
My Hero Academia: the wishes

following the adventures of a transmigrator Otaku who loves and gets reincarnated into it. beware. im a lazy auther.

Tristan175 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs


after talking to the cops, all might and Yoruichi dealt with the problems that would arise around the incident, as his son slept peacefully…

It was only a full week did Karna wake up from his slumber… he was inside the U.A campus, and he felt terribly hungry…

He was only human with superpowers after all haha… sadly he wasnt a full soul reaper like yamamoto was, he could possibly discard this body, but what would the use be in that? He wouldnt be human anymore, though it didnt concern him much about the context of that, the fact is, nobody would be able to see him besides yoruichi, and some children.

As such it was a no brainer to not allow for such a thing to happen.

When he came to, Yoruichi who was at his side, woke up, and immediately mounted him, riding his already hard member that was morning wood…

"Missed me?"

"You know it… you bastard, you had me worried…"

I simply smiled, however it was at this moment, a certain father walked into the room…

He looked at us, and sighed… "im not in the mood for this, so could the both of you just seperate yourselves from each other for the time being?"

Hearing such an honest request from their father, they indeed did so… while karna smiled towards his father, who came close, and gave him a tight hug…

"I missed you, you made me proud." his stickly form trembled when he said those words… however if one listened carefully it was also one full of despair… why?

Because he didnt want to expose his son to the dangers of being a hero anymore…

But he had no choice… it wasnt his desire, but it was his sons… whos incredible power saved and held back a tide of darkness for his fellow teachers and students…


After they had some time to themselves, talking about what happened during the battle, all might nodded, telling him he now had permission to use his quirk freely around the campus of U.A!

This was a grand achievement, as now he was being treated well by nezu, who had sneaky suspicions that Karna had a deep darkness about him… someone who would kill without any remorse whatsoever… and they were right, however someone like him couldnt be assessed by their standards so they lifted the ban on his powers, in case her ever needed…


Upon arrival at class everyone gathered around Karna, and began to thank him profusely for what he did, and the fact that he stood up to people on the level that he did proved how strong he was… they couldnt get over the distance that was between themselves and him… as such…

They treated him as if he were an anomaly… and someone to be careful around, to respect, as the next possible symbol of peace!

They looked at him with awe, along with everyone else in the class… Yoruichi was immensely respected as well… as she had covered for them while they escaped while they stayed behind to fight, even if the fight itself was practically impossible.

The incident itself was aired on the news aswell, it showed the terrible destruction that occurred after they went away, and as such they became scared witless that they almost lost their lives… specially with all those nomus and villains running about…

Their dependency on Karna became incredibly high, and they began to see him as their hero and savior… much like how the people viewed all might they now viewed him in the same way. He was his son after all! Was their thoughts! However they also knew how cold and cruel he can be, so they didnt dare surround him.

Their eyes simply lit up upon seeing his presence. While izu heard of the terrible news from all might that he almost died during the incident, and he resolved himself to get stronger...

Then finally Aizawa came through the door and the class grew quiet…

"Good morning…" his tone was incredibly lazy, and if a bit slurred, he acknowledged the one student that came into class, the one who he owed his life to, more than once during the invasion… he didnt bother to correct him who seemed to be falling asleep at his chair, as he thought it was his to do with his current condition…

"U,A sports festival is near" knowing the class was going to ask he explained "this event is important, and it will show that our crisis management system is solid. And our security will be strengthened 10x times our previous year."

He said so, to assure the class, and his eyes lazily cast themselves to karna who was on the edge of falling asleep…

'So that doesnt happen again, i swear to you, and myself, i wont let a student die under my watch, it wont ever happen again.'

As such as he was thinking such things…

Karna was listening to Aizawa who was explaining that it was japans biggest event, and that big shot heroes were going to be watching the event as well, and that this was a big chance for them.

Needless to say everyone cast their eyes to me for some reason, and than began to show how pumped they were.

"Home room dismissed!"

As Aizawa said that and he disappeared… people from the other classes began to crowd around at the door…

Bakugo went to walk out of the room "out of the way extras!"

However before he could say anything more, a person appeared in front of her, and he glanced back towards her.. Making her blush…

Yoruichi also appeared at his side, and they simply stared at the group, releasing his killing intent, it was so thick and dense, that it made the weaker ones hurl up their lunch in fear right outside the door way.. And as he began to walk up closer to them, the thickness of it just continued to rise… making them all run away…

While the rest of my class looked at me with fear in their eyes… mineta was hurling up his lunch too, out of fear… along with a few others…

Disgusted, both yoruichi and karna disappeared in a flash…

"Wh-what the hell?! Hes gotten even more scary!"

Mineta who was finished hurling up his lunch shouted out…

While izu was scared out of his wits as well, and couldnt find the right words to defend his friend for acting in that way…


Everyone began to train themselves honing their minds, their quirks and their bodies for the sports festival.