
My Little Prince

Late at night, when the stars and moon hang up high in the skies while the birds are all rested in their nest, sleeping together to keep from warmth. Everyone in the small village will all lock their windows and door from the strangers at night to have a peaceful rest. Mothers will be blowing off the each of the candles, to save some for tomorrow night while fathers will be the last to sleep to guard his family from any danger.

Except for one house who is still awake, there is a mother holding a candle in her hand. Keeping the candle light the page of the book that is lying on her legs as her son looks at her with the blanket cover most of his body, except from his face. As he listened to the story his mother tell in each night. Keeping his mind occupy from the monsters at night that might appear from under his bed. They're peasants, a normal villagers from the boy knowledge. Always work hard from day to night to earn their living so they can survive another day as he has no father to feed, shield or provide for them.

His mother has always been patient and caring towards him, doing the best of her ability to provide to her only child. Trying to fill both roles of the parents so he could have a good life of his own. It is hard but she has managed for 10 years now.

"Mom." The boy calls for his mother, making her stop reading the story she is telling. Marking the words on the book with her finger, she turns to her son wondering what he wants.

"Yes, my little prince?" A nickname she made for her son, Sky.

"Do I have a father?" He asks in curiosity.

A flash of hurt cross her face before it returns back to normal. The book on her legs has been closed as she leans further to her chair until it makes contact. Currently she is sitting on an old wooden chair, just beside her son bed as a candle is still being held in one of her hand.

"I wonder."

He swore that his mother almost cry at the question. Ever since few years ago, he always wonder why his family is always different from others. Why didn't he has a father like other families? As he grew older and starts to understand more, the other kids started to called him a 'bastard'. An illegitimate child that's created from two unmarried couple. Even adults made a gossip about his mother used to be a prostitute before running off to this village after finding out she is pregnant.

And weirdly, his mother never once admit nor deny their claim and remain silence as she grip on her son hands as she walks passed by them in the market. Is there some truth in their words? He never knew cause he never asked and because he loved his mother as she is his only family in the world.

But one day, on his eleven birthday his mother suddenly got very sick. Even when he calls the herb specialist for help, she still has high fever and terrible cough. He stays by her side for months before she knew she couldn't make it.

"My little prince." She said, trying to use any ounces of energy she has left to grip his hand. "In my top drawer, there is a necklace with a beautiful carve of a bird. Always keep it at your side and never lose it."

"I promise I won't."

She gives off one last smile before she finally takes her last breath.