
My new life with a slayer system

Hello guys This is my first time writing and i hope you will enjoy. I will also like to inform that I am writing for fun but if you guys find the story enjoyable i will do my best to make it more interesting. ENJOY!

Theplayer · Andere
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7 Chs

Chapter 02

Yoshi walks through the village to a house that looks like it will fall apart anytime and gave the feeling it being haunted.

With a sigh he open which makes a weird sound in the process .

Behind the door stood a girl with Short blue hair,blue eyes and fair skin. This yuri, Yoshi's twin sister.

"Welcome home brother!"my twin sister greeted me.

Yoshi eyed the girl before him wearing a white tank-top with a black skirt which stop at the knee level and a bright smile on her face.

"I'm back"

The house have one bedroom,a living room,a bathroom and a kitchen. It is big enough for the two of us but the state is just terrible.

"How was your day?"i asked

The moment yoshi asked she started rambling about what she did today with excitement.

'well,she is still a 7 year old girl after all'

Yoshi listened to her while they ate dinner. After eating they decide to sleep since they don't have the luxury to wake up late like normal children.

They share a mat and one blanket but today yoshi was hesitant to sleep with his sister which she was quick to remark and ask about it.

"Is something wrong brother?"

'i feel it is wrong to sleep like that with my sister.it is not like i have any thoughts about her but still '

"It is nothing,i am just covered in dirt and i don't want to dirty the house"

"Then just take off your clothes "

Yoshi choke on saliva hearing yuri 's word.


"Cough*just sleep,i coming soon"

Yuri stared at her brother for a moment and lay down on the mat to sleep. Today he is acting weirdly but yuri decide to ignore it and now he don't want to sleep with her which makes her feel sad.

When yoshi saw that yuri went to sleep he just sat beside her with a sigh.



[Name:yoshi] [age:07]

[Hp:100] [Mp:50]

[Race: human]


[STR:7] [INT:5]

[VIT:10] [AGI:5]


[Stats points:0]


'lets see if there is anything interesting on the second page'



[Demonic eyes level 1: just as the name goes those eyes are never meant to be use by humans. The abilities of those eyes vary between users.]

'sigh at least I got something interesting even if it is only that. Seems like the demonic eyes don't need mana to activate but what does the system mean by ''never meant to be use by humans ". '





'sigh...well i can't really complain about it '

Yoshi also went to sleep after sometime but he didn't share the blanket with yuri. The next day yoshi woke up early in the morning and went to the river to wash himself.

Yoshia decided to take things easy for now and live normally with yuri except that he wakes very early and go to train his body and on occasions with wooden sword.

He have some knowledge when it involves fighting even if they are from games and animes but it is better than nothing.