
chapter 5:

Every one around me bowed! I felt the top of my head again to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

My mom came over after everyone stood "You are beautiful! I'm so proud of you sweety!" she said hugging me.

"But, why me?" I asked, bewildered. "Until yesterday, I thought I was a normal human!"

The Wolf fairy walked up to me, "The Wolf spirit is the most rare, they are regal and kind, they bow to no one who doesn't deserve to be bowed to. Only a rare few are ever revealed to be wolves. The news of you will spread wide and fast through our realm."

"Thank you," I bowed. I don't know why, but I felt like I had to.

"You don't need to bow, girl"

"Sorry." I said. for the first time I noticed the feeling of something on my back. I looked and i had dark blue and purple wings. There was something there in the middle of them. I looked closer and it was the silhouette of a wolf head!

"Let me help you fly," dad said, walking up to us.

"But, you don't have wings?" I said, confused.

"Every fairy father teaches their kids how to fly. The mom teaches magic." mom said.

"okay, I guess."

Dad brought me over to this clearing a small flight away. "The ground here is soft, if you fall, it won't hurt." Dad said. "First, move your wings, it may be hard at first because it's a muscle you've never had before, so try to find it."

I flexed all the muscles in my back and found my wings moved a bit. I tried again with just a few muscles and my wings flittered. "I did it!" I squealed. my dad nodded and had me try again.

"You will probably not get it first try, it takes practice." he said. "I fly like a bird almost, I flap my arms and I go up but I glide if I stop flapping." he flew around the clearing to show me. "You will fall if you stop flapping your wings, you need to make it second nature to flap while you are In the air." I tried flapping my wings hard and my feet left the ground for a second, but it left me panting.

"We can be done for tonight. We have presents to open at home!" he said.

"But, I want to keep practicing," I complained. Then I remembered I have fairy gifts to open and agreed to go.