
Episode 48: (Cozy Glow Arc) Retroactive Legacy

Scene 48.0: Ponyville District Court – Courtroom No. 3, 11:18 AM, Day 87 of 365


Luster presents the file Lady Shadow gave her to the court which makes Coastal Garden snap and breaks down as Luster reads out loud the witness' criminal history. The amount of dark energy emanating from her is so great, the Depowered Black Heart Crystal to regain its lost energy and just like Elric predicted, the Restored Black Heart Crystal flew out of the evidence and attached itself to Coastal Garden, turning her into a monster as she fuses with her cat.


Lady Shadow:





My lady!


Lady Shadow:

(Determined Expression)

I have no choice. Shadow! I will grant you a fragment of my power to help accelerate your recovery. The only thing I implore you to do is not to overexert yourself from this point on. For the coming threats will be far more perilous than Trotter Poisonia and Xuĕ combined. Because your enemy…Is My Fallen Brother's Legacy.




The Original…Platinum…Shadow…


Lady Shadow:

Now Go! And Be Strong, My Son!


Lady Shadow grants Platinum Shadow part of her power and heals him enough to defeat Black Heart Coastal Garden as Shadow quickly jumps in and destroys the crystal in Coastal Garden's Body, stopping her before going on a rampage, returning her and her cat back to normal. Upon seeing this, Judge Neighsay gives his "Not Guilty" verdict as the courtroom is in disarray from the chaos that occurred as Shadow glares at the destroyed crystal as it deteriorates into the ether. Meanwhile Cozy, seeing the abominable form of Coastal Garden, she fears of becoming like that if Minerva takes over her body. But her Id sneers as upon seeing this and knowing how Cozy feels, she comes up with a plan…


Scene 48.1: Ponyville District Court – Defendants Lobby No.4, 12:22 PM


After defeating the mutated Coastal Garden and the trial ending in the girls getting acquitted, everycreature is still shaken up after witnessing the entire ordeal, but Shadow is still disturbed after learning that the Black Heart Crystal is in reality the Fallen's Legacy and quite possibly, The Fallen might be behind all of this. Shadow looks at his teacher with great seriousness as he confronts her on what happened in the courtroom.



My lady! I want answers on what you meant by what you told me! And I want every single one of the Ancients to tell me everything you know!


Lady Shadow:

Understandable, but know this my son…We will only tell you what you need to know, not everything you want to know. For some details you are not ready to learn just yet.



I'll go with you. Since I'm a Child of the Ancients, I have a right to be there.



Me too.


Lady Shadow:




Why not?


Lady Shadow:

Neither of you have awakened your ancestral powers like Shadow has. That awakening can shield you from the negative effects of the Chaotic Void as it will create a Strong Magical Veil around your bodies.



She's right. The first time I fell in there, the Void tore my body apart, put me back together continuously for thousands of years nonstop, until my body got used to negative effects of the realm. Thousands of years excruciating pain that I literally went insane, then I regained my sanity only to get used to it and it started to feel like annoying mosquito bites a few years along the line. You really don't want to go through that without fully awakening your true power.



I get the feeling that won't happen anytime soon.




If we are going to face the Fallen, I believe it will happen sooner than anyone thinks it will. I just hope their awakening is not as dark as I went through. I don't think they'll survive the insanity I suffered when my powers were fully realized if they go through what I did in the pits of the void.

(Notices Cozy Is Scared & Hugs Her)


Cozy Glow:





(Out Loud)

I'm glad you and Dia got acquitted.


Cozy Glow:




Don't worry. We won't let you become like Coastal Garden. We will keep you safe.


Cozy Glow:

(Saddened, Scared)

You…you promise…?







(Inside Cozy's Head, Evil Smile)

He shouldn't make promises he can't keep, don't you think? Whether you like it or not, when you end up like that wretch, I will take over and I will have my fun.

(Evil Laughter)


Cozy Glow:




We'll be back soon.



Good Luck, Aniki!



Let us know on whatever you can find from them.


Shadow smiles and nods as Lady Shadow opens a portal into the Chaotic Void as he follows her to learn the truth of what is really happening. After they leave, Fraulein enters the room along with Judge Neighsay which catches everycreature by surprise.



Prosecutor Fraulein? Judge Neighsay? What are you doing here?



Just checking on the defendants.



(Skeptic Stare)

Tell me the truth. You were never after Cozy Glow, were you?




Not today. I had bigger fish to fry.



You mean Coastal Garden.



Of course. Her and Goldnon both ever since I became a Prosecutor. I had heard rumors of that file you presented to the court. I tried to get my claws on it, but I didn't know where Goldnon had hidden it. Luckily somehow I knew if I pursue this trial, that file would popup on my desk this time around.



Why exactly were you after them?



Do you need to even ask after reading their criminal activity out loud to the court?



You already knew? But how?



Even though I hate my late father, he was anything but thorough. He had a case file on Goldnon's Crime Family. I even found out about his obsession with Shadow's Mother which motivated me even more to go after them.




Wait! Are you saying—?



Don't get me wrong, Luster Dawn. I didn't do this for Meine Lieber Platin-Schatten. I did this for myself! If my only recourse to corner Coastal Garden was to assist you in getting the defendants' acquittal, then so be it. Now that this is behind us, don't expect of this little alliance happening ever again. One day, Cozy Glow will once again sit in the defendant's chair and when that happens, I will get her the Guilty Verdict. Mark My Words, Luster Dawn.

(Leaves Room)



I really hate that girl. And you, your honor?


Judge Neighsay:

(Strict Expression)

I will admit that I still have my reservations on the situation with Cozy Glow, especially on what she did to me and Equestria when she took over Princess Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. That is why I asked her to make me the presiding judge. I wanted to see if Diamond Tiara's influence was working as everycreature were claiming. It seems they were right.



Does that means—


Judge Neighsay:

Just because I am seeing the results, that doesn't mean I forgive her from her past transgressions. Nevertheless, I demonstrated that I left my biases behind me long ago. If I can do it, so can others as well. Remember this well, Cozy Glow. The Past never decides the Future. It's the actions we do today that does. I might never forgive you, but I do believe you can change for the better. Do not let me see you in a courtroom ever again as the defendant.

(Leaves Room)



Well, it looks like everycreature is open-minded to the idea to Cozy being reformed if Neighsay said this. Especially that we all know Neighsay doesn't like her and why.


Diamond Tiara:

(Relieved Smile)

That's a good thing, but I would appreciate if they would give Cozy a little forgiveness.



In some cultures, forgiveness takes years to earn. When creatures uses the term "Burning Bridges" is not far off. Destroying something is easy and instant, but rebuilding it is hard and takes years to fix. One wrong step while fixing it, it will collapse again and you'll fall to your doom.



I don't think the one who came up with that quote was speaking literally, Blaze.




Who said I was speaking in the literal sense? My point is that Cozy has her work cut out for her. So long as she and Dia are helping each other, everycreature will change their views of her.



(Evil Smile)

What if that never happens? No matter how hard you try, nocreature will ever accept you. And if I take over, no one ever will. Remember what both Tirek and Chrysalis taught us – "It's Better To Feared Than Respected" and that "Might Makes Right". It's all about power and the more power we get, the more everycreature will not only fear us, but will never accept our superiority over them and be forced to submit. I can already see Shadow and the others looking at you…me…us with disdain. I can already see the look of horror on "Dia" when "We" destroy everything she holds dear. And if you say you won't let me, remember that my power is no different that the crystal that turned Coastal Garden into a monster. If you think you are immune, then why do I even exist to begin with?


Cozy Glow:





See ya soon…



I would like to accompany you and Cozy if that's alright with you, Dia.


Diamond Tiara:


Sure, I would appreciate it. After what we went through in Coltifornia, I really don't want to go through that again. Right, Cozy?


Cozy Glow:



Diamond Tiara:


Cozy? Are you alright?


Cozy Glow:



Diamond Tiara:

(Pokes Cozy's Shoulder)



Cozy Glow:


I'm fine!




I was planning on making a letter, but seeing Cozy out of it, I'll go with you. I'm still worried for her well-being too.



Can I come too?




I want to step in and stop her since Cozy will go crazy in a few hours and Lady Imago will hold me responsible for letting Krystal getting hurt. But if I do, she'll be more motivated to go with them.




Don't worry, Krystal. We'll be fine.



(Out Loud, Sneering)

Too bad, Hightower. Looks like you don't get to play with Big Bro Blaze. Don't you worry though! One day when you get bigger than him, you'll be able to call the shots like a Real Giant!

(Laughing Hysterically)


Furious at that remark, Krystal hoofs Elric so hard that she sends him flying through a wall as everycreature sighs on how dumb Elric is always making Krystal angry, but they always notice a strange chemistry with their interactions which is similar to romantic foreplay except it is very aggressive and they all wonder if this is part of Changeling Culture. Judge Neighsay returns there and asks both Elric & Krystal to not only clean up the damages, but to pay for the broken wall. As they walk around the streets of Ponyville, everycreature looks at Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara with worry that makes them feel a little uncomfortable; Cozy's Id notices this and starts taking advantage of her good self's insecurities as she decides to fuel her good self with false inner thoughts of the creatures around them like "How is that monster still roaming free?", "She's Guilty! Why do we have to tolerate this devil among us?" and even "Why hasn't Fraulein done her job!? She had mountains of evidence! This should have been a cakewalk for her!". All of these negative false thoughts are causing so much pain to Cozy Glow that the crystal within her is increasing in power as well as Minerva's Scroll that is twisting her very being.


Meanwhile while all of this is happening, in the Chaotic Void, Shadow is in shock upon hearing the details of what he's allowed to hear about on who is behind this, even though they told him very little. They also told him who among his group is a Child of the Ancient and he can't believe it as there are 5 Children Total. Aside from himself, the others Krystal, Blaze, Limbo admitting he is one and the last one is none other than Luster Dawn herself. The reason Princess Twilight Sparkle chose Luster was the same reason as Celestia: To train a successor and help her awaken her untapped potential, unaware that Luster is tied to the Ancients. The reason for her link is because of her ancestor which shocks Shadow to his very core.


Back in Ponyville, Cozy's stress levels reaches critical which pleases her Id; all she needs one more push and she can take over Cozy's Body. But what can she use to make that final push, then it comes to her: use Diamond Tiara's thoughts as well as Shadow's in order to make Cozy Glow snap and it starts to work as the Id finally destroys Cozy's mental stability by having her think that both Diamond Tiara and Shadow should have never set her free in the first place. This was enough to awaken the crystal inside Cozy and evolving it into a True Black Heart Crystal. Cozy undergoes a massive metamorphosis, instead of her Id appearing like her usual demonic self, Cozy's Id takes the form of her Chaos Alicorn Self when she took in Discord's power into herself; towering over everycreature in Ponyville…


Phase 1:

Vs. Chaos Cozy Glow


Chaos Cozy Glow (CCG) laughs heinously as she starts to destroy Ponyville forcing both Blaze & Luster to fight back and defend everycreature around them as Diamond Tiara is in despair seeing Cozy Glow fall into darkness. Gatz, Slipstream, Yavish, Flurry Heart, Florid Harvest, Krystal and Tempest Shadow along with her subordinates assists Blaze & Luster in the fight. However even though she doesn't have Discord's Chaos Magic, her newly evolved crystal has granted her the ability to wield Chaos Magic and what is scary about this is that her magic is similar to Shadow's Chaos Magic. Luster and Blaze believe that the reason for that might be is because the Black Heart Crystal is the power belonging to the Fallen given crystalline form and infused into her being. The fight is a hard one as Cozy's Giant Size is not only durable, but the Chaos Magic that the Black Heart Crystal bestowed her, also developed a strong Chaos Veil which reflects all of their attacks as she brags on the might the crystal and Minerva's Scroll has given her. The fight got so bad that the Elements of Harmony had no choice but to step in with Princess Twilight Sparkle leading the charge. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity & Pinkie Pie manage to hurt CCG and succeed in shattering her Chaos Veil which in turn makes her bleed around her Alicorn Horn down to her lips. CCG is furious because of this that her rage creates a massive shockwave that manages to severely weaken the Mane 6 except for Twilight who manages to withstand the blast. CCG laughs as she goes on the assault, but Spike arrives along with Royal Guards from Canterlot, Crystal Empire and the Dragon Lands to assist his sister, but it was no use as CCG's power keeps rising and overflowing that she manages to overpower Spike and his reinforcements. Twilight is heavily injured that without a choice, Princess Sunset Shimmer is forced to make her presence known to all as she charge at CCG along with her entire SMILE Agency; even Jerry jumps in and scolds Slipstream for still being a reckless girl only for her to scoff and playfully give him sass.


CCG couldn't believe that another Alicorn other that the princesses she knows exists in Equestria. The Dazzlings see this and are torn by it: Happy, Sad and Furious as they don't know how to feel upon seeing Sunset again after all of these years. With Sunset's power combined with Twilight's, CCG actually is suffering massive push-back that the overwhelming power of the crystal is starting to fade to the point that the Chaos Alicorn giant form shrinks to be the same size as both Twilight and Sunset: the size of a Fully Grown Alicorn.


Chaos Cozy Glow (CCG):




Princess Sunset Shimmer:

I am Princess Sunset Shimmer. I took my place alongside my sister, Princess Twilight Sparkle a month later after you were sealed again into stone.



WHAT!? YOU'RE LYING!!! Twilight doesn't have a sister!!!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

You are right, but you are also wrong at the same time.





Diamond Tiara:

YOU'RE WRONG, COZY!!! I…I…I see you like a sister I never had.



You are being foolish! We aren't even blood related!


Diamond Tiara:

Even if that's true, but…the bonds we shared and everything we went through is something I always felt is what sisters would go through.



Don't you share that bond with Silver Spoon?


Diamond Tiara:

(Sad Smile)

No. Even though we are childhood friends, the bond we share isn't like the one you and I made.



(Emotionally Torn)

Why…? Why? Why me? Why are you treating me like this? I hid away the Cozy Glow you bonded with. I tried to destroy everything! I was even planning on killing you to ensure my grip on this body!!! Why!? You know I'm not the Cozy Glow you were with! Why are you being nice to me!?

(Starting To Cry)


Diamond Tiara:

Because…even though you did wrong, you are still Cozy and I accept both of you…the Good and the Bad, no matter what.




Why am I feeling like this? These are "Her" emotions, Not "Mine"!


Diamond Tiara:

You are both one and the same.



NO! I was born from the crystal! I am…


Diamond Tiara:

Cozy Glow! You are and always will be Cozy Glow!





Disembodied Voice (Blight Terror):

How sweet and me without my handkerchief. Ooh! That Rhymed!! And I'm not even a Zebra.




(Shocked, Scared)



Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Are you the one behind the Rise of the Black Heart Crystals?


Disembodied Voice (Blight Terror):

Rise!? More like "Return", My Dear Princess. And said return could have happened sooner If It Wasn't For Those Meddling Kids of SMILE.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

I get the Scooby-Doo Reference. Tell us who you are, "Blight"?


Disembodied Voice (Blight Terror):

All in due time, my dear princess. I just want Cozy Glow to give me what we agreed upon 8 years ago.



Blight…No, Father. I can't give you what you want because I failed to obtain it.


Disembodied Voice (Blight Terror):

(Laughs Hysterically)

Cozy, I am not "Your" Father.



But you created me! I'm the entity born from the crystal inside Cozy—


Disembodied Voice (Blight Terror):

Allow me to reveal a bittersweet truth. I did NOT create you. I did create the entity within the Prototype Crystal – The Good and Innocent Cozy Glow. Mares and Gentlecolts! The Good Cozy Glow you have been interacting with was my creation. This Cozy Glow you all mistook of being my creation's Id is in reality the Original, The Real Cozy Glow that did all of this destruction just now.



But that can't be…


Disembodied Voice (Blight Terror):

Allow me to show you all what happened.


At that moment, the skies of Equestria turns an ominous purple as everycreature is in shock as they see Cozy Glow subdued on the ground unconscious with an injured hooded pony who happens to be Blight Terror's Pony Form and an injured Lady Imago standing by his side, which at first they all thought it was Chrysalis, but her colors are different with her being red in contrast of Chrysalis' green. They also notices that Cozy Glow was in a battle against the two with her losing. Upon seeing Lady Imago, something inside Krystal snaps as she started to cry and she can't explain why that is.


Lady Imago:


You Moron! I can't believe you didn't calibrate the crystal accordingly. We almost died there because of your stupidity!


Blight Terror:

My mistake, my dear queen. I was not expecting Minerva to just reawaken out of the blue like that during our business deal with Cozy Glow.


Lady Imago:

You Fathead! This will ruin everything!! How am I going to restore the Former Glory of the Changeling Empire with that abomination so close in being resurrected!?


Blight Terror:

Unfortunately this Minerva is devoid of her Good Side, meaning that if she were to be resurrected, she would have no reservations in ending all those who opposes her. If we only have a counter to that somehow.


Lady Imago:

If we only had her Good Side among our ranks we could easily subdue her.


Blight Terror:

An excellent assessment, my dear queen. The Prototype Crystal is still an empty vessel and the reason for it is that the Fallen's Plan for this crystal is to resurrect his beloved by placing her soul in it and use it to steal the body of whoever wears it.


Lady Imago:


So that's your real plan…But with Minerva being inside Cozy Glow has put a dent in it.


Blight Terror:

(Furious Scoff)

Tut! Unfortunately…There's always something…


Lady Imago:

(Saddened, Hiding Sadness Behind Tsundere Demeanor)

Calm down. We'll find another way, but right now we need to deal with this demon from the past first. Like I said, if we only had the assistance her Good Side we might have a chance to either keep her sealed or get rid of her entirely. Too bad she doesn't exist anymore and we cannot risk in collecting her scroll without accidentally resurrecting her completely.


Blight Terror:

(Small Chuckle Escalates To Maniacal Laughter)


Lady Imago:

(Worried Sigh, Annoyed Expression)

I know that laugh…


Blight Terror:

Even though I cannot use the Prototype Crystal for its original intended purpose, I can use it to keep Minerva Sealed. Since her Good Side is gone, I can use Cozy Glow's Emotions and Memories to create a Good Alternate Persona in order to keep Minerva down.


Lady Imago:

What if the memories Cozy Glow has is not enough? Remember that she's still a filly. Most of her memories won't mesh well enough to get the desire results.


Blight Terror:

Speaking from experience, my dear queen?


Lady Imago:


You bastard!


Blight Terror:

But you are right. Cozy Glow has not lived long enough to develop a positive persona like that, especially with her upbringing. So how do we remedy that?


Lady Imago:

When I was created by my "Mother", she made me in her image, but she did not want a complete copy of herself, so I was made as a semi-empty vessel.


Blight Terror:



Lady Imago:

You know of the founder of the Crystal Empire? Princess Stardust Memory?


Blight Terror:

She disappeared after she founded the Village of Shard when Sombra became the King of the Crystal Empire in order to escape his tyranny. What about her?


Lady Imago:

After she created that village, she roamed Equestria looking for somecreature. I'm guessing it was the Fallen, but she was growing old and tired, so she sired a foal in hopes of being reincarnated like she always does in the future. But in doing so she lost most of her power. My "Mother" took advantage of this and ended her, but made sure to keep her body intact by sealing it in a cocoon for a future plan.


Blight Terror:

Ergo – You.


Lady Imago:

Yes. I was imbued with the late princess' power and some of her traits as well in order for me to have a better control of her power.


Blight Terror:

Does that also include some of her memories?


Lady imago:

Some but not all of them. In order to make me loyal to my "Mother", details of my mother were implanted in me as well as her determination in maintaining the Status Quo of the Changeling Hive as I was supposed to be her successor if something were to happen to her. This was done in order to drown out the late princess' influence within me.


Blight Terror:

But then Thorax destroyed the status quo by teaching the Hive that there is another way to live other than following the old ways created by Chrysalis. If it wasn't for that little revelation, you would have been the Queen of the Hive after Chrysalis' Self-Imposed Exile.


Lady Imago:

(Annoyed, Irritated)

AS I WAS SAYING…in order to subdue Minerva, we need a Cozy Glow that can do so like the original Good Minerva.


Blight Terror:

As an Ancient, I can look on different alternate realities and find a Cozy Glow Persona that will suit our needs.


Lady Imago:

What about this Cozy Glow? If we're going to rewrite her personality, we're going to find a way to rid of the current one.


Blight Terror:

Not necessarily. The Original Cozy Glow Persona can be of use. If she steps out of line, I can use the Prototype Crystal to fully erase her and make the Cozy Glow we create as the default persona.


Lady Imago:

We'll lose a valuable asset if you do that.


Blight Terror:

(Evil Smile)

True, but I rather have her replaced than have a traitor scheming behind my back. In both the "Age of the Fallen" and the "Great Alicorn Civil War of Arcadia", I allowed someone like Cozy Glow into my inner circle only for said creature to stab me in the back as soon I gave them an inch. I refuse to take that risk a third time. You know what they say – Fool Me Once, Shame On You. Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me. Fool Me Thrice…I'll Make Sure You Cease To Exist!


Lady Imago:

That last bit is a little too much.


Blight Terror:

That is how you do things in that turbulent times I once lived…Times that will return to this world soon enough.

(Laughs Evilly)


Upon seeing what transpired 8 years ago, nocreature could believe it, even more so for Cozy Glow who is in shock that Blight never cared for either her or her constructed "Good" Persona as he planned to discard her and erase her real self. Realizing this, causes the darkness within her to get stronger which in turns makes the Black Heart Crystal inside her grow larger to the point that it touches Minerva's Scroll, causing Cozy Glow to undergo another monstrous transformation with her mane turning golden, her coat becomes as black as the night, her eyes turns ruby red and her body resembling the Ancients' Anthropomorphic Form as this monster laughs heinously and maniacally as the echo of her laughter makes everycreature tremble in fear. Seeing that whatever this monster is, she is the biggest threat that Equestria has ever encountered. At that moment, more reinforcements from the Dragon Lands arrives led by Dragon Lord Ember herself and the ones from the Changeling Kingdom led Thorax. Both Blaze and Krystal are surprised to see their respective parents take the battlefield and they look a lot different than their usual selves, almost as they were getting ready for this moment.


Phase 2:

Return of Dark Goddess Minerva


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

Identify yourself!



(Heinous Smile, Distorted Echoed Voice)

God Empress Minerva. The True Ruler and Destroyer of this World. Pledge yourselves to me or be destroyed.


Dragon Lord Ember:

We know your history. That decree only applies to the common creature, but to us the leaders of our respective kingdoms, you will try and destroy us no matter what; because even if we submit to your demands, we still have some means to counter your rule and you cannot have that.



(Heinous Laughter)

Looks like the mindless beasts known as dragons finally developed some level of mental intelligence, but I still believe the size of your brains must be as small as a tiny grain of rice right now which is no different that being mindless.



Ember is right. We will not submit to you.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

We will stand against you no matter what.



Alicorns…? Tell me…Are You Gods?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:




Then Die!


With a wave of her right claw, Minerva instantly defeats everycreature with a powerful electrical shock that weakens them all with no effort whatsoever as Blaze, Krystal and the others can't believe the amount of power that Minerva used to defeat the most powerful leaders of Equestria.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Annoyed, Weakened)

Twi…looks like you forgot about that movie I showed you when you visited me that time in my new apartment, but let me help you remember – "When Someone Asks You If You Are A God, YOU SAY YES!!!!"


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Ashamed, Weakened)

Oh, yeah…I forgot about that…



(Glares Around Her, Disgusted)

The world really has gone downhill since my slumber. Ponies, Dragons, Changelings, Yaks, Kirins, Hippogriffs, Griffons, Minotaurs, Sea Serpents, Storm Creatures…so many creatures mingling with one another…how repulsive. And I should be thanking you for creating such an environment. Times of Peace like this always create weaklings like yourselves.

(Evil Smile)

And weaklings always makes things easy for a Goddess such as I to assert her dominance with no resistance. If this was still the Warring Ages, I might have encountered some complications since in those times, the strong was always in plain sight, even in backwater dumps like a rundown farmland. I was right in making arrangements for my resurrection as I landed in the best timeline for my supreme rule.



(Weakened, Standing Up, Remembers Happy Times w/Krystal)

Never! I rather die than let you take away the future we worked so hard to create for our friends and family!



(Weakened, Standing Up, Remembers Happy Times w/Blaze & Shadow)

That's right…Our kingdoms were nothing but surviving on our own and never depending on anycreature else other than our own kind. But…My best friends and my sons showed me that the world we made and living in right now is worth protecting.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Weakened, Standing Up, Remembers Happy Times w/Luster)

Even if we are not strong enough to stop you, we'll keep trying until we find a way to protect everycreature.



So be it.


At that moment, Minerva pulls a "Frieza" and fires a death beam at all 3 Ember, Thorax and Twilight that shocks everycreature to their core as they fall to the ground apparently meeting their end, but more so to Blaze, Luster and Krystal as they flashback at the same good times they lived with their respective guardians. This gets worse as Minerva laughs maniacally and mocks her victims at their fall causing a strong trauma that forces all 3 of them to suffer something none were expecting: The Awakening of their Power As Children of the Ancients with large aura around them shaping into Avatars appearing behind them. Luster's Aura takes the shape of her Alicorn Form that resembles Darkness Dawn, Blaze's Avatar resembles the Dragon King of Old, Bahamut and Krystal's resembles surprisingly a combination of Lady Imago and Stardust Memory. Upon seeing this, everycreature is in shock but not as much as Elric, Pharynx and Lady Imago as they never expected or wanted Krystal to awaken her true power, as for Blight, he has somewhat a somber look on him face, but it is too late to turn back now as the final battle against the Dark Goddess is about to begin…


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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