
My Idol is my Husband


Ash_rajpoot786 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

he let me live in his house

Larry: puts bags in his house

Ali: You guys can have the front room on the first floor.

Anaya: Dad your house is very beautiful.

Alish: I will arrange something tomorrow.

Ali: I have to leave now make sure not to open the door.

Khan: you are president now don't behave like a stupid singer. Because of you, our meeting was about to be canceled. Our guests were angry. If it were not for me they would have left.

Ali: Dad what is the bigger deal as if they left? Did you know I was in Lahore last night and my flight was late?

Khan: don't ever show me your arrogance, now come and deal with them alone.

Ali: I can handle them, I am a famous singer nobody can offend me.

Mr.Fawad: Welcome Ali, your last concert was a big hit, you are handling business and singing very well. No

Ali: I thought you guys were angry at me.

Mr.Hanry: we are because of your immature behavior, we have wasted a lot of our time. But this deal will benefit both of our companies.

Ali: I have read your file but if we create a pub near the hospital how can you say it will succeed?

Mr.Henry: our new product will not affect health even a patient can enjoy it. A person Laying on the bed can enjoy and have a party.

Ali: it is a good idea but I don't think I can approve this. We can't play with people's life.

Mr.Fawad: We will first test it with a group of people and if we get a positive response then it will be a great deal.

Ali: what is your product?

Mrhanry: it is a flavor energy drink with natural ingredients. It is alcohol-free but tests like it.

After few hours

Khan: well done my son they like your ideas. Come with me and have dinner.

Ali: How can you eat with immature like me?

Daniel:where were you, Ali, I was waiting for a whole day.

Ali: you have enjoyed yourself with your girlfriends don't talk like you missed me.

Daniel: you know me better than anybody else, do you want fun tonight?

Ali: of course I want but what about my privacy

Daniel: we can go to your home.

Anya: calls Ali

Ali: Hello, I am busy right now

Anya: Dad I need your help

Ali: What happened, where is your mom?

Anya: She is sleeping.

Ali: you should also go to sleep it's late.

Daniel: What happened, who called?

Ali: it wasn't an important call.

Daniel: Drinks

Ali: I have to go meet you timbre

Daniel: wait what about the girl?

Ali: I am tired and not in the mood.

Larry: Where to?

Ali: home. I don't know why I become this soft to let strangers enter my house and now disturb my routine. I am tired and angry right now.

Larry: Did you eat sir

Ali: No I haven't, I was busy the whole day, did you arrange my meal?

Larry: sorry sir I thought you would eat with your friend.

Ali: I have sleep hungry now.

Larry: Why don't you try kitchen garden restaurants its view and food both are good.

Ali: You know I don't eat outside.

At home.

After he opens the door Anya was sitting on the floor waiting for him.

Ali: What are you doing here

Anaya: Mom doesn't want to talk with me

Ali: She was probably sleeping let her rest.

Anaya: I am a hungry dad

Ali: I will cook for you.

Anaya: Do you know how to cook

Ali: I do, sit here and learn

Anaya: it is looking a tasty sandwich

Ali: taste it, and tell me how was it.

Anaya: It's yummy

Ali: Where is my reward

Anaya: kiss him.

Then he left her room and go to sleep.

Next morning

Alish: wakes up and ready breakfast, Anaya sorry I forget to give you dinner last time, you must be hungry come on and eat.

Anaya: Dad had made a sandwich for me.

Alish: you eat here, I am going to check with your dad. He might be tired, I should not disturb him.

Anaya: Mom I want to go to school.

Alish: when your dad wakes up, I will discuss it with him

Ali: are you guys talking about me?

Alish: you are up, I had set it table for you.

Ali: Why are you acting like my wife, I don't like it you are nothing to me. And why my house is messy.

Alish: I will clean it.

Ali: What have you decided now?

Alish: If I rent an apartment and for living expenses, I have to use my all savings.

Ali: I like your breakfast so I have decided to offer you a job, instead of going somewhere else they will not allow children.

Alish: you want me to be your chef

Ali: you have to do the cleaning, cooking, and laundry. I will pay you handsomely and you can live here as long as you don't touch my things and take care of my privacy.

Alish: You can have someone else, why would I do it?

Ali: I am giving you a favor and do you forget you owe me? I am helping you by giving you a salary.

Alish: ok I will accept as long I don't get any job.

Ali: My friend will come to my house today so don't come outside and take care of Anaya.

Because of you guys, I already had faced many troubles. and please ask her to not call me dad.

Alish: ok

Ali: Now go and clean.

Alish: How arrogant he is, I thought he is humble.

Daniel: Ali your manager told me you are not coming today, why are not you pick up?

Ali: I was sleeping, you know how busy the day I had yesterday.

Daniel: see you after one hour.

Ali: don't come, I have to discuss the schedule with my manager, you will get bored.

Daniel: see you soon bye-bye.

Ali: I can't rest until I have a friend like him.

Alish: I have done all cleaning.

Ali: Can you cook something nice, my friends are coming, I can't eat outside.

Alish: I will but you have to handle Anaya.

Ali: ok I will do that.

Anaya: Dad do you want to play with me?

Ali: Don't say me Dad again ok otherwise I will not talk with you understand?

Anaya: I am going to my room.

Ali: Go and sleep.

Alish: don't you know how to behave with children?

Ali: why would I know, I don't like an annoying child like her. Because of her, I had to come early at home last evening and left my dinner. I have plans with my friends. I am always busy and never had time for fun but I want my privacy. Don't mind just, please understand.

Alish: I know it's difficult for you to adjust, I will leave your house when l will find a place.


Alish and Ali are sitting on the couch, engrossed in a conversation when the doorbell rings. Ali goes to answer it, finding Daniel standing at the doorstep with a warm smile.



Daniel! What brings you here?



Hey, Ali. I thought I'd drop by and see how you both are doing.


(rising to greet him)

Daniel, it's so nice to see you. Come on in.

Daniel enters the living room, and Ali observes him closely, noticing a subtle change in his demeanor. Alish and Daniel start chatting animatedly, sharing stories and laughs from work.


(feeling uneasy)

Alish, can I talk to you for a moment?



Sure, Ali. What's wrong?

Ali leads Alish to a corner of the living room, trying to hide his jealousy.



I don't know, Alish, but it feels like Daniel is really into you. I saw you two laughing and getting close. It made me uncomfortable.



Ali, you have nothing to worry about. Daniel and I are friends, and that's it. You're the one I love, and there's no one else. You wanted to hear that but I am not like those girls whom with you play.


(still concerned)

You don't know him he is even worse than me, Alish I am warning you.



it's just that seeing us both like that made you feel jealous.



I don't want to be controlling, Alish. Why would be I jealous if I like you?

They return to the living room, where Daniel stands, giving them a knowing smile.



Am I interrupting something?



No, Daniel, you're not. Ali just had a little moment of jealousy, but we're good now.



Ah, the green-eyed monster strikes again.


You should go home now.


Ok I will leave you but will come tomorrow.