catch up with that monster." He pressed his hand on his chest while he was trying hard to reach that monster. Anyone who sees the scene realizes that there is something wrong with this boy's brain.

Suddenly he heard a loud cry from the side street where the monster vanished, only then did he realize why that monster decided to ignore him and head there. Most likely, the person across the street attracted the beast's appetite more than anyone else.

When he reached the place of the beast in the side street, he found it preparing to pounce on its prey, while there is a woman holding her baby in her hand trembling in panic, the woman in her thirties apparently, and the boy at the age of two or three. When the monster appeared in front of them suddenly, they couldn't do anything to face it, and only resorted to the wall to shelter, waiting for help, but in their place, could anyone save them at the right time?

Seeing such a scene, anxious looks in the eyes of the woman and the fear for her little baby, witnessing the extent of the reassurance of the boy in the arms of his mother despite the danger threatening his life from all sides, here Rash remembers the past, the past he lived without knowing the mother's tenderness, the warmth of the family, the hope to get help from someone. He wanted to shout at her, "Run, what exactly are you waiting for, so that the monster kills you and your little boy while you are watching?" But he decided against it, to ignore the matter, as this lady will most likely treat him like the rest of the people he has befriended in his life.

"How long have I lost my faith in humanity?"

Rash wondered, he knew that they were just negative thoughts as a result of the harsh treatment he had received, despite telling himself repeatedly that this was not true and that there were always people in this world who might treat him differently, but thinking positively was always a difficult thing for him.

Despite all what happens, in the deepest depths of his soul, he wanted to be like any normal human being, having friends who talk, play, spend time together, console each other in sorrows and cheer themselves up in difficult times and rejoice over someone's success. Even if not, at least a simple life free of problems and constant violence.

Then he remembered the people, turned right and left, but the street was empty and all shops and stores were closed. Where did the people go?

There is a saying that people always say, every time you try to find something, you will find everything except for it.

Rash never stops moving forward towards the monster, every second was important, but hey... why does he have to hurry? It's not as if the monster will run away or something.

Well, he decided not to think too much about it and only do what he wanted. He ran at full speed, taking advantage of the monster's focus on his victim, then jumped towards him like a human shall, and hit him with both feet in the head. The strange beast was not very weighty from the start, maybe about 120 kg, as for Rash, his slender body did not exceed half of this, but he used his acceleration to increase the effect. Amidst the astonishment of the woman, and the angry cry of the monster, who staggered and swayed towards the side. Rush fell not far from the place of collision.

"haha... Come on, come to me, let's see what you can do?" He did not stay on the ground for a moment, but stood on his feet quickly, facing his enemy, his small body trembling, who knew whether it was fear or excitement?

His attack did not cause any damage, and this is something he had already expected so seeing the monster looking at him unscathed, and changing its target in his direction made him feel better, now is the time for real battle.


One of the instincts of animals is that they try to catch their prey from behind when they are not attentive, but in direct confrontations they will be very careful to attack and will try to search for a blind spot. This beast is the same in that aspect and especially now that there are two enemies in his field. He instinctively began to do that, alas Rash was not in a good mental state and did not care about the consequence, so he attacked directly.

He jumped in front of him and decided to kick with his right foot towards the face, but he was too slow, causing the monster to avoid sideways and roar angrily, "Roooaaaaarr!"

That cry was not ordinary, but rather a skill of its own, if everyone in its field heard it, they would enter involuntary fear for sometime.

Rash, the woman and her son started to shiver crazy, and they were no longer able to control their actions, the woman left the boy from her hand, and the boy who was comforted moments earlier started screaming loudly, while his mother did nothing for him. As for Rash, he has frozen in place, as if he had lost the ability to move, the monster took advantage of his state, then rushed towards him with Bang he rammed him with the like stone head, and horns that resembled two spears of war.

From the start, there is a big difference in strength and size between them. The previous Rash's kick did not cause any harm to the monster except for a loss of balance for a moment, but the opposite is not true, because the mechanism that the monster has is very strong and would cause severe damage to several people when confronted directly, adding that Rash was hit while unprepared, causing him to hit the wall hard, about two meters from the place of the woman and her child.

Rash felt indescribable pain, not even able to scream. It was the second time he received such an attack today, but Steve's kick, despite its strength, was able to withstand the pain. Blood began to flow from his head because of the impact from the wall and the sharp horn wound on his right rib dirtying his worn out uniform.

Rash tried to move again, but his body did not respond in any way. So that's all it takes, just one hit and all over?

He heard a few stories about how terrified they were, but it was the first time that he encountered one face to face, although this monster was not big in size and did not differ much from ordinary animals, but its attack was really heavy, and the funny thing its only used two attacks, as it still has the claw or the sharp teeth.

After much effort and willpower, Rash raised his head slightly, and tried to open his eyes to see what was going on.

The scene is not very good, the monster began to approach him gradually, step by step, until it stood directly above him while Rash small head became between the front feet of the beast, there he saw a terrifying scene. The stomach of the beast appears normal at first glance, but when focusing a little, each hair is like a thin worm attached to its belly flesh from below, there is a viscous liquid dripping from it as if his stomach had been pierced and began to release its bodily fluid.

Is this the end? In that disgusting stomach?

It's not as though Rash expects to survive anyway. At those crucial moments his vision gradually faded. He felt that his body was very heavy, very tired, tired of everything in life, he just wanted to rest, close his eyes and not think of anything else.