
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 48: a familiar figure

The battle raged on, each clash resonating with the intensity of celestial and draconic power. Azrael, once arrogant and disdainful, now found himself desperately defending against our relentless onslaught.

Issei unleashed the Dragon Soul Ascendence, his sacred gear empowering him with draconic might. His movements became a blur as crimson energy enveloped him. He delivered powerful strikes, each one leaving Azrael reeling.

Meanwhile, my celestial aura merged seamlessly with Avengers Edge, the celestial-infused weapon in my hands. I moved with a fluid grace, dancing between Azrael's attacks and countering with precision. Flames erupted with each swing, scorching our adversary.

Azrael, wounded and furious, retaliated with a surge of light magic. Beams of destructive energy shot toward us, forcing Issei and me to dodge and weave through the onslaught. The battlefield became a chaotic dance of celestial flames and draconic roars.

Issei's Dragon Shot clashed with Azrael's light swords, creating dazzling explosions that illuminated the dim surroundings. I circled Azrael, delivering Frost Gale Slashes that left trails of freezing air. The temperature dropped, contrasting with the intense heat from Issei's attacks.

As the battle reached its climax, Azrael unleashed a final, desperate assault. His wings expanded, casting a shadow over us. It was a last-ditch effort to turn the tide. Issei and I, however, stood firm, determination burning in our eyes.

Issei's eyes glowed with dragonic power as he channeled the last of his strength into a devastating Dragon Roar. The shockwave rippled through the air, colliding with Azrael's dark wings. The clash of energies created a brilliant explosion, engulfing the battlefield.

When the dust settled, Azrael lay defeated, his wings tattered and his once-arrogant demeanor replaced by shock. We stood victorious, albeit battered, as the remnants of our celestial and draconic powers lingered in the air.

The battle had tested our limits, strengthened our teamwork, and proven that even in the face of a formidable foe, the union of celestial and draconic forces could overcome the darkest challenges.

In the aftermath of the intense battle, Azrael's sinister laughter echoed through the dimly lit space. His deranged amusement grated on our nerves, especially as we surveyed the grim scene he had orchestrated.

Issei, noticing my anger, directed my attention toward a disturbing sight. There, in cruel captivity, were beings of various races—elves, devils, fallen angels, yokais, and humans—bound by chains and subjected to harsh conditions.

The revelation fueled a surge of rage within me. Without hesitation, I turned toward Azrael, the source of this cruelty. My movements were swift and decisive as Avengers Edge gleamed in the dim light, severing Azrael's head from his shoulders.

The laughter ceased abruptly, replaced by a chilling silence that hung in the air. Issei, equally appalled by the grim discovery, urged me to contact Azazel. I nodded in agreement, understanding the urgency of the situation.

Summoning a communication seal, I spoke urgently into it, conveying the dire circumstances.

Kousei:azazel, we've encountered a trafficking operation. Numerous individuals, of various races, are being held captive. We need your assistance immediately.

Azazel's response crackled through the magical communication.

Azazel:understood, Akeno. Send me the coordinates. I'll dispatch a team to your location right away.

As I shared the coordinates, I couldn't shake the anger and sorrow that welled up within me. The battle may have ended, but a new fight against the darkness of cruelty and exploitation awaited. Azrael's malevolence had exposed a deeper, systemic issue that demanded our intervention.

The communication with Azazel concluded, leaving Issei and me to confront the aftermath of our encounter.

Issei and I turned our attention to the captives, their eyes filled with a mix of fear and hope. We moved swiftly, working together to unlock the cages that held various races – elves, devils, fallen angels, yokais, and humans.

As the cages creaked open, we could sense the tension dissipating, replaced by a cautious optimism. The prisoners, now free, looked at us with gratitude and relief. I addressed them, my voice carrying the weight of our commitment to justice.

Kousei:Fear not. You're free now, and no harm will befall you. We'll ensure your safe return to your respective realms and homes.

A young elven girl stepped forward, her eyes expressing a blend of gratitude and curiosity.

Elven girl:Who are you? Why did you help us?

I offered a reassuring smile.

Kousei: I am Kousei, and this is my little twin brother Issei. We couldn't stand idly by while innocents suffered. Now, gather your strength. We'll guide you back to safety.

As we led the group towards the exit, Issei took a moment to address them as well.

Issei:Remember, not all beings are malicious. There are those who stand against the darkness, and we're here to prove that.

The rescued individuals exchanged glances, realizing that hope wasn't entirely lost. We escorted them out of the eerie building, the atmosphere gradually transforming from despair to relief.

Once outside, I pulled out a pill, crushing it and dispersing a sleeping gas to ensure their peaceful rest. As they settled into a deep slumber, we prepared to contact Azazel and update him on our success.

Issei glanced at me, satisfaction evident in his eyes.

Issei:We did good, Kousei. We brought justice to those who needed it.

I nodded in agreement, a sense of fulfillment washing over me. Our mission went beyond defeating Azrael; it was about restoring hope to those who had lost it.

I told issei to keep watching as I ventured into the hideout to check if there was someone else, I used my qi sense and I sensed someone in a hidden room

I walked in and saw a young girl my age

My heart sank as I discovered Lavina Reni, unconscious and bleeding, bound to a cross. Memories of her past flashed in my mind – the tragic loss of her parents, her unique connection to an unseen "Doll," and the magical upbringing under Glenda's guidance. How had she ended up in this nightmarish scenario?

I approached cautiously, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Lavina's once vibrant blue eyes were now shut, her long blonde hair matted with blood. Anguish welled up inside me; this wasn't just an innocent caught in the crossfire but someone I knew, someone I had read about in the Slash Dog Manga.

As I examined her, the echoes of Glenda's teachings and Lavina's pursuit of magical knowledge resounded in my thoughts. The serene association of Grauzauberer, the camaraderie with fellow magicians – all shattered by the grim reality before me. How could such cruelty befall someone who had sought connection and understanding?

My inner turmoil intensified as I wondered about the motives behind her capture. Was it a deliberate targeting of a magician, or was Lavina merely collateral damage in Azrael's malevolent schemes? Questions swirled in my mind, demanding answers that might not be readily available.

A mix of frustration and determination settled within me. This wasn't just a mission to eliminate a fallen angel; it became a personal quest to rescue someone caught in the crossfire.

I glanced around, ensuring no hidden threats lingered, before carefully releasing Lavina from her restrained position. As I cradled her in my arms, a surge of urgency propelled me to seek immediate aid. Issei needed to know about this development, and together we would uncover the truth behind Lavina's ordeal.

I acknowledged the fog surrounding her memories. She appeared disoriented, struggling to grasp the fragments of recollection that eluded her.

Kousei: hey wake up

I spoke gently, recognizing the struggle in her eyes

Kousei:take your time. We don't need to rush. If you can, try to recall any details, even the slightest. It might help us understand what happened.

She nodded, a gesture filled with a mix of determination and frustration. The struggle to piece together the puzzle of her recent experiences weighed on her, evident in the furrowed brows and searching gaze.

Lavinia:I remember... a surge of dark energy, shadows closing in

She began, her voice soft and uncertain.

Lavina:Then, a flash of light, like a celestial burst. After that, it's all a blur.

I absorbed her words, contemplating the significance of a celestial burst amid the darkness. It hinted at a clash of supernatural forces, each leaving an indelible mark on Lavina's memory.

Kousei:Lavina, did you see who attacked you? Anything distinctive about their appearance or abilities?

I inquired, hoping to extract more information.

She shook her head, frustration evident in her expression.

Lavinia: was chaotic. Figures obscured by shadows, and then... nothing. I'm sorry, Kousei. I wish I could provide more.

Reassuring her, I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Kousei:No need to apologize, Lavina. Your safety is our priority. As you recover, perhaps more details will surface. In the meantime, rest and regain your strength. We'll navigate this mystery together.

Lavina offered a grateful yet apologetic smile, acknowledging the uncertainties that lingered. With her well-being in mind, I maintained a vigilant watch, prepared to unravel the enigma that entwined her fate with ours.

As I examined the markings on the cross, a realization struck with unsettling clarity. The ritualistic symbols etched into the wood bore the unmistakable essence of an attempt to extract a sacred gear. A surge of anger coursed through me, fueled by the understanding that Lavina had endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of those seeking to exploit her supernatural abilities.

I came outside to meet azazel talking with issei as a few other fallen angels were taking care of the kidnapped individuals

Azazel's eyes narrowed as he absorbed the information, a mix of concern and determination crossing his face.

Azazel:Kousei, Issei, this is a grave matter. We can't let fallen angels exploit innocent individuals for their sacred gears. I'll make sure to investigate this further and take necessary actions against those responsible.

Issei chimed in

Issei:We won't let them get away with this. If there's anything we can do to help, just let us know.

I nodded in agreement.

Kousei:lavina will stay with us for now. We need to ensure her safety while Azazel investigates this incident. We can't let those fallen angels go unpunished

I remembered a few of them escaping during our battle with azrael

Azazel nodded.

Azazel:i'll contact you with updates. In the meantime, keep a close eye on Lavina. Her safety is crucial, and we can't afford to underestimate the potential threat she might pose to these fallen angels.

As Azazel disappeared in the magic circle, I turned to Issei.

Kousei:We need to be vigilant.

Issei nodded solemnly.

With that resolve in our hearts, we prepared to face the challenges that awaited us, determined to protect those who couldn't protect themselves from the sinister schemes of the fallen angels.

At Azazel's place Lavina was on my lap she was crying, she then explained what happened her she is working with her god mother for a wizard organization called Grauzauberer

Lavina's tears flowed freely as she recounted the heartbreaking tale of betrayal and false accusations. Her voice quivered with emotion, each word carrying the weight of the injustice she had endured.

Lavinia:They accused me of betraying Grauzauberer, but it's a lie! I would never do such a thing

Lavina exclaimed, her sapphire eyes filled with anguish.

Lavinia:I've devoted my life to learning magic and helping others. How could they believe I'd turn against the organization?

I tightened my grip around her, offering comfort in the face of such betrayal.

Kousei:tell us everything, Lavina. We're here for you.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice.

Lavinia:The Dark Mirage approached me, threatening to harm Glenda if I didn't provide them with information about Grauzauberer's activities. They claimed they had evidence of my supposed treachery, and I was left with no choice.

Issei listened intently, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Issei:And what about Glenda? Why would she denounce you?

Lavinia's eyes welled up with fresh tears.

Lavinia:I don't know. They must have manipulated something or coerced her. Glenda was like a mother to me, and now she believes I'm a traitor.

Lavina's tear-streaked face reflected the pain and betrayal she had endured.

Lavina:Kousei, it's all a misunderstanding. I never betrayed them. The accusations, the denouncement—it's all lies.

I gently brushed her hair, offering a reassuring smile.

Kousei:Take your time, Lavina. We're here for you. Start from the beginning. Tell us everything.

She took a deep breath, collecting herself before starting her story.

Lavina:i've been working with Grauzauberer, a wizard organization. Everything was going well until The Dark Mirage framed me. They accused me of leaking vital information to them. Even Glenda, my godmother and mentor, believed those lies.

Issei and I exchanged a concerned glance. It was a convoluted web of deception that Lavina had found herself entangled in.

Lavina:I never betrayed Grauzauberer

Lavina continued, her voice filled with determination.

Lavina:The Dark Mirage, they're after my magical abilities. They want to exploit me for their dark rituals. They then sold me to azrael

Lavinia, still nestled on my lap, wiped away her tears.

Lavinia:Thank you, Kousei. I never expected anyone to believe me. I've always tried my best for Grauzauberer, and now they treat me like a traitor.

I gently brushed her hair, offering comfort.

Kousei:you're not alone anymore. Azazel and I won't let anyone harm you. And you're welcome to stay here with us as long as you need.

She sighed, a mixture of relief and sadness in her voice.

Lavinia:It's just so disheartening. I thought I had a family in Grauzauberer, but now it feels like everything I knew was a lie.

Issei, who had been listening silently, spoke up.

Issei:Sometimes people disappoint us, Lavinia. But it doesn't define your worth. We'll figure out a way to clear your name, and in the meantime, you have a new family here.

She managed a small smile, gratitude shining in her eyes.

Lavina:Thank you both. I never expected kindness after what happened.

As Azazel continued to discuss the plan to help Lavinia, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for her well-being. We may not have planned to get involved in her troubles, but fate had different ideas, intertwining our paths in unexpected ways.