
My Hero Academia: The “New?” Quirk

Bella_Bandy · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs


"America has always supplied heros with support items and villains with black market drugs none of them have quirks, but we don't know why," Bakugo explained.

"But why is it manifesting in Deku?" Uraraka asked.

Principal Nezu used the intercoms to call for Bakugo and Todoroki to meet him in their classroom.

Bakugo and Todoroki walked into class 1A and saw their principal and Mr. Aizawa waiting for them.

"How's Midoryia?" Todoroki asked.

"Stable," Aizawa answered.

"Izuku Midoryia is not the Midoryia we brought you to talk about," Nezu told the boys.

"Is his mother unwell?"

"It's not his mother."

Back in the hospital, Izuku jolted awake, choking on the ETT tubes the doctors inserted into his body to keep him breathing.

All Might and Inko, waiting outside his room, heard the commotion and immediately rushed in to see Izuku moving in a panic. The nurse rushed in and quickly took out the ETT; Izuku took a deep breath and calmed down.

"My baby!" Inko said, running to her son, and taking his hand.

The top of his face was wrapped in bandages from the surgery. He was still shaking from waking up, unable to breathe or see.

"Wh-whe-where am I," he asked as he grabbed his mother's arm.

"You're in the hospital. You're ok, honey," she said with a calming motherly voice.

"His eyes?" All Might asked the nurse.

"They're fine. The doctor was able to save them. He needs to keep them covered and apply a soothing ointment around them twice daily."

"For how long?"

"Since he's a UA student, he has access to Recovery Girl's quirk; if she lends her aid, he should be able to use them normally in a month."

"Thank you very much, young lady."

After the doctors checked his eyes, they let Inko be with her son. His classmates came to visit when they heard that he had woken up. They brought him snacks and one of his pillows and blankets off his bed at the dorm.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" Inko said as she sat up his bed.

"It hurts," he answered.

"Here, take another painkiller."

"How are the teachers? Miss Midnight? And Mirko?"

"They're both perfectly fine. Rumi told me to tell you that she was very honored to be sent to the hospital by you," Inko said with a smile.

"Her quirk is incredible," Izuku told his mother.

"Is she one of your teachers too?"

"No, but she's the number five hero! She's super strong and agile like Kacchan."

As the two were talking, someone knocked on the door the Bakugo walked in.

"Oh, Katsuki!" Inko said as she hugged him.

"I'll go so you two can talk."

"No. You both need to know."

"What's going on?" Izuku asked.

"Apparently, someone in America gained a quirk a few years ago, the same day All Might gave you One For All," Bakugo explained.

"Do they know who it is?" Inko asked.

"It's Pix."

"The quirk?"

"One For All."