
Chapter 4. The ceremony

"Hello, you must be Dardicila, your mother has told me much about you." The wolf fairy said.

I looked at my feet, embarrassed.

"Well, are you ready to start the ceremony?" she asked.

"I-I guess so?" I said, why was I nervous, there was nothing to be nervous about, my life was about to change, I was going to get wings and turn into an animal. Yes, nothing to be nervous about.

"Dardicila, step before the altar," The wolf fairy said and I did so. "Place your hand on the ancient stump," I reached my hand out hesitantly, as I placed my hand on the wood, I heard whispering and the stump buzzed warmly. "I call to the ancient spirits to help this young girl find her way to her animal!" everyone around us held hands and looked up and whispered something. When they finished, I felt a tingling sensation throughout my arm and it fingered it's way throughout my body. A soft light surrounded me and all feeling was gone, my feet lifted off the ground and I felt weird, but in a good way, like when you have fun with little kids.

I touched back down and all feeling returned to my body and the light dissapeared. Everyone gasped. Mom looked happy, dad looked proud. I turned to the wolf fairy and she looked surprised.

"To all who know Dardicila, I represent to you the newest wolf fairy!" What? I looked at my back end and gasped.

There was a wolf tail! I felt my head and there were pointy ears.

Best day ever!