
The clubs

Today at university I got told there might be some clubs opening up and if I wanted to join one I had to go to the leader board. I wanted to ask Mikaru if he wanted to join a club with me so I tried to find him. I ran into Usami while I was looking.

"hey Usami have you seen Mikaru around lately?"

"no I haven't have you checked the science labs?", why does this feel like it's has happened before? , I asked inside my head, I hope he's okay, I ran to the science labs to find him working on something, I can't tell you what he's working on because, well I don't know anything about science, mainly because I never had to do it at my school, we got to choose our own subjects.

"hey can I come in?" I asked knocking on the door slightly opening it.

"of course you can, I've been wanting to see you actually", my heart dropped into the bottom of my stomach, I couldn't speak I was too much in shock.

"so I wanted to ask if...", my heart was racing, I was wondering so much what he was going to say to me.

"if you knew where I could find a mop",

"is he serious?" I asked inside my head.

"the mops in the janitors closet down the hall on the left", I felt really upset inside, but then he asked another question as I was leaving to go get something to eat.

"wait Usagi, will you come with me?"

"why would I need to do that when all you need is a mop right?"

"yes but I get the feeling it would be more fun getting a mop if you were there with me, don't you?"

"I mean it could be, I guess", so we walked down the hall and on the door on the left Mikaru tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"ah well maybe next time hey" , I said to him

"or why don't we just ask someone if they can open it for us", he said with a smirk.

"you really want that mop huh", "but before I forget I wanted to ask you something now"

"yes? ", he said with a huge smile

"would you like to join a club with me?", "you know there should be lots of fun ones to do like cooking, chess, crafting, or art ones and a games club", I was hoping that he would say yes.

"how many are we able to join at once", he asked

"just one", the look on his face went from a huge smile to barely even a grin.

"well I guess if I had to choose one I'd do the art one, well which one are you going to do?"

"I'm doing the art one too", I said with a smile, Mikarus beautiful green eyes sparkled in the light.

"okay let's go to the leader board and join up then shall we?", he said. So we walked up to the leader board and you'll never guess what happened next......