
My Hero Academia: Harem for All Might

The Almighty is a great personality who has taken on the role of a symbol of peace. He became a bright sun for ordinary people, deciding to show all the evil in the world that heroes are not to be trifled with. A great personality with an equally great story, isn't it? Well, what will happen if a strong-willed, very curious and cunning person with his Napoleonic plans gets into his body? What will change if someone doesn’t want to pass on their power to their heir, continuing to act as a hero alone, so that eventually they can also begin to conquer the beauties of local Japan? Oh, this Almighty will definitely become the greatest figure for the whole world, making everyone on the planet believe in his power and perversity. patreon.com/Morgen69

Morgen12345 · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs


[The Greatest Hero System is designed to allow the user to quickly get used to new abilities and expand their arsenal. Developing along with the system, you, the user, will discover a completely different path for yourself and become several times stronger]

A rather promising sign appeared in the air in front of Toshinori. He carefully read the text and looked for any problem. Caution in such moments never hurts.

Now Yagi is in a completely unfamiliar world with quirks. He watched anime a long time ago and forgot many details. But there is some difficulty with the memories of the original All Might. All the knowledge of that hero was cloudy and quickly eluded the man's attention. Everything was superficial, including combat experience and service in America. The only thing that causes some kind of nagging discomfort and a strong response in him is the death of Nana Shimura and the seething hatred of All For One. This is something that can never be forgotten and slightly interferes with the concentration of the current Yagi.

[Currently, you can only transform into your combat form for three hours a day. But this can be easily fixed if you follow all the instructions from the system]

"So that's how it is. I am greatly limited in my strength, but according to the system, all this is a trifle. But... You'll have to complete some tasks. There's no point in complaining right now. I was given another chance at life, so it's worth listening to the system. Of course, everything also depends on the tasks themselves. I wouldn't want to make sacrifices and eat babies," Toshinori thought, tousling his blond hair, which felt like dry straw to the touch. He is not crazy and hopes that he has come across an adequate system without any perverted habits.

[I have two conditions for you to choose from, user. First: catch ten criminals. Duration: 1 day. Second: seduce one heroine. Duration: 7 days]

[Having fulfilled the first condition, you will receive the usual reward: + 3 hours for transformation. Having fulfilled the second condition, you will receive a special reward: + 6 hours for transformation and an additional quirk of one of the previous owners of "One For All"]

After reading the system messages, Yaga's eye twitched in irritation. Considering his thin appearance, it looked extremely creepy. Well, at least I didn't choke on blood. The mechanism from the gods never ceases to amaze him. It would seem that the system wants to make him the Greatest Hero, but... Stop, stop, he didn't remember that in the anime someone became stronger from seducing women.

"The second task is very unusual. Seduction? Do Great Heroes do such things? Some kind of dregs, nothing else!" - Toshinori wondered to himself. Plus, the rewards from the second task are much better. This is partly logical, because seducing someone is harder than beating them. And yet... "The system seduces me with rewards and wants me to seduce the heroine. A funny paradox! - the man found it very funny. Eh, it seems that he finally came across a perverted system. He has good luck.

- "OK. To begin with, I will fulfill the first condition, and if I fail, then I will proceed to the second. The rewards are good. At the moment I have a very limited limit, but if I complete the first task, I can be a hero for a full 6 hours. That's twice as much! Well, if I do the second, I'll get some other quirk. Not bad," Toshinori said out loud. He had never experienced seducing girls to the fullest extent of this word. In his past life, he usually just went to a club and easily found a partner for the night there. Everything according to the precepts of a single and sometimes drinking person.

And yet, this is catastrophically different from the seduction of real heroines, who must be strong in both body and spirit. But it is not so simple either. Especially with All Might's battle form. By the way, about her.

One mental wish and a loud bang is heard in the hall. There was no trace left of the thin, gloomy man with a cold gaze. In its place stood a real wardrobe with a height of more than two meters. A wide grin on a brutal face. The blond, disheveled hair fell back on its own, leaving only two blond hairy spikes on the top of her head. The white T-shirt hugged titanic muscles. With such appearance and fame, only the original Toshinori Yagi, who was afraid to make any new acquaintances, could remain a virgin.

- "Ha ha ha. I feel a strength I have never seen before! It's as if a real fire of primordial power is burning inside me! I feel like I'm allowed to move mountains!" - the grin on the man's face became wider and wider. He spoke in a loud voice, perfectly imitating the original All Might. All those cloudy memories turned out to be useful, so Toshinori doesn't have any problems identifying himself at all. The knowledge is not superimposed on his basic personality, but helps him correctly hold the mask of the Symbol of Peace.

"OK. I have very limited time. Just three hours to complete the first instruction. We need to take action as soon as possible. But nothing is said about punishment. Suspicious" - and yet All Might quickly brushed all these thoughts aside and went out into the hallway

y cottage. Judging by fragments from his memories, now he still has not found an heir and has not yet started working as a teacher. Interesting!

This all leads to one thought: Yagi got there before the canon began. Very good news according to the man.

Next, Almighty quickly locked his cottage on the outskirts of Musutafu, and then walked a couple of meters away from the house, fixing his gaze on the sky. Vague fragments of memories suggested how to act correctly in combat form, so Toshinori wasn't too worried. Exhaling the air from his lungs, he quickly pushed off the ground and jumped high into the sky. With his actions, he raised a strong wind, and then dust. However, after that the Almighty didn't care about anything. He felt real euphoria from new sensations.

- "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT!" - Yagi exclaimed fervently in flight, flashing a snow-white smile. He had never experienced such sensations. The air hits your body, and you absolutely don't care about it. You tear through the clouds and it seems to you that soon the sky itself will become your subordinate. Using the strength of his legs, All Might pushed off so hard that he flew into the center of the city like a cannonball.

Cutting through kilometers from the air, the Almighty saw beneath him many ants, or, more precisely, peaceful civilians. At least for this view it was worth starting life again. Yes, he will no longer look for himself somewhere, he has already found himself. Among the clouds, hiding in the blue sky, Yagi understood that harmony had already been achieved.

And yet, Toshinori did not forget about his main task. Catch ten criminals. The deadline is one day, but this is only an illusion, because in reality he only has three hours of combat form. The system is cunning, but nothing can be done about it. You need to take what they give you and not show off too much. This was the plan he was sticking to now.

Jumping from one building to another, Almighty tried to find at least some villain with his tenacious gaze. Even a petty thief will do, what can I say, he is not particularly whimsical. Nothing was visible yet, but five minutes later some criminal finally put his impudent face on public display.

A man in a ski mask quickly flew out of the door of a grocery store. Instead of legs, he had silvery springs, and he himself rode away from any trouble, holding a bag full of money in one hand. He was wearing a light T-shirt and shorts. He did not keep any weapons with him.

"Here comes my first victim!" - Almighty landed on the roof of a three-story building and quickly stretched his fists in great anticipation.

Then he bounced off the surface again, causing the stone roof to crack slightly, and quickly rushed towards the criminal with the springs. Waves of wind rose throughout the street. Residents who watched the fleeing criminal could barely stand on their feet. Almighty, like a real rocket, rushed just above the road, thrusting his fist forward.

- "Feel the fist of justice!" - Toshinori exclaimed loudly, hitting the villain on the back, who had never expected such an attack, jumping along the sidewalk. With a distinct crack of bones, the figure of the criminal lost all support and crashed into a traffic light. The Almighty himself smoothly slid along the asphalt and looked at everyone present with the gaze of a righteous fighter.

- "Now everything is all right. Why? Because I'm here! - these charismatic words fell from Yaga's lips on their own. The powerful timbre of the voice and the strongest brutality of all are dangerous weapons. Everything happened as if nothing had happened. It was as if no one had heard the vile crack of bones. The audience recovered from their shock and burst into applause, thanking the Almighty for his work. For all of them, he was a savior and a hero. Someone you can and should rely on. An insurmountable wall for villains and a protector for civilians.

"I think I'm starting to really like all of this," a shadow crept onto his face. The money thief received a powerful blow in the back and definitely broke his spine, but... Toshinori felt nothing. He didn't feel sorry for him. "If you become a villain, then be prepared for the fact that I, the Symbol of Peace, will definitely come to you and punish you," Yagi said mentally, throwing a last very merciless glance towards the criminal. He has taken on an important role and is not going to spare the villains.