
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja ¡ Fantasy
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47 Chs


It wasn't too complicated for Rash, who made it to the bottom. Currently, is there anything that matters to him?

Steve didn't expect that either, it was the second time today in span a minute. He quickly let go of Rash and wiped the saliva from his face with a feeling of disgust, but suddenly the anger he felt was as if he had restrained somehow.

"Ha... ha ha ha ha." Steve laughed fanatically, to everyone's shock, it seemed as if he had lost his mind out of anger, this burly, handsome-looking boy, his behavior today is unusual. Rash, like the others, did not understand exactly what was going on, but his night was definitely black.

Steve stopped laughing hysterically, and began to speak slowly, "That's fine, why would I simply kill you, no... This will never stop my anger. I just thought of something better to do. I'm looking forward to doing it, but not now."

He suggests it is time for a class, or maybe just to put psychological pressure on Rash. Waiting is the hardest thing a person can go through.

But Rash shook his head, "You're just a coward…" before completing his words, "Thump," Steve kicked Rush's stomach hard, sending him flying back, hitting the back wall. Then he collapsed towards the ground, writhing in pain.

"Agha." Yellow water came out from between his lips. Everything he ate before coming to school this morning had vomited out because of the strike. If you look closely at that yellow solution, you will find a few small pieces of grass leaves that have not yet dissolved, even with their disgusting taste Rash had no other choice but to swallow them.

Why did he not starve himself to death?

He did, but the orphanage took him to the hospital, and he was forced to eat, of course he tried to refuse, but the doctor in charge told him that if he did not do so, he would most likely be transferred to a mental hospital and there he would have to face the consequences on his own.

At this point, the teacher enters the class, teacher Peter is the mathematics teacher and in charge of their class. He is a middle-aged man, black short hair with a little gray, wearing clean clothes and a white long-sleeved teacher coat and in his hand some books and tools. "Everyone, to your places, the class has begun." His voice is a little hoarse, but his tone is sharp.

Within seconds everyone was in their seat, except for Rash, who was still on the floor, breathing hard. Teacher Peter inspected the class with a glance, "Everyone is here. That's good." Then, before he turned around, he remembered he had another boy in his class at the end of the classroom, but he hadn't noticed him.

"Did Rash skip school today as well? That kid really brings me a lot of problems."

Nobody wanted to correct him, until he heard a faint voice from behind, "here" while trying so hard to get up on his feet.

"Oh... if you're already here, sit at your place right now." teacher Peter spoke in a very sharp tone towards him, and he didn't even bother asking about his condition when he saw him like that.

Rash knows that Professor Peter hates him deeply, at first it was not like this, but on the day of the promotion there was a small problem, the committee responsible for the promotion of teacher Peter came to supervisor the class while he was doing his work. In any way before the committee. Teacher Peter gave everyone many instructions to what will happen, and he also gave them homework and ordered them to bring it on the day of the promotion so that he appears in the best situation.

When everyone started collecting the homework papers on promotion day, and when they counted it, there was missing homework. Upon confirmation again, they found that the homework for Rash does not exist.

Rash then realized that his paper had not been passed to the front seat, he did not think that someone would dare to spoil the teacher promotion. Even he, had never thought of doing so, and tried most of the night very hard to solve the homework well.

But in that situation, who is going to believe him?

When the teacher asked him, Rash replied that he had already pass it. His saying complicated the matters a lot more, If he pretended to have forgotten the paper, it might be better. His classmates denied that Rash had pass the paper, and each of them pretended not to know anything. Then matters got complicated because the committee noticed the students' questionable behavior.

An investigation into the matter led them to the fact that there was a student isolated from the rest of the students and being mistreated, which led to the suspension of the teacher promotion, Peter, who in turn felt that it was all because of Rash.

Rash actually felt a little sorry for him, because the teacher hadn't treated him harshly in the past, but after that incident he never tried to care about him.

The first lesson passed, then the second, and Rash never left the classroom. In the third session he asked the teacher for permission to go out to the bathroom, then he did not return after that, he knows very well what wait him if he stays until midday, so he decided to leave the school while there is still time, at the front gate he demonstrated That the teacher allowed him to leave due to illness and then fled to an unknown destination where no one could find him.

Rumble... Rumble...

All the way, the sounds of his empty stomach, sounded like a kind of sad music, reminded him of everything he had recently experienced. Sometimes he stopped and at other times he changed his direction, he walked and walked until his feet were numb. Perhaps it was two or three hours or maybe more, but the exhaustion was not only due to walking, but hunger as well as the pain of the wounds.

In one of the remote streets of the city, the thing that he imagined over and over again had finally come, in the middle of the street suddenly a black shadow appeared in the form of a dark phantom, that shadow started to expand little by little until it turned into a strange monster.

Its size is only about half a meter in height and a meter and a half in length, somewhat similar to wild cats in the structure, but it is closer to a brown goat in its external descriptions, it has no flesh cheeks next to its jaws, which makes the individual able to see its teeth, it is four rows of sharp fangs.

"What a stupid-looking monster? How can these monsters be so asymmetric?" Rash thought internally, but he didn't mind anyway. Today he is going to fight this monster no matter what.

Or this is what he thought, because the monster suddenly ignored him and changed his direction towards another prey that was nearby.