
My Lover, My Friend

They were just friends, best friends and nothing more until they got drunk and found themselves wrapped together. They decided it was better to keep it a secret and acted as if nothing happened between them. But, whenever they meet the feelings to touch always come back. Alex was a player that had never had a successful relationship and Clara wanted a successful relationship more than anything. She wasn’t ready to sacrifice her friendship with Alex for a relationship she wasn’t sure would work out. What would they end up preferring? Will they rather be friends and save their relationship or risk all they have worked for, to be lovers?

Wendara · Teenager
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7 Chs

The Break Up

Alex's POV

My head was banging after Clara had left in a hurry and I could imagine the amount of alcohol I had consumed to react that way. Alcohol hardly had any effects on me until I consume more than I could handle. It had started when Clara walked him with her friends looking like meat on sale. I hated the fact that most guys' gazes followed her as she moved around at the party. She wore those bump shorts that made her ass more prominent and a crop top that revealed her stomach. I hated that, and I had told her countless times not to dress that way, but she felt more comfortable in those and insisted I was not her boyfriend, just her best friend.

If I could change that title, I would. Not that any of her asshole boyfriends deserved her.

I dragged myself down taking hold of the mess my sitting room was. I was the one that throw the most fun party in school, so every important person comes but the rule was that everyone had to leave before morning. I hated seeing a crowd after the party.

I picked up my phone to call Clara. The phone rang twice and I was sent to voicemail. She was probably sleeping or still blaming herself for sleeping with me. It wasn't my plan to sleep with her but unlike her, I had no regret for our actions. I wouldn't mind repeating it. I wouldn't deceive myself that I didn't want Clara as more than a friend, but if all I could get from her at the moment was friendship, I would hold on to that.

My phone rang, and I picked it up in a hurry thinking it was Clara returning my call, but when I checked the screen, it was Fiona, my girlfriend. I muted it and dropped it back on the counter, I wasn't in the mood for her bitching.

When I got to school, I went in search of Clara but I couldn't find her anywhere. She was probably avoiding me.

"Sup, guy. The party last night was dope." Bliss said clipping my shoulder with his fingers. I turned to focus my attention on him.

"Yeah. It was dope." My eyes were searching for Clara. She could be anywhere belittling herself, but I wanted her to know that she meant more than just sex to me.

"Are you searching for someone or something?" Bliss raised a brow in curiosity. I shunned him.

"Nothing. What plan do we have today?"

The guys always tried to get busy daily. After my part-time job, I tried meeting up with them. He shrugged, "Nothing much. Everyone is busy with work just like you but I think we can come up with something tomorrow. We have a party.

I smiled, "Tomorrow will be perfect."

Suddenly, I heard him whistling and I followed his gaze. Clara was wearing one of her shorts with a big top that almost covered the shorts. All her legs were exposed to everyone to see. Bliss held me still and whistled beside me "Look at that fine ass. I swear one day I will tap it if you refuse to make any movement."

I wasn't murderous in nature, but at that moment I could have killed Bliss for every word that came out of his mouth. I didn't say a word but glared at him, as I imagined cutting off the hand he would use in tapping Clara's ass. Clara doesn't know it, but she was capturing more guys' attention with every little step she took. I was considering going to meet her and asking how she felt when I saw Chris move towards her. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I groaned, "Let's go to the fucking class. Today is such a bad day already."

Bliss smiled but started moving beside me. "You know that you could have asked her to date you and I have a feeling she is going to accept."

I nodded absently. Bliss was handsome and he had hardly received a rejection from a lady and that was why he thought every lady says yes to a guy asking them out. When I didn't respond he shook his head, "I know you are man enough, but why are you always timid when it comes to Clara's issue."

I sighed, "You won't get me, Bliss. You are not like me. You are handsome, from a wealthy family and one of the most sought-after guys on campus. You don't need to work a part-time job to survive. And there is me who has nothing. The two part-time jobs that I am serving are not enough for me. How was I supposed to convince her that I am the right guy for her when I can't completely take care of myself."

He shook his head, "I don't get you sometimes guy. Clara is already from a wealthy family. I don't think she will be looking for a guy with more wealth. She will want someone that truly care for her. Probably someone that loves her."

I chuckled, "I don't know about love but I really care for Clara. I like her more than I like any average girl."

"Then, go for her."

I stopped in front of my lecture room. I wasn't having the same class as Bliss. The lecture was long and boring, plus Fiona made it difficult for me to listen with all her demands. I wished it was the class I was having with Clare. I hate it when things got awkward between us.

"What are you thinking about? You barely paid me any attention in class., and you did not pick up my calls." She said in her voice that she thought she could use in seducing me. Fiona held onto my arm as we moved together. I knew she love to show me off as her trophy boyfriend but sometimes it was annoying, especially when Clara was there to see her act of display. I pulled her head from mine not in the mood for her clingy attitude. She held my hand instead and stopped me from moving. "What's wrong? You have been acting strange since we met today. You barely spoke to me, and you are not responding to me. You kept brooding as if you have the world on your shoulder."

I sighed, not really having the time to argue with her. "If my mood bothers you so much, why don't you just let me be."

She batted her eyelashes, "Alex, what's the problem?" She screamed.

Fiona loved 'attention' and that was what she was gathering at the moment. The attention I don't need at the moment. I tried pulling her to a secluded area, but she brushed my hand off her and walked off. When everyone saw that the show was over, they started moving towards their destinated directions. I sighed. The day was getting longer.

I was walking out when I saw Clara again with one of her friends this time. I took the opportunity and ran beside her immediately. When she saw me approaching, she turned back, but I ran and caught her wrist before she could move further. One of her friends batted her lashes at me while the other just stared between us before they both excused us. We both didn't say anything but I kept pulling her to our special place. Clara avoided my gaze anytime I tried holding her gaze.

I sat her down on the chair and sigh in relief that she wasn't trying to get away. "Are you avoiding me?"

She avoided my gaze again. "I'm not avoiding you. I'm just embarrassed."

I held her chin and made her look at me directly. "It's Alex. You don't need to avoid me.'

She glanced around and whispered, "Alex, we had sex together. What if someone finds out? And I am not avoiding you. I am just too embarrassed by myself."

I knew there was nothing I could say to make her feel at ease. When I suggested that we start dating then, she brushed it off as a joke. I wouldn't bring it up again for now.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We already decided to act as if nothing happened. We can do that right."

She stared at me with that puppy eyes that I could hardly refuse anything. "I don't know, Alex. I was so drunk that I could barely remember what happened but that in itself is embarrassing. How could I not remember having sex with you?"

I blushed. It really was embarrassing. It was her first time getting drunk, and mine too. So, it was possible the memories would come back to her slowly, but to me it was clear. I remember every detail of our intercourse. How could I not remember when it was the most amazing sex I have ever had in my life?

I brought out a drug from my bag, "Did you try using drugs for your hangover?"

She nodded. "I collected something from our first aid box. It felt as if my head was about to split into two."

She held her head. I didn't give her the drug to avoid overdose. "What happened between you and Fiona?"

I groaned, after what I had with her I was not interested in telling her about my affairs with other girls. "Can we not talk about my girlfriend right now?"

Her eyes widened, "You see. You also feel guilty for cheating on her right."

I rolled my eyes, I did not feel guilty for anything. Unlike her, I wasn't in a committed relationship with Fiona. We were not exclusive. "I don't feel guilty for what happened between us." If I could have my ways, I don't mind repeating it but when she was sober.

"I'm breaking up with Fiona"

She gasped. "Is it because of what happened between us?"

I shook my head, "No. It's because I am tired of her demanding nature. Every decision I make as nothing to do with what happened between us."