
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

chapter 49

As I stood in the dimly lit dungeon, the cold stone walls surrounding me, I couldn't help but reflect on everything that had happened up to this point. The system, with its game-like interface, displayed my stats in front of me, a constant reminder of my progress and the road ahead.

**Physical Stats:**

- Strength: 350

- Agility: 325

- Endurance: 342

**Title: Avenger (Horizon Avenger)**

**Perks of The Avenger:**

1. **Vengeful Resolve:** Increased strength and agility during battles against those who have wronged me.

2. **Recovery of the Resolute:** Accelerated healing and recovery after overcoming significant challenges.

3. **Avenging Aura:** An aura that instills fear in adversaries, diminishing their morale and weakening their attacks.

**Cultivation Stats:**

- Cultivation Level: Spirit Refinement Stage (8th Stage)

- Cultivation Physique: Divine Ascendant Body

- Elemental Affinity: All Elements


1. Qi Control - Level 40

2. Martial Arts - Level 45

3. Elemental Manipulation - Level 44

4. Meditation Mastery - Level 43

5. Gale Palm - Level 33

6. Harmony Breath - Level 40

7. Wind Steps - Level 40

8. Meridian Cleansing Techniques - Level 43

9. **Sword Mastery Techniques:**

- Whirlwind Waltz - Level 45

- Tempest Slicer - Level 40

- Frost Bite Gale Slash - Level 30

- Inferno Lotus Fist - Level 40

- Cosmic Veil - Level 35

- Inferno Burst - Level 13

**Special Skills:**

1. Alchemy - Level 30

2. Formation Crafting - Level 35

**Celestial Genesis Technique Enhancements:**

- Starlight Infusion Mastery - Level 6

- Elemental Fusion Proficiency - Level 4

- Astral Projection Initiation - Level 3


- Avengers Edge (Empowered after Celestial Genesis Technique)

**Additional Traits:**

- Celestial Awareness: Enhanced ability to sense celestial forces, providing advanced foresight during battles.

- Eternal Youth: The Celestial Genesis Technique further extends lifespan, granting the prospect of enduring vitality.

- Cosmic Resilience: Increased resistance to celestial and elemental attacks due to the mastery of Starlight Infusion and Elemental Fusion.

I've leveled up all my skills, but I feel like I need to do more. The sense of inadequacy gnaws at me, pushing me to strive harder. The recent encounters with people and events not present in the original canon timeline only add to my growing unease. Lint, Lavinia, Shuri being alive, and Akeno not becoming Rias' queen – it's all so different from what I anticipated. And then there's Yue, a failed experiment to create a devil god, and my battle with Euclid. It's as if the universe itself is shifting around me, challenging my understanding and my place within it.

Before canon even started, so many things have changed. I can't help but wonder what other surprises await. Meeting Lint before canon threw me off initially, but I adapted. And now Lavinia, with her tragic backstory, framed and denounced by her own godmother, Glenda. It's infuriating and heartbreaking. How could they not see the truth? I'll make sure she gets justice.

Shuri being alive is a relief. Akeno never went through the traumatic experiences that would have led her to become a devil and Rias' queen. She's stronger and happier, and I'm grateful for that. Still, it's strange knowing how different her path could have been.

Yue, a product of a twisted experiment, now exists as a failed attempt to create a devil god. Her existence alone raises so many questions about the forces at play. And then my battle with Euclid before canon – that was a fight I hadn't expected to face so soon. It pushed me to my limits, forcing me to unlock new potentials and confront my weaknesses head-on.

It's almost as if the world is testing me, ensuring I'm prepared for the trials to come. These encounters, these shifts in the timeline, they're all part of something bigger. I need to be ready for anything. I need to continue growing, pushing my limits, and honing my skills. The system has given me the tools, and now it's up to me to use them effectively.

Even with my current stats, I can't afford to be complacent. My strength, agility, and endurance are impressive, but they can always be improved. The cultivation level I've reached is significant, but the path of cultivation is endless. There are always higher stages to achieve, deeper insights to gain. My skills in Qi Control, Martial Arts, and Elemental Manipulation are formidable, but perfection is a journey, not a destination.

The sword techniques I've mastered, like Whirlwind Waltz and Tempest Slicer, have served me well, but there are still many levels to ascend. Inferno Burst, in particular, is a skill I need to focus on. Its potential is vast, and I haven't yet tapped into its true power. And the Celestial Genesis Technique – there's so much more to uncover there. Starlight Infusion, Elemental Fusion, Astral Projection – these enhancements are just the beginning.

As for my equipment, Avengers Edge has become a part of me, its power growing alongside mine. It's a symbol of my resolve, my determination to avenge those who have been wronged and to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Looking at the faces of those I've encountered, those who have suffered and those who have been saved, I know that my journey is far from over. Each step I take, each battle I fight, brings me closer to my goals. But it's also a reminder of the responsibilities I carry.

I need to stay vigilant, to remain focused. The changes in the timeline, the unexpected encounters, they all serve as reminders that nothing is set in stone. The future is fluid, shaped by our actions and decisions. And I am determined to shape it into a future where justice prevails and the innocent are protected.

Leaving the dungeon, I was met with an amusing sight. My little brother was fast asleep with Yue drawing a mustache on his face. I couldn't help but laugh quietly at the scene. Deciding not to disturb them, I made my way out and headed to Lavinia's new apartment, which had been generously sponsored by that pervy crow, Azazel.

As I reached her door, I knocked gently. Moments later, the door swung open, and I was met with a soft embrace. It was Lavinia, her large chest pressing against my face, making me blush. She hugged me tightly, almost as if she feared I would disappear.

"Lavinia," I managed to say, patting her head awkwardly despite her being taller than me.

Lavinua:It's good to see you.

She didn't let go, her grip firm as if she drew strength from the contact.

Lavinia:Kousei, thank you so much

she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she pulled back slightly to look at me.

Me:Hey, it's okay

I said gently, trying to calm her down.

Me:You're safe now. No one's going to hurt you anymore.

She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself, but the tears kept coming.

Lavinia:don't know what I would have done if you hadn't found me. I... I thought it was the end.

I hugged her back, offering as much comfort as I could.

Kousei:you don't have to think about that now. What matters is that you're here, and you're safe

After a few moments, she finally let go and wiped her eyes, smiling through her tears.

Lavinia:I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get all emotional.

"Don't apologize," I said, giving her a reassuring smile.

Kousei:You've been through a lot. It's natural to feel this way.

She nodded, and we moved inside, settling down on the couch. The apartment was modest but cozy, a significant upgrade from the hellhole she had been in.

We talked for a long time about various things, catching up on everything that had happened. Lavinia shared more about her time with Grauzauberer, and how her godmother Glenda had framed her. Her voice still held a note of pain and betrayal as she spoke about it, and I could see that the memories haunted her.

After a while, she grew quiet, a thoughtful look on her face.

Lavinia:Kousei, can I ask you something?

"Of course," I replied.

Kousei:What is it?

She hesitated, looking down at her hands before meeting my eyes again.

Lavinia:I've felt... something from you. Some kind of energy. It's unlike anything I've ever encountered. What is it?

I took a deep breath, deciding to be honest with her.

Kousei:What you're sensing is my cultivation energy. I'm a cultivator.

She tilted her head slightly, clearly intrigued.

Kousei:Cultivator? I'm not familiar with that term. Can you explain it to me?

"Sure," I said, gathering my thoughts.

Kousei:Cultivation is a practice that allows individuals to enhance their physical and spiritual abilities through various techniques and methods. It involves absorbing and refining different types of energy from the world around us, which then strengthens our bodies and minds.

Her eyes widened with curiosity.

Lavinia:That sounds incredible. So, it's like magic?

"Sort of," I replied.

Lavinia:But it's more about harmonizing with the natural energies of the universe. There are different stages and levels of cultivation, and each stage brings new abilities and insights. It's a long and arduous journey, but the benefits are immense.

She leaned in, clearly fascinated.

Lavinia:What kind of benefits?

"Well," I began,

Kousei:enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and healing abilities are some of the more immediate benefits. As you progress, you also gain a deeper understanding of the world and your place in it. You can manipulate elemental forces, create protective formations, and even extend your lifespan.

"Wow," she breathed, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

Lavinia:That sounds amazing. How did you get into it?

Kousei:It's a bit of a long story

I said with a chuckle.

Kousei:But basically, I stumbled upon the practice and found that I had a natural affinity for it. I've been training and cultivating ever since.

She looked at me with admiration.

Lavinia:You must be incredibly strong then. No wonder you were able to defeat Azrael.

I shrugged modestly.

Kousei:It's not just about strength. Cultivation also teaches you discipline and wisdom. You learn to remain calm and focused, even in the most challenging situations.

She smiled, a bit more relaxed now.

Lavinia:Thank you for explaining that to me, Kousei. It makes a lot of sense now. And thank you for everything you've done. I don't know how I can ever repay you.

I shook my head, smiling at her.

Kousei:You don't need to repay me, Lavinia. Just focus on healing and finding your path forward. You're strong too, and you've got a lot of potential.

She looked down, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

Lavinia:I'll do my best. And... thank you again.

I patted her hand reassuringly.

Kousei:Anytime, Lavinia. Anytime.

After leaving Lavinia's apartment, I made my way to meet my girlfriend, Akeno. Ever since she started high school, we hadn't been able to spend as much time together, and I missed her terribly.

As soon as I arrived, I was ambushed by a tight hug. It was Akeno, and she pulled me into a deep kiss.

"Damn, I love dating tall girls,

I murmured against her lips, making her giggle.

Akeno:It's good to see you, Kousei

she said, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Kousei:It's good to see you too, Akeno. I've missed you.

We walked inside, and I noticed Shuri wasn't around.

Kousei:Where's your mom?

I asked, glancing around.

Akeno:She's out running some errands. We have the place to ourselves

Akeno replied with a mischievous grin.

I rested my head on her lap as she gently ran her fingers through my hair.

Kousei:Tell me about Kuoh Academy. How's it been?

Akeno smiled softly.

Akeno:it's been interesting. I met some new friends there. Rias Gremory and Sona Shitori or sitri

I looked up at her.

Kousei:Rias and Sona, huh? Did you know they're both devil heiresses?

She nodded.

Akeno:Yeah, I figured that out. Rias is the heir to the Gremory Clan, and Sona is the heir to the Sitri Clan. Their elder siblings are pretty famous, Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan.

I raised an eyebrow, impressed.

Kousei:You're well-informed. I hope they didn't try to recruit you into their peerages.

Akeno giggled.

Akeno:No, silly. They're close friends. We've actually become pretty good friends too. It's nice to have people who understand our world.

I relaxed, feeling reassured.

Kousei:that's good to hear. Just be careful, okay? The world of devils can be tricky.

Akeno nodded, her expression turning serious.

Akeno:I know. But I trust them, Kousei. They're good people.

I sighed.

Kousei:i'm glad you have friends you can rely on. It's important to have a support system.

Akeno smiled warmly.

Akeno:Speaking of support, how have you been? You look stronger than ever.

I chuckled.

Kousei:i've been busy. Training and taking on missions. You wouldn't believe the stuff I've been through.

She leaned in closer, curiosity evident in her eyes.

Akeno:Tell me everything. I want to know all about your adventures.

I started recounting my recent experiences, from battling powerful enemies to rescuing Lavinia. Akeno listened intently, her eyes wide with interest and concern.

Akeno:That sounds intense, Kousei. I'm glad you're okay

she said, her voice filled with worry

Kousei:I'm fine, Akeno. I'm stronger than I've ever been. And I have you to thank for a lot of that. Your support means everything to me

I replied, squeezing her hand.

Akeno blushed, looking away shyly.

Akeno:You're always so sweet. I'm just glad we're together.

I smiled, feeling a warm surge of affection for her.

Kousei:Me too, Akeno. Me too.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and catching up. Akeno told me more about her life at Kuoh Academy, the friends she had made, and the challenges she faced. I shared my own experiences, both the highs and the lows, and we laughed and comforted each other.

As the sun began to set, I pulled Akeno into another hug.

Kousei :I love you, Akeno. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you.

She hugged me back tightly.

Akeno:I love you too, Kousei. We'll face everything together.

We kissed again, the world fading away as we lost ourselves in each other. It didn't matter what challenges lay ahead. As long as we were together, we could overcome anything.

Sorry for the long wait I..... Well let's just say I was diagnosed with anemia and had to be focused on my health now I'm back thank you all for the support

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