
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
Not enough ratings
253 Chs


"Mack, where did you put the cereal?"Ruby asked.

Ruby turned and was startled to see him standing behind her and smirking, he kissed her gently on the forehead and said,"It's in the upper cabinet, where it usually is."

Ruby blushed as she pushed her scarlet hair over her face then looked at him and said,"Could I tell you something?"

"Anything Red."

"I'm p... I'm petrified of what we have ahead, we've been married about two months and...it feels like an eternity."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's it and I thought something this important to me will be of a little more importance to you too."

"Oh, no, no no, that's not it it's just..."He sighed,"... I'm not the smartest or easiest guy to be around."

"You're now realising?"

"No, before now, everyone overlooked my low intellectual prowess and looked only at my face and my money, and then I met you, the diamond who added a thousand times more colour to my life and showed me wherever I went wrong."

She smiled and said,"I do make you look stupid a lot, don't I?"

He spun her and hugged her from the back and whispered into her ear,"And I wouldn't trade a moment of it."

Then he slowly nibbled her ear, and sniffed her hair.

She giggled then laughed as he lifted her up and took her out of the room.


Mack sat up on the bed and asked,"So Sapphira, do you feel better now?"

Ruby looked at him and pinched his perfect nose while scrunching her's, then said,"Maybe."

"Should I try again?"


He came over her and kissed her neck and she let out a breath, and was about to kiss him back when her phone rang.

She sat up and picked it up and widened her eyes and said,"I have to take this."

"...of...of course Rube."

"Don't be a big baby, I'll be right back."

"And I'll be waiting."

She walked out of the room and answered it and heard her mother crying.

"Rose, what's wrong?"

"Mom told me someone's been extorting money from dad and her for several months now..."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"She only told me yesterday and that she thought they could handle it, it wasn't much, but then he asked for a fifteen percent share of the companies and they obviously couldn't do that...so he shot our father."

Ruby yelled,"What?!"

"He's fine now, but the person promised to be back and I don't know what to do."

"Call the cops!"

"...we can't..."

"And why not?"

"... because..."

"Because what Rose?!"

"Because he's the chief of police..."


"Wow, Lucy's guy is something, isn't he?"Phoebe said.

"You got that right girl, it's like she's living in an actual telenovela."Stephanie said, starry eyed.

"But how come she always gets the best ones?!"Danielle asked,"First she literally had Mark Lester of all people wrapped around her fingers now she has that following her like a puppy!"

"The power of seduction..."Debby said,"... she's an expert."

"With a face like that, who wouldn't be? Ugh, and with one like mine, I have to be stuck with Gary over there."Danielle retorted.

A handsome man walked to the ladies then politely greeted and kissed Danielle's hand and asked if he could borrow her and she forced a smile.

He had been taking her to five star hotels, exotic beaches and setting up firework displays for her but, that wasn't what she wanted...anymore. What she wanted was what everyone wanted, what Lucy had, a man who actually made her feel like a fairytale princess.

As Gary gently led Danielle away, she gave begging glances to her girlfriends to claw his eyes out and set her free, they couldn't do that without ruining their media or ruining their expensive French manicures, so they did the next best thing.

"Uuh Gare bear..."Phoebe said,"... Danielle was a little busy with us before you came."

"Oh really?"He asked eagerly,"And what was my beautiful Danish girl doing if I may ask?"

They were silent till Debby spontaneously said,"Gossiping..."

"Yeah, right..."Phoebe said,"...you know us girls, we need to trade information, communicate, and you wouldn't want to ruin that, now will you?"

"Oh..."He said,"...I just wanted to give you a surprise but if it's that important..."

"Yes, it's very important."Danielle said,"...and it often takes a long time, hours at least."

He kissed her hand one more time then said,"Then I shall wait, my beautiful Danish girl."

Once he was out of sight, Danielle's pretty smile disappeared and she sprayed a dozen layers of hand sanitizer on the hand he kissed then said,"Quick, girls, you have to get me out of here, Stephanie, you said you knew a guy who could get me a new identity fast, right?"


"Okay call him, right now."

"Ugh, he's my Monday boyfriend and it's Thursday, it would ruin the sequence and you know how my guys get when that happens."

"Then change the sequence! I need to get as far away from that creep as possible!"

"Girls, girls..."Phoebe said,"...I think I have a way to make all our problems disappear, just like that."

"No other doctors want to make any fake prescriptions for me because they're on probation."Danielle said.

"We wouldn't need a fake prescription yet, all we need is Lucy..."

They all looked at Lucy as she led Luis to their company...