
After Action and UA Festival

Only two minutes after All-Might arrived and a minute and a half after Shigaraki escaped did the rest of the staff arrive including Nezu and Iida.

The students and myself were told to wait outside the USJ and wait for the police to arrive.

The only injuries were a few scuffs Bakugou got from fighting too many at once to dodge everything, a sprained ankle from Izuku who took out the strongest C Ranker with a high powered flaming kick, and a cut on Momo from a ranged attack she didn't dodge completely.

I didn't actually pay attention to all of that, Alfred did. I'd use the details he recorded to make the after actions reports and get Aizawa off my back. Technically I could have Alfred do it but I said I would so it's my responsibility. Mostly. There are a few diagrams and spread sheets I'd like to include in those reports and I'm having Alfred make those for visual aids.

For the most part everything went ok. Shoto quickly made two enormous ice walls to their sides and with their back to the door to escape if things got bad the enemies could only come from the front. The ice walls also stopped the sniper and long range attack quirk users from sniping from the side.

Izuku arranged Eijiro and Mina together to back up Bakugou. He grouped Denki, Yuga, and Tsu as a group to take one position and Mashirao, Rikido, and Mezo for another position which formed a triangle with where Bakugou's group was and any could help the other if needed. Mezo was given four maces by Momo which he used pretty well.

Momo, Kyoka, Hanta, Fumikage, Ochaco, and Toru were placed in a group Izuku told to restrain the downed and weakened villains. Hanta's tape or restraints made by Momo would be used while Kyoka would use her directional sound amplifier boots to disable those not already down. Toru the invisible girl snuck up on a few and Ochaco made the bodies weightless to me moved easier.

Izuku himself along with Koji assisted Shoto in keeping the villains from breaking the Ice walls and after a conversation which lasted longer than it should have, Shoto did create a large amount of flames for Izuku to use to strengthen himself. Koji acted as a scout as he could talk to animals and they would tell him who was coming and from where and he would tell Izuku who would change the arrangements. This proved to be the biggest help when three villains tried to sneak up on the group from underground and Izuku had Shoto freeze the ground into permafrost driving the diggers away before they could spring an ambush. That part I couldn't sense but Alfred inferred it when the diggers were forced to surface after Shoto froze the ground.

The teachers and policemen who heard the details were shocked by every part of the story. My own shattering of space to disable the warper, my instructions and later feats. Izuku's strategic mind and the strength and skill of every member of the class. The group of nineteen first year students stood up to a group of over 50 villains and knocked out or disabled more than half of them before All-Might arrived.

No. 13 got better as soon as the broken space healed itself which I was probably the most relieved about. He said that he wasn't exactly unconscious, more like dizzy and sea sick and nauseous at the same time. However he heard everything that happened and was aware of the details.

All the students were happily chatting and all of them were impressed with how well Izuku grouped them as they either covered each other's weaknesses or enhanced each other's strengths. Like Mina's acid worked great against people with high defense which Bakugou and Eijiro couldn't defeat right away. Denki and Yugo had strong attacks but were situational in use which Tsu could assist with allowing them go all out while Tsu watched their back and set up their targets. Mashirao, Rikido and Mezo could easily work together to pulverize tougher opponents and plough through weakers ones without issue. Izuku didn't even need to explain how to coordinate, they just fought naturally and they worked together very well.

I am glad it worked though. After the Trial of Combat Izuku and I had lots of NERD level conversation about which members of our class would match well with others and why. Those chats should have been fresh in his mind which was why I asked him to arrange the formations.

I did get some grief for not ordering everyone to evacuate since it was an option but it was minimal since all my considerations were logical even by Aizawa's standards and I had to make sure the A and S Rank didn't get out and kill everyone which was a real possibility. It was obvious in hindsight if the students ran the All-Might killer may have been ordered to attack which was the worst case scenario.

Nezu was still upset and did ask, "Why did you tell Iida to tell me two A Ranks when you clearly knew it was an A Rank and S Rank?"

"Because I didn't want you to imagine the pools of gore an S Rank Villain against a group of children would entail," I answer honestly.

Aizawa saw my whole plan for dealing with the S Rank from start to finish and explained to them how I yelled on arrival that my quirk was 360 vision and I didn't use my strength or shortcuts until Nomu moved to strike and fell into my trap. No one liked that I set myself up as bait for the strongest person but since my plan worked, I didn't get shouted at too much.

I also get reacquainted with the True Man, Detective Naomasa and meet the cat head police officer Sancha officially for the first time.

I directly told the teachers and police if the situation had just been one or even two A ranks I likely would have evacuated and left it to Aizawa until backup arrived but the S Rank presence made that too dangerous and unpredictable. Sensei easily admitted that if Nomu had fought against him, he'd probably get killed.

The entire time I'm speaking with everyone I'm staying next to the Nomu under the excuse I don't want anyone to misplace my sash. That's not exactly true though.

[Recording at 87% Sir.]

The sash had a function of capturing a target and I wanted it strong enough to bind All-Might. It was also nearly indestructible but its true purpose was something that Alfred insisted on. I don't need to capture targets and my Gi doesn't really need a sash. The Sash's true purpose is to inject a tiny amount of nanites into the blood of the captured target and record exactly how their body processes and creates their quirk.

Since Extremis was created to grant quirks by recreating the body, Alfred insisted on letting him do pretty much the same thing All for One intended on doing. He stated his primary goal was to achieve my goals without compromising my morals and using All for One's extremis on myself to grant me quirks copied from villains was ok with him. I argued for a while on that but I couldn't deny it enough and eventually Alfred got his way.

This is actually the first time I've done it and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. However Alfred is also unsure if he can actually do it without data and examples so this brain dead being with several quirks packed in will be the first to be recorded with nanaties. The van with the heavier restraints to take this guy to the Quirk Prison Tartarus won't arrive for another ten minutes which is five more than is needed to finish the scanning and retrieve the nanites back into the microneedles which injected them.

Nezu, a few other teachers, and the police ask me a few more rather annoying 'Why didn't you just ...?' questions forcing me to say over and over again that I couldn't do this or I couldn't do that. Nezu did ask a few more situation questions such as what would I have done differently if this or that and I had to give my answers and reasoning. I explained my sparring with the others under All-Might's supervision and my conversations with Izuku which is how I knew Bakugou was strong enough to stall until Izuku arranged everything.

Once everything was said and done the Van arrives and Nomu is set in new restraint. I grab the section of the sash where it can receive input commands from my gloves and the sash loosens enough for me to pull it away from the restrained beast.

I get asked a whole new volley of questions by the Tartarus Prison guards about my sash but I can only answer that it is special and won't be released to the public any time soon.

We're given the rest of the day off and All-Might offers me a ride home.

Once we're on the way he asks, "Did you think of any options that wouldn't have forced the children to fight?"

I honestly answer, "Only one. When the warper warped someone, it probably would have made a shortcut. It wouldn't have been quick but I could have waited for the warper to warp everyone then I could have individually retrieved everyone and set them outside. However without a shortcut out of the place and without knowing the limits of the warper it was too large a risk. Shigaraki did say the warper was just going to scatter us and the villains but for all I knew he could have dropped everyone into a volcano. Knowing how strong Shoto and Bakugou were and setting them up with their back to the exit had the smallest risk out of every plan I could think of, especially since I could monitor them and head over if anything went badly."

All-Might nods and says, "Most students take a long time before their first villain encounter and it is never safe to do so. Many a hero in training has fallen before they could achieve their goals. This said, I can't and won't fault your decision. You did the best you could, well beyond anything that could be expected of you and in doing so your whole class was able to get real experience without significant harm. With such experience in their belt so early into their training they will no doubt become great heroes in the future. I'm proud of you Baki."

Ok, I'm not blushing. Nope. World's greatest hero and pseudo father figure saying how proud of me he is won't make me blush.

Somehow, I can feel Alfred smirking at my expense.

All-Might continues solemnly, "Do you really think All for One created that nomu creature?"

I answer back, "Not alone. Shigaraki said it was an artificial human. I doubt a normal human can handle so many quirks. The one he called Kurogiri, the warper had a similar artificial presence. That guy not only had a quirk that could warp himself and so many others but was nearly intangible."

All-Might says, "And the fact that you took out that Nomu in a single punch means he knows of you now."

I laugh at that which makes All-Might raise an eyebrow at me.

I tell him, "Hiding from him was never an option. Even if I hadn't inherited One for All from you. However what do you think he'll find when he looks me up? A quirk that can hack the universe? Advanced metamaterials of unknown origin? A gap of four years after vanishing from a collapsing building? The more he learns the less sense I'll make and no one, not even you knows all my secrets."

All-Might asks, "You planned for him to learn of you? You're using yourself as bait once more, just like you did with the Nomu?"

"Kinda. No one but you and Nezu know about OmniTech even though my name is listed as CEO. I'm hoping All for One will use his resources to investigate me and I'll have OmniTech track anyone looking for me to find out what companies All for One is using. He's going to figure out my connection to it once I do but that's not something I could hide forever anyways so it's not an issue."

All-Might sighs but he can't naysay me. I've known about All for One since before I met him and he knows I'm neither overestimating myself or underestimating All for One.

All-Might drops me off at home and I start on the After Action Reports. I'm more than impressed with most of what my classmates did but I'm still angry that Shoto likely argued with Izuku before using his flames to help him. Yup, that goes directly into the report.

[Sir, there are two biotech resource production companies who have paid to have you investigated.]

Alfred gives me the details of the two companies and the routes he tracked to determine this. They're not technically drug companies, they make the base resources many expensive drugs require and sell them to other companies. It's obvious they could make and sell their own drugs for a much higher profit but doing so would require a lot more regulation and oversight. Certainly not a bad cover at least.

{Alfred. War has been declared. You know what to do.}

[Yes Sir.]

I start processing to strengthen the effect of Alfred's hacking and after an hour we have a plan.

Resource production companies can't be greatly harmed by hacking so the best way to weaken them is to make the resource they produce worthless.

For most resources this is difficult or even impossible, but drug production resources are different. What if the drugs they are used to make become worthless?

After figuring out which drugs those resources are used to make, I just need to introduce a different drug that has a better effect and is made using completely different resources. Since I happen to have a database of drugs hacked from the future, this isn't too difficult. Alfred has already figured out three companies to sell the production means and formula for three different drugs which are cheaper and better than the drugs made with the resources from All for One's companies. The testing will take some time but thanks to competition, money will likely be used to speed that up which in turn will make All for One's biotech companies bleed. If they still end up making money after that it will be all the reason needed to point out to the correct people and have an audit run on them.

I arrive at class early the next day and text Nezu for Aizawa's location so I can give him the AARs. Nezu texts back he is likely in the teacher's lounge and also asks me to email him a copy as well which I easily do.

Finding the teacher's lounge isn't difficult and Aizawa Sensei is on the couch in his sleeping bag.

I'd worry about waking him but it's obvious he's a light sleeper as he woke the moment I entered the door. "Sensei, I have the After Actions Reports."

The sleeping bag partially unzips and a hand emerges. I place the stack of papers on it and they are pulled into the bag which is zipped back up. Can he actually read in there? He doesn't say anything else so I leave and head to class. I'm not the only one who is early but I'm not gonna hand out the reports until everyone arrives since I don't want them asking a certain question. Then again, Izuku will probably figure it out. Well, it wasn't like I could hide that forever.

Once everyone has arrived in class I get the AAR from my bag and say, "Alright everyone, I know you're all proud of your performance yesterday and to be honest you all deserve to be. But under no circumstance should you ever think there is no room for improvement so I'm giving you each an After Action Report. This is an example of something you'll likely have to write yourself after anything exciting happens while you're a hero so keep this and use it as a reference in the future."

I hand out everyone's AAR and give them a few moments to go over it. It includes the actions they took, how they took them, and in the end it includes details such as possible room for improvement. The only one I don't write much room for improvement on is Bakugou's since he had the most responsibility and room to improvise so his pretty much went over his actions, his choices, and directly said damn fine job. Bakugou's only real weakness in combat is that his temper often overrides his patience but when he needed to go all out he did what he needed without much fault.

Shoto's however berated him for arguing with Izuku and pointed out five different situations which fire would have been better to use than ice and the consequences of using one over the other. However the rest of it said he did fine.

Izuku's only comment for what he did wrong was the situation which caused him to sprain his ankle. His report offered a few possibilities for stalling that could have been used over sacrificing his mobility for a sure strike but as hindsight is better than foresight it didn't go that much against him.

Izuku only goes over it for about a minute before he looks up and says, "Baki, you were able to keep track of all of us while fighting those villains with Sensei?"

I answer back, "After breaking space any form of teleporting is ridiculously painful for me but if anything happened I would have gritted my teeth and come over. I told you on the bus I can sense space but that also means I can sense where there is no space like a reverse image in my senses. I kept track of everyone since Sensei would have skinned me alive if I told him I'd protect you and anything happened while I was away."

Let's see if he figures it-

"Ah! You can see Hagakure!" Izuku cries out.

Called it. "From my senses she looks like everyone else." I answer back.

Wait for it...

Denki nearly shrieks, "Wait! You can see her in her hero attire so you've seen her naked!!"

Everyone looks up and me and I snort. "Listen, very closely. Clothing is mostly empty space unless it is skin tight. My senses show her the same as everyone else."

I give them a moment to process it before I shout, "I can see everyone naked!"

All the boys look like they have been violated and a few of the girls' shriek softly.

I continue, "It's been that way for me since I was four. Why do you think I gave you that preview on day one? I was just balancing things out."

Denki continues, "Yeah but you can see everything!"

I nod and turn around so my back is facing the class and say, "Raise your hand if you want to know who has the biggest package in class!"

The invisible girl raises her hand as does Mina who smiles shamelessly.

Even more shamelessly I shout, "It's me!" which has a number of guys and girls sputtering and from the posture of a few other girls, Momo included, they seem to be blushing.

I wait for them to compose themselves and turn back around and head to my desk a few moments before the door opens and Aizawa Sensei enters. He seems confused by the silence and a few of the faces made by the students but quickly loses interest.

Once at his desk he asks, "Has everyone gotten an After Action Report?"

He sees them nod and continues, "AARs are standard means of documenting events of significance and most heroes will make one and require those who work under them to make one for anything. Baki made one for you but in the future you'll be writing these up yourself. Does anyone have any questions?"

Everyone either understood or was too deeply into their own AARs to pay attention.

Aizawa nods and says, "I hope you all are now prepared because the next battle is already on its way."

The room got a little tense and he continued, "The UA's Sports Festival is approaching."

Hanta comments, "Oh yeah, this is an actual school."

Mina asks, "Wait, isn't that like totally something the villains would try to infiltrate? I mean, will it be alright?"

Aizawa Sensei answers, "We're going forward with the sports festival to show everyone how confident the school is that we can handle any situation. There will be a five time increase in police presence of course but we need to maintain the image that everything is under control. That's what heroes do and that's what UA will do."

Everyone understood the concept that a Hero is a symbol so how heroes act affects how safe the public feels.

He continues, "What you should be thinking of is what a huge chance the academy's sports festival presents for all of you. This isn't an event that will be brought to a halt by some villains. Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. With the loss of popularity in the Olympics due to the rise of quirks, the UA's Sports Festival has taken its place."

Momo says from behind me, "The Country's top pro heroes will be watching to scout for promising talents."

A few of the students began discussing which heroes they wanted to scout them and who they wanted to side-kick with but others spoke of the dangers of losing opportunities from being a side-kick for too long.

Aizawa interrupted the discussions and said, "Naturally becoming the side-kick of a famous hero will get you more experience and allow you to become more famous. Time is limited after all and if you get noticed by a pro that gives you the standing for a brighter future. This is a chance you only get one a year for a total of three chances. If you aim to be a hero this is an event you can't overlook!"

Everyone understood the gravity of the situation and got hyped up for the event. Aizawa explained it would take place in two weeks and everyone was expected to train.

"Baki, All-Might told me about that sparring session you held the other day. I'll supervise the next one and alternate each week with All-Might."

I rise from my seat and say, "Yes Sensei, I'll give you the details later." I then look over the class and ask, "Is there anyone else who wants to participate in the sparring? It mostly involves martial training and accumulating martial combat experience in an environment where serious injury isn't likely to happen."

Everyone raises their hand except for Shoto and the shy Koda and a few shout with excitement. I ignore the Shoto and say, "Koda, if you don't want to spar, you can still come over and watch the matches. Accumulating experience can be done through observation and when you're comfortable, you can participate as well."

Koda looked a bit worried but seeing the shining eyes of expectation from the rest of the class he nodded meekly in acceptance.

I say, "Since there are lots of us, the sparring session will take longer so please inform your parents you will be arriving home late or request a ride. For those of you who live close to each other feel free to offer rides home together."

Tsu says, "You're kinda awesome at being class president."

I shamelessly take a pose and say, "I am in fact awesome at everything!"

I get some boos but a few cheers as well.

Class goes normally and once lunch arrives we head off to discuss our plans for the next two weeks.

All-Might shows up from behind a corner and asks, "Baki my boy, would you care to eat rice with me! There are a few things I would like to discuss with you."

Ochaco laughs at the way he asks and I answer back, "Sure Sensei." I turn back to the others and say, "I'll talk to you guys after lunch."

We head into the teacher's lounge and All-Might says, "We got the report off that Nomu. It contained the DNA of several people in addition to those quirks you mentioned. In all likelihood, your guess was accurate. To be honest I'm nor sure how to feel about the fact. Even with you partially restoring One for All for me I'm not as strong as I used to be. If that creature was created to kill me, it would not have been a simple fight had your quick thinking not disabled him the way you did. His Super Regeneration was rated strong enough to quickly regenerate entire limbs and although that killer move of yours should have broken every bone, tendon, vien, and organ, that too was perfectly recovered from. Had that being been of sound mind I can't imagine how badly that could have gone."

I shake my head. "Had that guy made a single move without instruction I wouldn't have used Calamity Burst and instead devoted everything I had to him. My Sash was made to help me with against you the next time we spar so I would've figured something out with it. It just would have involved more risks."

All-Might smiled at that and said, "Glad to hear it. I have little doubt the audacity those villains displayed was due to the knowledge that I am not as strong as I once was. Although extended thanks to your miraculous efforts, my time as the Symbol of Peace is coming to an end. Before, that may have concerned me, but these days watching you has made me look forward to the day you take up that mantle."

Nope, totally not blushing. Nuh uh.

He continues, "Now about the Sports Festival. As you know it is a big event the whole country will be taking note of. I want you to use this event to announce that you, the next Symbol of Peace, Baki Yuto, have arrived! And I want you to make that known to the world!"

I give him my biggest smile and say, "That's the plan!"

All-Might smiles at my confidence and asks, "Do you know how the Sports festival operates?"

I summarize, "Each year partakes of three events with each event eliminating more and more students until all that's left is the top three. After each year's top three are determined, there is an All Grade Round Robin."

"Indeed. I want you to make it into the top three and show the world your might in the round robin. Do not be overconfident however as the top three of the seniors are highly impressive. Had I not met you, one of them likely would have become my inheritor."

"Oh really? I'm getting kind of pumped now. Bakugou's the only one that really gives me a challenge so that's something to look forward to."

Once finished I return and finish lunch with Momo and the rest. After the remainder of our classes are finished I feel a large gathering of people outside our door. Once the class is dismissed, I approach the door and meet the gaze of about twenty other students.

Ochako says, "What the heck?" when she notices the group blocking our exit.

Bakugou notices the look in their eyes and says, "They're scooping out the competition. They want to see the class that came out on top in a villain ambush. Bunch of assholes."

I interrupt, "The fact that they're putting the extra effort into scouting us means they recognize we're worth the effort. Maybe they want our autographs?"

A tall student with bags under his eyes and purple hair steps through the crowd and says, "I came to see what you kids are made of, true, but I didn't think you'd be this arrogant. Are all the kids enrolled in the department of Heroics this way? I'm disillusioned. So that's it huh?"

Hmm. This guy's using a conditional quirk. An emission type that will affect someone some way when a condition is met. He's also waiting for something.

He meets my gaze and asks, "Cat got your tongue? You know those who fail the Heroics entrance exam often get settled into general studies. The School Festival is a lot more than just a chance to show off. It is a chance for those of us in other courses to replace those of you in the Heroics course if we make a better showing of it than you. Consider this a declaration of war."

I smile back at him but don't say anything. His quirk is still waiting for condition fulfillment. He looks like he is about to say something else, but someone in the back shouts, "Hey you! I'm from Class B! I heard you knocked around with villains so I came over to hear it directly! But I don't want to hear it from some snot nose punk!"

What the? This guy is like Bakugou and Eijiro at the same time.

Oh, the conditional quirk just deactivated.

I take a step forward and say, "Declaration of war? Sounds good to me. My name is Baki Yuto, the number one student of UA and the next Symbol of Peace. Remember it" I give the group my most confident and shameless smile but Bakugou shouts, "Fuck you pervert! I'm the number one here!"

I look back and say, "You want to be the number one student in this classroom?"

I take a step out of the classroom and magnanimously say, "You wish has been granted."

"Goddammit you bastard! I'm gonna kill you!"

"That's about as likely as you even catching me. See you all tomorrow." I take a step back through a shortcut and appear at the entrance to the school. I can see through the shortcut Bakugou shouting some more profanities though I can���t hear them. Ah, life is good.