
Chapter 1. The Surprise

My life has been great for my entire life- great parents, lots of money, popular, two younger sisters, and a big house. My name is Dardicila, I am a thirteen-year-old brown haired girl.

Today, mom and dad called me down to talk to them, "We have something to tell you," mom sounded excited as I sat down at the table.

"What? Are we getting another pet?" I asked. I wanted another horse, we already had two but my mom always said no.

"No, I already told you. In our family, on your fourteenth birthday, you change,"

"What do you mean change?" I asked, "Do we have powers?" I asked jokingly, acting like I was holding a magic wand, "Abracadabra!"

"Actually, yes!" my dad said. I put down my imaginary wand and looked at dad.

"You're joking, right?" I asked laughing nervously laughing.

My parent's faces were everything but joking, "No," mom stood up and a bright light surrounded her and when it disappeared, my mom had rabbit ears and a tail. My dad did the same, he had tiger stripes, ears, and a tail. "I have the spirit of a rabbit, every fairy is different though." mom said.

"Fairy? Fairys are fake-well at least I thought so. Wait, what is my spirit?" I asked, getting excited.

"You will find out on your birthday, tomorrow." the light appeared again and dad went back to normal. mom did the same.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"You weren't ready," my dad said.

"We should have told you sooner." mom sounded regretful.

"No, it's ok, I'm fine!" I say, feeling weird.

That night, I couldn't sleep, the same thing kept me up, what was my spirit? Mom walked into my room, "Dardicila, try to get some sleep, your big day is tomorrow." she said, sitting on my bed.

"Mom? Will you be angry if I'm not a cool animal?" I asked, feeling really lame for asking it.

"Of course not! Your father and I will always be here for you." she tucked me in. "Good night my little animal," she said leaving my room. soon after I fell fast asleep.

have fun reading, don't judge, this is my first time doing this

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