
Chapter 2. The Big Day

"Dardicila! Dardicilla!" My younger sister Zinala Yelled, shaking me awake.

"Huh?" I groaned, "Let me sleep!" I grumbled putting my pillow on top of my head to block out the light coming from my window.

"But you gotta get up!" my other sister, Zilana yelled trying to pry the pillow from my face. "It's your birthday!" she reminded me.

I bolted up, nocking the twins off me. "That's right," I murmured, "I'm going to find out my animal today!"

The twins looked confused. "What do you mean?" Zinala asked.

"Are you getting another pet?" Zilana squealed.

"No, it's complicated, why don't you go ask mom while I get dressed," I suggested.

The week before, mom and I picked out a dress for me to wear on my fourteenth birthday. As I got dressed, I heard both twins squeal with excitement. "I bet mom told them," I muttered, pulling the dress over my head, it was blue and purple, my two favorite colors, it also had swirls stitched in gold twine going along the seams on the sides running all the way to the bottom and meeting in the middle at the bottom.

As I walked down the stairs, mom squealed, "You look amazing in that dress, it's like it was made for you!" she said.

"Mommy told us you are going to become a fairy!" Zinala yelled in excitement.

"Well, we are already fairies, you just aren't awoken yet." mom told her.

"I want to become a fairy too!" Zilana squealed, jumping out of her chair and tried to jump off the couch flapping her arms.

I picked her up off the ground, "You have to wait until you're fourteen. You're only six." I said tapping her nose as I put her in her chair. "Now finish your eggs, mom didn't make them for you to look at them."

Zilana pushed it away, "I'm not hungry," she said.

I had an idea! "If you don't eat your eggs, you won't grow up to be big and strong, and then you'll never be a fairy!" I said and Zilana started to eat her food again, I looked at Zinala, and she had started eating faster.

"Now, here's your breakfast." mom said, putting a plate of eggs and bacon on the table.

As I ate, I was wondering what my animal was. "Hey, mom? What type of animal do you think I am?" I asked.

"I don't know, that's the best part, you'll have to see!"

"Where's dad?" I looked for him but didn't see him.

"He went into work early so he could watch the ceremony." mom said.

"Wait, there's an entire ceremony?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes, we'll have to go to the fairy realm, a wolf spirit fairy friend of mine will perform it."

"Wait, we can realm hop? Like in sci-fi movies?" I asked.

"Yes, but it works differently, it's hard to explain." mom poured some cranberry juice in my cup.

I looked outside, it was a sunny day, then again, it was always sunny in the summer in California. My birthday is 6/29/05. After I finished my breakfast, we went to our back porch and there was a big pile of presents, "Thank you!" I said hugging mom.

"Most of them we'll open after the ceremony because they are for you as a fairy."

I was so happy! I thought about it, shouldn't I be scared? No, I don't think so. What girl didn't want to be a fairy?

"You can open one," Mom said handing me one on a table. As I opened it, my eyes grew wide. Inside, there was a small pouch, it looked like a rock pouch you would get if you buy rocks on vacation, but it gave off a tiny glow!

"Don't tell me this is fairy dust!" I said, smiling at mom.

"Well, it is!" mom said.

I picked up the bag and the glow stopped. "What happened?" I asked.

"The dust of a fairy is passed down generations, this was your grandmothers,"

"Woah!" one of the twins said, I was to busy admiring it to really care which it was.

"Hey, what's this?" I asked. It was a chain, the perfect size for a necklace, I slipped it over my head and the chain adjusted itself to not fit back over my head. When I pulled it, it grew to fit over my head again and I left it to dangle on my neck. "Wow," I muttered.

"Fairy magic is very powerful." mom said. "There are different types of fairys, there are animal fairies, us. There are also nature fairies. And the last type, it has been lost to time, they could be very dangerous, dark fairies."

"Dard fairies?" I asked, "Like dark magic?" turning to face mom.

"Yes, some were good and some were bad," mom said, walking back to the living room, carrying a few presents and setting them down. "Won't you help? The ones we are bringing out here are the ones with confetti on them, the ones with metallic paper are to stay there until later."

And with that we got ready for my party, we picked up dad a while later and had a normal party.

there is not going to be an update schedule but I'll update as much as possible, please rate and vote!

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