
My Nerdy Lover

Loni Sayu is a little, innocent girl who needs all the money she needs. From spending all her money on manga and books, she needs more money to support her ill mother. Desperate as can be, she meets the CEO of the famous company. Reo Asahi, a rude arrogant young man who just cares about women and money. Follow along as the roller coaster of feelings, go up and down. "Let go of me bastard!" "Baby, I just wanted one kiss from you." Reo smirked with trouble. (this book may contain grammatical errors, spelling, or confusing issues. i am a small writer who is still trying to find her passion for writing)

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Chapter 32: Water.

A middle aged woman walked in through the door, accompanied by two buff body guards. Slowly, Reo's teeth gritted as he clench his hand. Immediately, Loni knew why Reo was mad. His mother was here.

"How have you been Reo?" Reo's Mother asked.

"What are you doing here old hag?" Reo walked over to Loni and held her hand.

"Just letting you know that it is mandatory for you to come to one of my businesses party."

"And why should I?" Reo asked.

"If you don't, expect your credit cards to be frozen. See you tomorrow!" Reo Mother walked out with dignity.

"Tch." Reo let go of Loni's hand and walked into the kitchen.

"Reo, I'm going get me some lunch, want anything?" Loni nervously asked.

"It's fine, have fun. I'll be at home." Reo took out a bottle of alcohol and began drinking.


The hot steaming air came out of Loni's pasta. It was a traditional Italian cuisine that Loni loved to order. She enjoyed her meal and soon after payed the bill.

It was a gorgeous day outside and Loni could feel the refreshing, cool air breezing against her skin. Loni noticed a local bakery and stopped inside. Inside, the heavenly scent of baked sweets with a buttery scent filled Loni with enthusiasm.

Loni brought herself a mini fruit tart and she also brought another just for Reo. Loni noticed a variety of gourmet chocolate which convinced her to buy it.


"I'm home!" Loni came inside with a few bags.

"Loni, baby... you're... home." Reo wobbled to Loni almost falling on her.

"Reo, you reek of alcohol. Do you not know how to handle your drinking?" Loni noticed many empty bottles.

"I'm... not drunk." Reo hesitated and began to walk upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Loni asked.

"To prove that... I'm not drunk!" Reo went into his bedroom and walked into the bathroom.

"Strange man." Loni thought.

Just as Loni was about to enjoy her desserts from the bakery, the maid interrupted her. "Could you bring this to Mr. Reo, Miss Loni?"

Feeling guilty if she rejected the maid's request, Loni set down her food and walked upstairs. Opening the door slightly, Loni slipped right in.

"Reo, I brought you a towel." Loni walked in.

Noticing Reo just sitting in the bathtub, Loni quickly rushed over. "Reo!"

"Silly girl." Reo thought as he secretly smiled and opened his eyes.

As Loni's hand was on the rim of the bathtub, stealthily, Reo grabbed her arm and pulled her in.

"Reo!" Loni's clothes was soaking wet.

"My bath was getting boring." Reo pulled Loni closer to him and stared into her eyes.

"You were faking to be drunk weren't you?" Loni rolled her eyes.

"It was worth a shot." Reo teased as he suddenly kissed Loni.

Step by step, Reo began to unbutton Loni's shirt and touch her delicate, soft skin.

"Ah!" Loni felt as if her skin was pricked.

"My bad, I was making a mark." Reo smiled.

Soon as Loni's clothes were on the ground, Reo hovered her over and licked her ear cartilage.

"Sweet as I just expected." Reo grinned as he continued to kiss Loni.

Loni's soft, tender lips touched Reo's. Reo didn't want to pull back at all, this feeling really turned him on.

"Look at you." Reo smirked as he gently caressed Loni.

"Any man who saw you like this would definitely be turned on." Reo continued.

Loni noticed herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were red from being flustered. Her eyes had slight tears in them, and she was trying to catch her breath.

Slowly, Loni felt her vision dim, as her eyelids began to close.

"My sweet princess was tired today." Reo chuckled as he picked up Loni and gently buttoned up the nightgown for her. He carefully placed her in bed as he quietly laid next to her.

"Goodnight princess." Reo laid a kiss on Loni's forehead.

i recently watched bts performance of black swan and it looked so good! their vocals are literally heaven!

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