
My Hero Academia: Benimaru Shinmon

Benimaru Shinmon in the world of superheroes and villains. What will he accomplish? Read and find out. Support me on: pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW Not my picture, inform me if you want it taken down.

DodgyWriter · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Sports Festival 3

Fire spewed out my arms, burning the sleeves of my tracksuit as I flew over the competition.

When the gunshot was heard everyone piled into the narrow passageway, fighting to get past each other. I just skipped all that by flying above them, as I landed ahead of everyone a sheet of ice tried forming at my feet which was quickly stopped by the heat coming from my flames.

Todoroki just froze most of the competitors as soon as the race started, letting him take the lead right form the get go.

As he passed me I casually went over to the white barrier at the side of the track. A quick heat assisted chop was all it too for me to cut myself a ride.

The few people who had manged to get out of Todoroki's were able to see me take off into the sky past a raging Bakugo.

I never even took more than a second to both catch up to and surpass the current number one. If I were to make an assumption I'd say my speed while flying is the best out of all the first years, possibly even the school, but I'll save my assumption for when I get a better look at the other years.

Moments after whooshing past Todoroki I arrived at the area where a bunch of zero pointer robots were lying in wait for the the students.

The first obstacle wasn't even a challenge for me, by the time they even started moving to stop me I was already past them. While those bots are stronger, their speed leaves much to be desired.

I'm sure the other's will have a bit more difficulty passing them... maybe?

Next up was an area filled with tall stone pillars connected to each other by tightropes. Beneath the pillars was a deep pit, deep enough that wouldn't end well if you fell down, but this is UA they've probably got something to protect the students from falling. Can't have students dying during a sports festival, bad for pr.

This obstacle was even easier than the last one, at least in the last one I actually had to move round the robots. For this all I had to do was fly in a straight line to continue the course.

Having a flying type quirk would give you a massive advantage in this race and a massive advantage in fights. Never underestimate an opponent that can move in mid air. Imagine if the USJ Nomu could do that, if that was the case that fight would've been exponentially harder since it'd still be able to attack me after I made a dodge. Luckily that wasn't the case and I had an easy time avoiding it's blows.

Although all the flying I've been doing recently has gave me an idea for a support item that would save me the hassle of finding something to ride on every time I wanted to fly at high speeds. Over the past two weeks I've managed to get some rough sketches made, and I'll probably swing by the support department after this to get their opinion on it.

Anyway back to destroying everyone at the obstacle course.

The final obstacle was a mine field...yep you guessed it.

I flew right over it.

The guys that made this obstacle course must be fuming. I've just avoided every single obstacle just because I could fly, which made it less of an obstacle course and more of a race to me.

Their lucky theirs not many pure flying quirks in the first year ranks, otherwise this challenge would've been reduced to a joke. Bakugo could avoid everything like I done, albeit at a slower speed if he can keep up those mini explosions food the entire race.

After I passed the mine field all that was left was to flying back to the stadium to complete the loop. At this point I was so far in front I couldn't even see anyone else, so chances are I'll be waiting in the arena for a while.

Upon arriving at the gates I slowed my speed down to make sure I never burned anything when passing through the tunnel. As soon as I made it back into the inside of the arena, the crowd burst into cheers. Everyone was balling at the first competitor to complete the obstacle course, and with a landslide victory at that.

The Asakusa section was basically having their own festival at this point. Drinks were being threw around, people were dancing and their fanaticism with me was growing by the moment.

Present Mic's commentary resounded around the stadium only further egging on the already wild crowd.

As all this was going on around me I floated on my mount and watched the others doing the course.

Seeing the images of the first stage robots gave me glimpses of Todoroki's firepower. I was impressed, that ice of his packs a punch. The only people I think that could match him is Bakugo and Deku. Even if he quirk destroys his body when he uses it, I can't deny the sheer power it has.

A while after I finished, the rest of the contestants finally began to arrive. Deku taking second place was a shocker, the way he done it was no less that impressive though even if it had required a fair bit of luck. Todoroki and Bakugo came in at third and fourth respectively, each having a scowl on their visage for their placing. Fourth was a vine haired girl from class 1-B, while fifth ended up being a boy with shaggy blonde hair and no lips from the same class.

By the time all of the 42 spots available for the next round were taken, everyone in class 1-A and 1-B manged to get a space with Aoyama synching the last spot. The two students that weren't from the hero course out of the 42 was a pink haired girl with a mature body covered in all types of support gear highlighting her place in the support course, and a tired looking blue haired boy from the general studies course.

Once the last contestant made it back to the stadium Midnight took to the stage once again.

"The first game for the first years is finally over and what a game it was, now lets take a quick look at the standings shall we"

As she finished a slideshow appeared on the big screen showing all the participants positions, as we as their pictures. Once it ended the next challenge appeared on the screen.

'Cavalry Battle'

"Allow me to explain, the participants will form groups of two to four people as they see fit. IN theory it's basically the same as a regular playground game but there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results of the obstacle course."

"The point assignments go up in increments of five starting from the bottom, for example 42nd place is worth 5 points and 41st is worth then, and the point value assigned to the 1st place contestant is... 10 million!"

As soon as Midnight dropped the bombshell, everyone taking part in the next round looked at me like I was a tasty bit of meat.


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