
My Life With Superpowers I Wished

One day God came into my dream and gave me a power that I wished After woke up I found out that dream was real and I actually got super power

DaoistEQItp8 · Fantasie
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27 Chs


So I just did the same old thing, going in talking with Australia first, so I didn't have to take innocent life, but as usual, they also denied, this always went boring but I have to do it for clearing my goals and I again declared a war ( I am tired of this ).

Now I have to attack Australia which was one Island and Army was also very small, so I wanted to take my time though I didn't want to do the tourist things in Australia again also.

I simply teleported to Sydney and got a surprise...

( Third Person View )

*A night before the attack on Australia *

" Are we ready Lieutenant General Charles for support "

" Yes sir, we have all the warship established near the Australian coast, We have also sent our army to Australia's mainland"

" Ok sir everything is ready"- General James (Chief of the military)

" And also get some special weapons which are ready to use and what about research done by Dr.Mike ( Head of a group of scientist working secretly for the USA) related to new special weapons"

" Ok, Sir, as per your order we will deploy new weapons, and according to the team the new weapons will be available by 2 to 3 weeks"

" Ok Charles, you may go now"

( First Person View )

The surprise was that the USA military was also there, I used my powers to check how many forces were there and I founded out it was a huge amount of soldier present their:

" What can they do to me, This just increased the amount of death"

A rushed towards the soldier and taking them one by one but I thought about speeding up so I started using telekinesis and was using it to the extent to only annihilate the army person ( and of course I will resurrect them later ). As I teleported to Sydney I thought of not harming civilians so I thought of teleporting to the Great Victoria Desert ( There will be no one present and I knew they are going to deploy a nuke in an empty place only ).

It was not silencing similar to the European but I started feeling the presence of many people which should not be present here if a nuke is going to come.

( "Deploy the secret weapons" )

Suddenly a fireball came towards my face and I dodged it and heard a voice

" So you brat was able to dodge my attack, I see you are impressive for a human being," said a man standing in front of me in black clothes ( lower and shirt)

I felt that my legs are frozen and felt very cold and came to a lady laughing behind my back and saying " You are too young to be in the field Mr commander, hahaha"

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Aarna who was actually a spy and was using Ice power.

" Why is this possible for these people to have power like this? and why is Aarna betraying?" I thought and asked:

"Are there more people like you?"

" Why should we tell you?" said the guy

I broke the ice that froze my legs and rushed to attack him. To my surprise, my hand went across his whole body, and the place I attacked was all fire ( What the heck ) and he punched me back. My mouth was burnt but I recovered because of my powers.

Many ( at least 10 ) soldiers came doing a superhero landing with some superhero costume ready to fight me and saying " We will defeat the person whose existence is a threat to America" and after they started attacking me.

( Third Person View )

These were special weapons designed by Dr.Mike and his group.

This chapter and all the chapters after this will be having Third person view also. I will switch After typing Third Person View and First Person view.

And if I don't write any chapter for at least a week, assume that I am on One month break, As you know I am a student I have to give exams that are going to be held for a whole month.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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