
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


A guard was at his post when someone grabbed him from behind as he struggled then with a slight popping sound, he remained still.

Luis got out from the bushes and walked forward then saw three guards ahead of him.

They tried telling him to back off but before one could reach for his gun, a bullet had been inserted in each of their heads.

He ran ahead and jumped then side kicked another guard's head, ran that leg into another's head and hooked it into the nose of a last, then he landed and picked one up as there was free fire on him.

He took both his guns and shot twice on each and the first bullet of both went on to intercept the bullets coming at him, but the second either went on to explode the gun, taking the wielder's hand along with it, or pierce right through the ribcage of the guard.

Luis went to the guard who just lost her arm and picked her by the collar and said,"Tell me where it is."

"I'll take the secret to my grave."She said and spat at him.

He chuckled and said,"I wouldn't be so merciful."

There were loud screams coming from the hallway as backup rushed in and they went to see a body mangled beyond recognition which was strange as all the others had suffered fatal injuries which didn't deface them much and even then, it was still alive...they didn't know whether to kill it for mercy or to take it for help and prolong its suffering... then there was a bang heard from the room.

They went to check on the microchip and it was gone.

Luis drove his car and looked at the small chip in his hand, then parked the car and took off his gloves and mask then dumped them in a trashcan.

He washed his hands and sterilised his guns then put them back in the handles and went into a police station and flashed a badge then went to a counter.

None of them recognised him, but his position said on the badge was something demanding their utmost respect .

He took out his laptop and started typing with the compiled international threat placed in a peripheral device.

After decoding it and finding a suitable virus for it, he sent the virus viral to prevent the manufacturing of anymore similar microchips and stood up, then left as he came in.

He drank a soda with his hand on the steering wheel then looked out the window and took a deep breath, before getting out of the car and walking to Lucy's home.

Ever since he was a child, he was treated differently, it wasn't that Nelson was the favourite, on the contrary, he was, so much so that they gave him the best schools, the most money and access to the most facilities, which led him to join some dangerous groups and made him learn to cover his tracks.

It took years of him learning the language of the black merchants before he was discovered by his family and was bailed out, but he was sent to military school, which actually gave him access to many more facilities.

With the military training in their intense drills, he also began to learn them and became the best... mercenary to have come from there.

Lucille ran to give him a hug the moment he walked in and a flash appeared in his mind, a child begging him not to shoot, so he made the child silent, by emotionlessly shooting him first, then shooting his father who was a corrupt minister.

Afterwards, he covered his tracks as usual, no one knew it was murder, no one but him, that was why he hated kids, they reminded him of all he had ever done, whether it was good or bad, he didn't know, as long as it was a good challenge, but even then, being with Lucy, who seemed to value human life for some reason, even those who offended her, he was taunted every night.

Yet he couldn't leave her, he was addicted, more to her than to his job.

She walked down the stairs and he found himself swooning for a second before going to give her a hand down the stairs and into the car.

"I don't get why men always have to hold our hands when we do these basic things."Lucy said.

"Because you're just that precious."Luis said.

She smiled at him then looked back at Lucille, who promised she'd be good and go to bed on time, so Lucy said she was ready to go.

Luis had been driving for a while when he looked at the rear view mirror then back at Lucy, he then stomped on the breaks and pushed her head downwards as the windows exploded with bullets.

She asked what was happening but he stood on the gas and drove off with her then drifted the car to the right then started loading his guns which turned out to be in the glove compartment.

He started shooting at the motorcyclists who were following them and ended up hitting the first one's tyre's and the person fell down and knocked two others, before another bullet cut right through a clothes hanging rope and made it and all the clothes fall on some of the cyclist and caused them to fall.

He stopped the car and got out then said he'd be back but Lucy said,"No, I'm coming with you."

"But I thought you wanted to go for a five star dinner, you couldn't go if your clothes were all messed up."

"Neither could I go if I didn't have an appetite, now muscle up buttercup, cause we're going dancing."

He grinned then got out and shot two motorcyclists in the arm as the missed their car and they fell off, showing their position to the others.

They all came in and started circling them and they looked at each other, then charged.

One of them turned their gun to go along their arm like a mmm and swiped it at Lucy but she dodged and rammed the person's head into her knee then gasped and turned the person to the side as Luis shot a bullet and hit another person behind her.

Lucy frowned at him then said,"Don't kill anyone."

He shrugged and lifted a person onto his head and slammed them onto a motorcycle and the person stayed motionless.

He rolled out of the way and behind his car as they shot at him, then he jumped over the car and did a barani flip and shot several of them from the air and caught Lucy by the hand and pulled her close.

He then did an extension and flung a throwing knife at another of them then he lowered her to the floor and dodged a bullet as she pulled upwards then gave another person a spinning back fist then he spun her in the air and placed her down and then there was a bang.

Lucy was still, then looked back at the person who fell onto their back.

She frowned and said,"I said don't kill them."

"Don't worry..."He said,"...I only tranquilized her."

He then spun her around and elbowed a man at his back, grabbed his head and rammed it into his knee from the back and threw the man over his shoulder.

Luis then ran and jumped on one of their knees and kneed the person in the side of the head and brought out a pair of curved throwing knives then spun them and stabbed a man in the side of the neck, below the helmet, when Lucy wasn't looking, then used one to hit a bullet by the blade and threw it at the shooter's thigh then ran and grabbed the injured person by the upper body, rolled over him and slammed him into the floor.

He stood up and Lucy ran and held a person behind him by the waist, flung her legs into the air, and threw them in an arched manner also onto the floor.

Lucy then pulled her close and looked deeply into her eyes, then pulled her into his chest and threw a glass bottle at the head of last person who was running away.

She looked at him then he said,"This time, I really didn't kill him."

She smiled then said,"And you owe me dinner."

He smirked then twirled her by the hand and lowered her then lifted her into the air and said,"I hear Spanish food tastes wonderful at this time of night..."