
My Idol is my Husband


Ash_rajpoot786 · Fantasie
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38 Chs

I met with my celebrity crush


She was going abroad with her daughter to her husband. Suddenly, she noticed that her bag containing the ticket was not there. She told her daughter that she was looking for a taxi from which they come to the airport.

Anya: After 10 minutes of waiting for her mother, she started crying and a girl come to her.

Alish: Tell me what happened, why are you crying, where are your parents?

Anya: Mamma was going to bring the bag and hasn't come yet.

Alish: Tell me where you were about to go

Anya: We were going to meet Dad

Alish: What should I do, should I wait I am getting late for my flight.

Sana: has gone way too far to find that taxi.

Alish: It seems that she left her daughter, otherwise she would have come now. Anya comes with me.

Anya: stop crying and Alish brought her along.

"A talented singer and CEO named Ali. He was known for his soulful voice and his entrepreneurial spirit, which led him to start his successful record label. Despite his fame and success, Alex remained humble and kind, always making time for his fans and giving back to his community."

Alish: Take a nap when she wakes up Anya went missing. She search everywhere but can't find her then she saw Ali when she go to his seat Anaya was there eating chocolate.

Ali: Why are you here, do you want an autograph?

Alish:Sorry Anya disturb you, Come, Anya

Anya: I don't want to.

Ali: Leave her until she gets to sleep then take her.

Alish: Again sorry, Can I have a selfie?

Ali: Sure, takes her phone and make a selfie then he gives her an autograph.

Alish: Anya baby comes with me don't disturb Ali, sir.

Anya: I will stay with Dad you can go.

Alish: Are You his dad?

Ali: I don't know her, you should know who is her father, I am helping you and you are creating a scandal for me.

Alish: My apologies Anaya Come with me or I will leave you here.

Ali: Anya do you wanna watch cartoons

Anya: yes!!! Mom didn't let me watch them.

Alish: He is handling the situation very nicely being a celebrity

Ali: I will inform you when she sleeps so rest assured.

Alish: Thank you so much I owe you

Then she went to her seat

Alish: How can this possible that Ali is his father but why does she seems attached to him? whatever I don't care.

sometime later

Alish: I will take her now, actually her father left her and she is in that trauma, you resemble her father that's why she is acting like that.

Ali: I enjoy her company she is very cute.

Alish: I didn't expect you to be humble in real life.

let me take her now.

Ali: leave her until the flight takes off otherwise she will disturb you after waking up.

The flight arrives at the destination Islamabad

Ali: leaves Anya and goes out.

Alish: was looking for a taxi and Anaya woke up

Anya: Where is Dadi?

Alish: he went to an important meeting.

Anya: Starts running

Alish: I don't know why I take her with me I am running after the child now at such a young age.

Ali: Anya what are you doing here?

Anya:Why did you leave me dadi?

Alish: Thank God, she is here. Anya, you are very annoying today ' behave like a good child and come with me.

Anya: you are not my mother I don't want to come with you.

Ali: Anya bad thing never says this again, say sorry.

Anya: Sorry Mom but I want to go with Dad.

Ali: Tell me your address I will leave you there.

Alish: I don't know how I will pay your favors.

Ali: Larry first goes to the mam's address.

Alish: I wish I would come to your concert.

Ali: Next week I have a concert in Islamabad you are most welcome.

They say goodbye and get into her house

Aizawl: Mother of Alish: welcome my beloved daughter has finally arrived.

Ben: Father of Alish: hugs her, how was your flight?

Anya: We enjoyed it with Dad.

Aizawl: Who is she, is she your daughter?

Alish: Mom I will tell you later

Anya: Mom I want to go with Dad.

Aizawl: She is saying you mom, so you have kids and we don't know even his father.

Ben: let her rest then ask.

Aizawl: We taught you were working there it's ok that you have e relationship with e kid but you should let us know.

Alish: I will not tell you in front of her.

Ben: Go to your room we will talk later.

Aizawl: picked up her bag and closed the door go to your husband.

Ali: you have left your bag.

Anya: Dadi can I come with you, Mom can't live in her house because of me.

Aizawl: So he is your husband.

Ali: It's all misunderstanding let her stay.

Aizawl: you have to take responsibility, I can't let her go now.

Ali: Take her hand and open the car door sit Alish. you will regret it, mam.

Aizawl: who you are to say me this go.

Larry: Sir where you wanted to go?

Ali: Take mam language and go to my apartment.

Alish: was quiet the whole time.

Ali: Thinking

"How can an arrogant businessman is solving people's family matters and are dealing with a child who is saying me, father? I have no choice but to give them space at my place right now then will solve this issue.

Anaya: Mom Stop crying.

Ali: thinking She is already upset how can I ask her where you wanted to go, I am not that mean.


Alish sits on the couch, lost in her thoughts as she reflects on the kindness and love Ali has shown to her and Anaya. Anaya is playing nearby, unaware of her mother's contemplation.


(whispering to herself)

Ali has been so incredibly kind to us, especially when my parents turned us away because of Anaya.

Her mind drifts back to the difficult time she faced when her parents couldn't accept Anaya as their grandchild due to societal pressures.



A younger Alish stands with Anaya in her arms, facing her disapproving parents.




How could you bring this child into our house? She doesn't belong here!




We cannot accept her. It's a disgrace to our family name.

Alish, heartbroken and tearful, walks out of her parent's house with Anaya, feeling rejected and hurt.


Alish's thoughts return to the present, where she finds solace in the support she receives from Ali.



But Ali, he welcomed us with open arms. He didn't hesitate to let us live here when I had nowhere else to go. He embraced Anaya as his daughter.

She gazes at Ali, who is playing with Anaya, their laughter filling the room. Her heart swells with gratitude and love.



He never made me feel like a burden, even though he had his own busy life and responsibilities. He is the epitome of kindness and generosity.

A sense of warmth and contentment washes over Alish as she realizes how fortunate she is to have Ali in her life.



He's not just my husband; he's not my best friend and he gets close like father to Anaya. I can't imagine my life without him.

As Ali looks up and catches Alish gazing at him with adoration, he smiles, sensing the depth of her feelings.


(softly, to Alish)

What are you thinking about?



I was just thinking about how lucky we are to have you in our lives. You've been so kind to both of us, especially when we needed it the most.