
My Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul Yearns For Her

Jwolf1224 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

The vampire princess and the future alpha(ruthless and cold)

Sabrina the first daughter of count dracula. Out of her three siblings she was the most feared by her people and followers. Feared for her immense power, her ruthlessness and her will to do anything to make sure that the vampires become the strongest. She, her father, her siblings and a few others are the last pure blood vampires that still exist as far as they know.

As the first born sabrina had to go through different trials to prove herself Worthy of being the next leader. Trials that she thought was a waste of her time. During one of these trials she encountered a small group of hunters. Nothing more than trainees that got way over their heads. That night she killed all fifteen hunters, not even bothering to feed or turn them. Saying that they had not excited her enough.

Soon her name as the ruthless vampire princess reached even the ears of the werewolves who paid her no attention, deeming her nothing of importance. Until it got around that she slaughter five of their m with out trying, ALL BYE HERSELF.


"Sabrina this must stop." "You can't keep just sending them out." "Eventually they end up all dying!" Came the irritated and displeased voice Antonio, Sabrina's personal guard. She always questioned why she need a guard and why him. She found him irritating and annoying.

"Antonio, whatever I do with my people is up to me not you." She said not turning to look at him instead looking at the mountains far out.

"Your father left you in charge to protect this place while he's gone. But instead your sending people out to die!!" He shouted at he gaining a bit of courage. Apparently he had forgotten just whom he was speaking to.

Those around them all stopped moving. Some shaking with fear and others just wondering how one person could be so foolish. He was strong yes, but against sabrina he was nothing but a mere ant that she so wanted to get rid of.

"You've forgotten your place antonio." She said. Her once black eyes flashed red for a moment. She looked at with with nothing but disgust and the need to kill. "Maybe I should remind you of just were you stand." She said rising from her seat. "I will not just stand by and watch you send our people to die!" Antonio shouted standing up to meet her eyes. At this point most of the on lookers had quickly left not wanting to she what would be fall the poor fool. Those that stayed wanted to she him get put down, having grown tired of him acting as if he was the own really in charge.

He was about to make another smart remark when he felt all the air leaving his body, and a second later he was five feet away from where he was, lying on the ground trying to hold on to consciousness. He slowing got to his feet ready to retaliate against whoever attacked him. His eyes changed into a shade of bright red. But as he was about to charge at his at his attacker he froze.

His eyes reverted back to normal and his entire body shaked with fear. Infront of him was no longer the girl he was speaking against instead their stood someone who looked at him with hate and the lust to kill. Her blood red eyes looked at him. The more he stared into them the more fear he felt. He wanted to look away so badly but he couldn't. As she slowly stepped closer to him he wanted to run, run somewhere far where she couldn't find him, run someplace where he could continue living. But his body refused to listen to him. It was as if his own body did not serve him, but another master,A master who was now coming to end his life.

When she finally reach him she grabbed him by his neck holding him above the ground. "You forget who's presence your in antonio. I should end your life right here and now. But no. I have something even better." She said dropping him. "Tell me Antonio, We vampires gain strength by feeding on blood. And we also grow our numbers by turning humans. So why would I send our people to into the hunters territory with out any good reason." She said looking at him, her eyes never wavering, not even for a second.

"You i'm doing nothing more than sending them to die. But out of all that i've sent so far how many have returned?" She asked him.

"All princess." He answered looking at the ground. "Good I'm glad you now understand. So tell me me. Do you think you could do the same." She said hiding a smirk. "Without any questions." He answered quickly still not looking up from the ground.

Hearing this her smirk grew wider. "A small group of hunters have been spotted getting too close to our turf. You and I will be the ones to look into this matter. This will determine if I kill you or not." She said walking away. "Come antonio we leave in to hours. And take nothing with you. This will be a test of your own strength." She said be sad as a last warning warning.

After she left antonio just kneeled there on the ground unmoving. He was now realizing just how dangerous and ruthless sabrina could be. All this timemhe had been underestimating her. He made up his mind that he would take what ever punishment he received with pride.

Sabrina had led antonio to where the hunters had been situated. With a wicked grin she pointed at the small camp from the tree they where in. With the moon light shining on her face, her grin looked somehow more sinister. "This is it antonio, your gonna go in there and kill every last one of them. Leave absolutely no survivors." The look she had in her eyes when she told him this gave him an unsettling feeling.

But not wanting to disappoint his future queen anymore he kept silent. Without needing to be told he jumped out from their place amongst the leaves of the trees and made his way into the small camp to begin his slaughter. He moved from tent to tent killing every hunter he found before one got away and alerted the others. But all he did was sentence them to a their graves faster.

While he continued to wipe out the hunters sabrina remained in the tree watching. Her main objective was not for him to wipe out the hunters. No, they were much too weak to put him in a life or death situation. She was hoping that they encountered something much more dangerous. If her suspicions was right their should be a group werewolves coming their way.

Just as she finished that thought a loud howl came from the woods. "Sabrina!! Werewolves, their hear, we should leave they have us far out numbered!" Antonio said coming back to where she was. The panic in his voice gave her a feeling of satisfaction. "I know their hear antonio. In fact, their your real test. Bye what it seems their should be about ten or eleven down there." She said looking at him with a craze look in her eyes.

"Bye myself?, but I can't there's too many. He said the fear showing itself in his voice. "I don't remember asking if you could. What I said was to go back down their and remove them from this world. They are our enemies and if you don't kill them they will do more than just end your life. Now get the f**k down their and start killing. She said kicking him off the tree.

Despite every part of his body not wanting to go, he rather die fighting than for sabrina to kill him. He knew that she would make his death long and painful. She would torture him for days in the worst way. And just when he thought it would it she would start it all over again breaking his mind to the point he didn't know himself but still could feel pain. At that point a simple brush from a feather would feel like a bullet.

Making up his mind that if he was going out he would take as many of those wolves as soon as he could he re-entered the camp he was struck by something strong. The force of the blow sent his crashing into the base of the tree sabrina was in.A frown made its way on her face, but not for him, but the fact that he was taken down so easy.

Looking down on him she saw him stand back up not looking all that hurt. Just as he got up he had to jump away from a strike aimed for his head. The way of the now fully transformed werewolf got stuck in the tree, providing him the the opportunity to kill it. With a swift move he grew and harden his nails and shoved it right where its heart was.

With out wasting anytime he stepped into the dark using it to hide himself. Within the next fifteen minutes he killed five more werewolves. Now he was surrounded by five more. But these ones were different. They were taller, stronger, faster and moved like experts, unlike the ones he had killed who acted like it was their first time in a fight.

His mind was trying to think of a way to escape. Then he made eye contact with him. This one was slightly bigger than rest. His eyes told him that he would rip him apart without a second thought. He came to the conclusion that this was the group leader. In a moment of stupidity he figured that if he took out this one the rest would leave.

Without giving it a second thought he launched himself at the supposed leader. What surprised him was the fact that instead of trying to stop him the rest moved out of his to his confusion. But in the next second he knew why. The leader looked at him with a cruel smirk that he only ever saw on sabrina. When he realized his mistake it was too late. The beast simply held out his large clawed and furry hand and caught him by the neck.

"I find it amusing how much you over estimate yourself. To think that because you took out a few newly turned you think you could take one of us. The elite." It said his voice Filled with amusement. With the same grin that antonio had come to associate with bad news. The beast grabbed his left leg. It looked at him in his eyes and smiled. The smile at did not sit well with him. It was the smile of a predator ready to play with its prey.

With a swift movement it tore his leg off his body, gaining a loud and terrifying scream of complete pain. Not stopping their it grab his right leg and slammed him in the the ground over and over while the rest watched and laughed. Growing tired of him it threw him into a tree a few feet away. The force of which he made contact with the hard surface of the tree was the last blow fore him. From the blood loss from his leg to the pain of being slammed over and over again drove him into unconsciousness.

With a look of satisfaction it threw his severed leg at his unconscious body. "Out of every vampire I have he was the most disappointing."it said earning a round of laughter from the rest.

"I agree. He was pretty pathetic. They only reason he got a high position in our ranks is simply because his father was rather close to my father." Sabrina's malicious voice said. She slowly stepped out from shadows and into the moonlight. With her smooth pale sink, her shining black eyes,perfect curves, her small waist and her long black hair that reached a few inches past her shoulders, she looked truly beautiful. Almost like a goddess.

With out any warning a new werewolf made itself know by jumping over a tent, its goal to end the life of the vampire in front of it. Sabrina showed no sign of distress as the beast came at her. As it drew near to her she moved her hand at it at incredible speed, crushing its heart in its chest.

The others except the leader got on guard. Wanting to see exactly what she could do he ordered the rest to kill her. What happened next did not come as a surprise to him. Sabrina moved between all her attackers like a dancer. After they were now all behind her she looked him. The ones behind her all fell to the ground dead. Gaping holes where their heart once was.

Looking at the leader she spoke. "How does it make you feel that I killed your elites without breaking a sweat. He looked her and laughed out."They might have been elites but they were not mine. They were simply the strongest out of their group. Nothing compared to the elites that i command." He answered.

He slowly began to shrink in size. His extended snout, fur, and claws began to revert back to normal. Soon standing in front of her was a 5 feet 10 tall boy that looked no older than her. His dark brown eyes held a wild look in them as he gazed at her. He held his right hand in front of his face as his nail grew longer and sharper.

Sabrina saw this and with a excited grin hers soon did the same. "I might as well no the name of my enemy." She said getting ready.

"You might not live past now so knowing it will do you good. But so be it. The name that was given to me by my father and mother is Jason. Jason future alpha of the werewolves. He answered with a chuckle as he crouched low, his left leg in front andnhis right at the back.

Sabrina laughed." Big words coming from someone who's about to die. I am sabrina. Daughter of count dracula. Princess and future queen of the vampires. Give me good fight before you die." She said pointing her now lethal hand at him.

With out a word the ran at each other exchanging blow after blow. Seeing his opening Jason kicked her in her stomach. Not letting this keep her down she got back up and made for him. He was not expecting her speed and her hand stabbed him right in his chest. Enraged by this her slashed at her lower abdomen leaving a wound just as bad as the one she had given him.

Jumping away from each other they both fell on their knees. "Your not as weak as i had thought." Jason remarked as he tried to catch his breath.

"Your proving harder to kill than I excepted. But that just makes this all the more fun." Sabrina said sounding just as tired.

Just as they were about to continue loud shouting came from the forest around them. Looking at where they heard it they saw lights moving closer to them. "Its seems the hunters have prolonged your life." Sabrina said as she stood up, her wounds healing already except the last one.

"Lets pray thay I don't she you again princess. For it shall be your last." Jason said his wounds already healed except the one one his chest.

With out saying another word they both left the area. Sabrina bringing antonio's unconscious body and severed leg.