
On the way

In the morning I sat up from the couch and went up stairs to see if Mikaru was awake but when I got there it turns out that he was still sleeping so I went and sat next to him on his bed. And then he woke up and asked me,

"are you okay?"

"yes I'm fine what about you, how's your head?"

"my heads fine, oh wait did you stay the night? "

" sorry yeah I did", I said while blushing.

"where did you sleep last night?"

"I hope you don't mind but I slept on the couch downstairs", I say, still blushing.

"I don't mind but you could have slept in the spare room"

"oh I didn't know you had one" I'm sorry"

"haha don't be you've never been here before so you couldn't have known unless you went wondering around"

"it won't happen again though I was just here to make sure that you were okay" "umm bye now I best be heading off you know to ah get changed at home"

"you can stay you know I have spare clothes from my sister that she left here"

"I wouldn't want to burden you"

"no it's fine really", I didn't know what to say.

"well.... Ahh sure, but only if your alright with it".

"of course I am I wouldn't mention it otherwise", his smile was so gentle and sweet.

I went upstairs to get the clothes and turns out they were the perfect size.

"you can have a shower if you want", Mikaru said to me whilst making breakfast.

"thank you I might", turns out I did and the shower was so big I couldn't believe it and at first I didn't realise that I was singing until a few moments later when Mikaru came up to tell me I had a lovely voice, well that's what I heard anyway. Because I didn't hear him properly I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door slightly to ask him what he said.

"oh sorry, I just said that you have a wonderful voice, and I could listen to it all day without getting bored", I started blushing again, I just couldn't help it, it was the sweetest thing someone's ever said to me so of course I would blush.

"thank you, I'm sorry but I must get changed"

"oh yes of course sorry", he said whilst chuckling to himself. Once I came down stairs in the beautiful light gradient dress, going from a light yellow to a light red at the bottom with all the layers making the colours look even more beautiful.

"you look beautiful Usagi", of course I started blushing again, "whhhyyyyy won't this stop", I yelled inside my head.

"thank you very much", I said composing myself.

"well we better be going", Mikaru said with a smile.

"maybe you should stay home, you don't want to make your head worse", I said with a sweet look in my eye.

"no I'm just fine, come let's go" he says with a smile. On the way to uni we came across Usami and so we had a chat for a while.

"you coming?" she asked us. We all decided to run, until I fell over and hurt my knee.

"Usagi are you okay?"

Yes I'm fine quickly let's go. The whole day my knee hurt but I pulled through and before I knew it I was already home lying down icing my knee.