
My Knowledge Of Cultivation Is Completely Shattered

[Check out my other book it's way much better] Book Name: Project Relife: 2x Isekai System ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grand Elder pondered for a while before posing out his answer, "Aryan, have you read any history books on the old ways of cultivation." "What?!!" “Ah, how to say…. The answer you gave is invalid in this era. That cultivation system you are talking about is a two-millennium old history. I don't know how you came to know about those, but it's better to erase them from your memory.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is what Aryan got to hear from his gramps, on his fifth birthday. Wang Huang, a genius venerable cultivator from the ancient era, died in an unforeseen accident while searching for his path to immortality. After being stuck in a dark space for an unknown period, he took rebirth as the first son of Aditya and Anisa. Till the age of five, he was fantasizing of becoming an overpowered MC with a harem filled with seductive, voluptuous and alluring ladies. But little did he know at that time, that the world of cultivation has taken many twists and turns over the past two millennia, and his past knowledge of cultivation is outdated!!! Even though Aryan past life knowledge became trash in that new era, he didn’t give up on his dream of becoming an overpowered MC and continued his journey. But again, little did he know, that the upcoming future events, starting from Cultivation, followed by Cross-dressing, Sci-Fi, Cultivation Technique……… Will keep on crushing him and his world view!!

TokyoAnime_Seven · Fantasy
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210 Chs

The Seven Sages

As asked by his dad he removed the ring and threw it towards him. He caught the ring and showed Aryan four fingers, then three, then two, and at last showed him a grabbing motion.

Suddenly, Aryan felt a sharp pain in his head, not only that, but his body too became heavy all of a sudden. Tears and blood came out from his eyes, nose and ears. Aryan couldn't endure the pain and shouted out, "Aaahhhhhhhhh, gahhhhhhhhhhhh."

Seeing his son bleeding all over and shouting out in pain, Aditya wanna run near him and help, but he already had made up his mind and heart of not interfering in it.

Aryan continued his screeching and shouting for some time before he fainted from excessive blood, water, and chakra loss. Blood and water through his eyes, nose, and ears, and chakra through his forehead.